Thread: Covid 19 -
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Old 08-01-2023, 04:23 PM   #19566
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Default Re: Covid 19 -

Originally Posted by prktkljokr View Post
My doctor is not vaccinated against Covid, and like I posted before I am vaccinated for everything else that has been proven for many years before I was vaccinated for it, I do know that there are people that have had adverse reactions to vaccines in the past but all previous vaccines I have already had have been refined over many years to the point that said reactions are very rare, Covid vaccines have not been refined yet anywhere near any of the other vaccines, and If I was to guess the effectiveness of the Covid vaccine I would give it a 10% effectiveness as it does stop you contracting Covid for a few months, but so does catching it .

My views are not directed at anyone so please don't take offense

Its funny how heated people get when you tell them you are not vaccinated for Covid and they seem to jump straight onto the anti vaxxer status and think you are some disease carrying weirdo, but in reality it makes no difference if you are or not vaccinated for Covid, Covid is here to stay, we have to deal with it each in our own way, if you think a jab in your arm is going to be better for you than not getting it then go for it, I am not going to stop you, but I would at least like the same respect because I choose not to.

This is a discussion about Covid, it should not just be one sided or have an agenda, you may see some benefit in the vaccine that I don't, I would like to hear it just as much as I would like to hear from people who see no benefit, I will add my 2c worth in on things I see differently or I think is not right, but that's what a discussion is for isn't it?, isn't this how we make informed decisions from these sort of discussions, to close your self off from other peoples views does not help.

You can call me a crackpot or a anti vaxxer and not even read my posts that's ok I'm a big boy, but you wont change my mind by just taking a snippet of my post and not explaining why this vaccine does not do anything, we are still spreading it, we still catch it, we are still hospitalised for it, and we are still dying from it vaccinated or not, so why does everybody still insist I get vaccinated?.

On one hand the government has decided I don't need to get vaccinated anymore by relaxing all the restrictions, I am as free as the vaxxed to do as I like, then on the other hand they recommend I get vaccinated and get regular booster shots, why? they only last 2 months and I can still get Covid and we have determined now that what is around now is not as bad as the original strain, what's the point?
All good, I respect your decision as how you see it.

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