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Old 02-01-2021, 08:00 PM   #19
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
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Default Re: Depression, Anxiety

I was less than impressed with my emergency admission a few years ago, by the time I saw the doctor and spoke to him I had been waiting a few hours and calmed down somewhat. His advice was to try yoga..

This was after I was told to go to the mental health unit after speaking to a nurse on the phone when I was at breaking point. The nurse spoke to my mother and told her to take my car keys away and not leave me alone until I had been to the hospital.

Chris - maybe they figure if you are sitting in the waiting area you can be 'watched' and are not at high risk, just a thought.

I'm almost at the end of having two weeks off work and there hasn't been much sunshine or clear days at all around here to get out and enjoy it. I had napped almost everyday and spent way too much time on the lounge watching TV.

Maybe I'm lazy, or depression is ramping up again or maybe I just needed a break to rest and reset..

I'm now back on the vitamin D tablets because there is no sun around, I'm trying to clean up the diet (or have it be less terrible) and also getting some exercise in. I don't want to set massive unobtainable fitness goals so i'm aiming for improving over yesterday and trying for 2km walking a day.
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