Thread: Work goals
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Old 10-01-2023, 12:50 AM   #9
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
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Default Re: Work goals


may as well post here as what am about to ask is similar to first post.

many of you know by now that am wanting to get out of hospitality and we also have a little vintage shop next door where you do something different.

the owner is stopping that little vintage shop in a couple months and is only doing the cafe which also has some secondhand stuff and that little vintage shop is about the only thing that am able to do or is as close as am able to get to getting out of hospitality where you do something else.

one of the reasons though probably isnt the only reason but likely one of the main reasons is because theres a shop next door the little vintage shop that has animals and there is a smell that gets into the vintage shop and the animal shop owner doesnt clean it properly and the vintage shop owner that also owns the cafe cant put up with the smell from the animal shop anymore.

the animal shop owner is only 32/33 and she has pretty much driven the cafe owner out of the vintage shop next door to the animal shop which is between the animal shop and the cafe.

am wanting to get out of hospitality and that vintage shop is only thing at moment that can be done until the cafe sells and the animal shop owners driven the cafe owner out.

most people today especially younger generations will change jobs the minute it gets hard or they want a change and most don't stay long anymore and they don't bother about loyalty to boss or try and hang on a little bit longer and and am wondering wether the animal shop owner being 33 comes from a entitled generation who will not stay long in a job and only think of themselves and want it now and not try and hang on a bit longer and instead will just leave.

what is a way to ask to stop doing the hospitality side and just do the second hand side if shop hasn't sold in 12 months and if you choose to stay on for a little longer once it sells in a way that youre not going to let either owner down.

if the person taking over wants to keep you whats best way to say no or say you only want to do the secondhand/other side and youre not able to do the hospitality.

with running a part time business is it just the usual you can earn so much before pension starts to be affected but income must be reported like when working part time or is there additional problems and reporting.

what is a way to ask to stop doing the hospitality side and just do the second hand side if shop hasn't sold in 12 months and if you choose to stay on for a little longer once it sells in a way that youre not going to let either owner down.

what would be the reason you lot think are why so many people have put their notice in for resturaunts/cafes/pubs/other hospitality places as soon as they were able to return after shutdown after only being back for a week.

though not all younger people are like that and do think there are good and bad people of all ages.

if anyone has got answers it would be appreciated

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