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Old 28-02-2005, 12:01 PM   #28
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Location: Melbourne, VIC
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I definitely stick to the logo on cars, as the fordforums have their more lengthy and indeed harder to read in scripted font. Ours would have less letters and be clearer to read.

We could then have a separate logo for the club, to be determined wiht more work. Am I right in saying there's a strong consensus towards getting a start on rear and side window vinyls like the one on my photo there that Tim did/ WITH the fOCUS "f" which stands out, but isn't mutually exclusive to the fOCUS. The trademark really is that the f is non-caps where the rest are smaller caps. It just looks perfect on the photo that Tim created. Very European, uncluttered, simple, effective and not Rice, much like the ethos of our club itself. Simple, elegant, powerful and purposeful with nothing unecessary. Gets my vote offocially.
2012 Mazda3 MPS
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