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Old 25-03-2024, 10:10 PM   #234
Franco Cozzo
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Default Re: Australian fuel efficiency standards aimed at cutting petrol bills, 'catching up' with US

Originally Posted by ToryMikey View Post
Compulsory preferential voting (or ranked choice voting) is absolutely a scam. However it benefits two left-wing parties that are in an informal coalition with each other. Greens votes overwhelmingly flow to Labor, at a rate that isn't seen at any other time except in Australia's formal coalition.

Queensland used to have optional preferential voting. Of course, as soon as Labor were elected they needed to shore up their majority by introducing compulsory preferential voting - that way, the 90%+ of Greens votes that preference Labor will benefit them. If the Crisafulli government takes power, I hope that sanity prevails and optional preferential voting is reintroduced.

The other major Anglosphere country with a loose informal left-wing coalition is Canada, and surprise surprise, their prime minister has advocated for compulsory ranked choice voting. Thankfully it has not gotten up and they still have first past the post over there.

As an aside - Labor in Queensland have a long history of manipulating the electoral system for their benefit. They abolished the Legislative Council in 1922, as soon as they were able to field a majority in both houses. Of course, this all seems hilarious considering that for years upon years that side of politics bleated about Joh Bjelke-Petersen's supposed "gerrymandering"...while completely ignoring that Labor themselves introduced the apportionment system in the 1940s when they dominated rural areas.
Further context around that required though

It was axed because it was an un-elected house of parliament, who has the final say on any legislation introduced by the legislative assembly, entirely appointed by their governor, rather than appointed by the vote of Queenslanders, and it was usually given to people from wealthy families, and half the people never turned up anyway.

If people think Victoria's upper house is an absolute clown show, imagine what it would be like if we didn't even have a say and it was appointed by our governor (who is chosen by our premier)

I'd rather have the upper house, but if we can't elect who sits in it then they can GAGF and it can disappear like QLD.

Though if I was Victoria's premier you bet your *** I'd be pushing for QLD's old legislative council, first thing I'd do is pick a governor on the proviso they stack the upper house with people who will do what I say.

Governor is a pretty sweet gig, you get paid $485,000/year to do ceremonial shit, get an office and staff, a residence in amongst Kings Domain and no one knows who you are or what you actually do.

Last edited by Franco Cozzo; 25-03-2024 at 10:27 PM.
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