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Old 03-12-2021, 10:59 AM   #4025
Join Date: Nov 2016
Location: Perth Australia
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Default Re: What made you feel good today?

Originally Posted by jaydee View Post
What the...?
What a dog trick.
I hope you made a formal complaint to the hospital.
You could also make an assault complaint to Police.
Nothing was done, zilch, physically it's an impossibility for me to sort out, I like and have always looked after my own business, but this was nasty, I couldn't move, I had to hold the drain tube with my right hand, my left is a "claw hand" lost my complaint, police said its hospitals business, hospital said they found no evidence of an assault, so there ya go, and nobody knew I was there, except my neighbours, and AFF, but I hung with some ******** people in my life and how they knew I was in there has got me stuffed, got told Friday and operated on Monday, just makes you wonder who has access to your personal information, but I recognised him from my past, regional town drug dealer, I complained to local ranger about too many used "picks" syringes at a certain place, a very public place during the day, but don't walk there at night!

It's not nice stepping on used needles, very sad really, but this dog now has his car number plate on a certain website in NSW, and on either side of the number plate are 2 magnetic anti Islamic stickers, put on for the photo and then removed, oh well ya get back what you give out!

But the hospital failed me badly, I walked out after 2 and a half days, for my own safety of course, but their head of security an ex WA detective, ex Federal Police, ex NSW detective would not let me see the photo id's of the hospital wardsmen? told I was given too much Ketamine and was hallucinating, lol, 2 doctors walked in while it was happening and they stopped immediately, the doctors did not come forward to back it up, I would of been a goner if they dident turn up!
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