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Old 01-06-2022, 11:11 AM   #841
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Default Re: Genuine Ford Parts

Originally Posted by Ashwin View Post
Hi GT.

After a water pump (incl of pulley) for an AU3. Some references indicate it may have been AU2 8501KTPP at some point in time. However I can only find BA8501KTPP now (BA BF FG).

Any chance of the AU one still been available or who may be the OEM supplier ?

Hi Ashwin,

I am going to assume its a 6 cyl 4.0 as the part numbers you refer to are for that engine. You are correct the original water pump with pulley kit had a part number of AU28501KTPP but it is no longer available and long obsolete. The water pump itself had a part number of AU28501KT but is the same in being obsolete and no longer available from Ford. The pulley alone AR2Z8A528AA is still available.

Early BA's used the same AU pump until 10/2003 then in 11/2003 they changed to the BA8501KTPP and BA8501KT respectively. The pulley remained the same. All of these are still available.

I am sure they are not backward compatible. I think it may have something to do with the way the heater pipe goes into the back of it and changed from just a press fit to one with a clamp and bolt and the boss of the water pump where the pipe goes in is different and the actual pipe is different to between AU and BA.

Unsure of who the the OEM supplier is of the pump, but I think the body may have been cast by Ford themselves and then ACL bearing and a few other local suppliers made the pump internals and Dayco the pulley.
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