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Old 13-07-2021, 02:00 PM   #1414
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Default Re: Depression, Anxiety

I have been told in the past to slowly taper the dosage as you come off the meds. This time I was on 'only' 50mg of zoloft daily so I went cold turkey, I had the brain zaps for maybe a week.

In theory maybe I should have dropped to 25mg for a week or two, then 12mg, etc.

I have previously been warned against having 50mg, then skip a day, then 50mg, skip a day, etc as a way of coming off the meds.

maybe 5 years ago my GP (retired now) was getting me to try one form of antidepressant for a few months, if that gave no result I would change the type of meds and start again. I eventually ended up seeing a psychiatrist and she got me on to the type that worked for me almost straight away. GP's can hand meds out like tic tacs but the psychiatrists are better trained and on top of what is available and what should work.
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