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Old 07-03-2024, 08:23 AM   #132
Franco Cozzo
Thailand Specials
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Default Re: Australian fuel efficiency standards aimed at cutting petrol bills, 'catching up' with US

The war on American utes and SUVs is beginning:

City of Yarra councilors are trying to prevent them in their LGA:

Does this look okay to you? It doesn’t to me.

Folks in Paris have just voted to triple parking fees for large SUVs to try to reduce their impact on city streets and people.

Here in Aus, we’re seeing RAMs and “Defenders” on the rise.

These are luxury vehicles, costing upwards of $100k, and they’re significantly more dangerous than smaller vehicles.

When they hit a kid (which they are more likely to do with huge blind spots), they are eight times more likely to kill them. ��

In the US, there has been a spate of parents killing kids in their own driveways.

They also have significantly higher greenhouse gas emissions than other vehicles, and do more damage to our streets.

All round, they’re something we need to see less of on our streets, not more.

That’s why I’m following Paris’s lead, and have put up a notice of motion asking staff to look into doing the same at the @cityofyarra.

This isn’t a silver bullet, but the state and federal governments are not doing enough. And when they fail, local governments step into the breach. And with increasing numbers of pedestrian deaths in Victoria, something needs to be done.

My TAFE is in their council region and they're the biggest street parking Nazis going around, absolutely ruthless, so I'm curious about what they do to people with Thailand Specials, SUVs and American utes.

Every 2/4 hours we leave class to go swap car parks with each other then go back in, absolutely ridiculous

Last edited by Franco Cozzo; 07-03-2024 at 08:28 AM.
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