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Old 21-12-2006, 09:39 PM   #1
rag top
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Angry (ACT) Report released on dragway

Minister for Tourism, Sport and Recreation, Andrew Barr, today announced that an extensive report into the environmental and financial viability of a dragway in the ACT has raised significant concerns with the Majura site.

The report said the development of a facility would be unlikely to meet applicable environmental noise criteria and likely to require substantial additional financial contribution by Government beyond the $8 million already set aside in the Budget.

"The Stanhope Government is supportive of re-establishing a dragway in the ACT, following the ceasing of the previous facility in 1998, but the report to government - based on a thorough evaluation - has indicated significant challenges arising from the Majura site," Mr Barr said.

"As a result, the Government believes establishing a dragway at the Majura site is not feasible."

Mr Barr said the evaluation included the completion of the first stage of a statutory environmental assessment under the Land (Planning and Environment) Act 1991, and detailed financial assessments of the likely development costs and operational viability of a possible facility. It also considered the draft Dragway Motor Sports Environmental Protection Policy (draft EPP) released for public comment by the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) earlier this year.

"The detailed noise evaluation indicates that the facility would struggle to meet applicable environmental noise criteria required to satisfactorily protect the properties adjacent to the proposed facility. This would be the case even if the draft EPP noise standards were relaxed, as proposed by CIDM, on the basis that levels of noise experienced within the airport corridor justify such changes.

"The assessment in the report also indicates that a dragway would not be able to practically meet the requirements of the draft Environmental Protection Policy, released for public discussion by the Environmental Protection Authority early this year.

"The investigations suggest that it would not be a practical or sound financial option to effect sufficient noise mitigation measures if the noise standards proposed under the draft dragway EPP were applied.

"Detailed technical work undertaken also suggests the facility will require additional funding of up to $3.2million, beyond the $8 million already committed by the Government."

Mr Barr said the ACT Government has now exhausted all land options and would be writing to the Australian Government to request that they re-lease the former dragway site.

"The former site was taken back by the Commonwealth Government in 1998. At the time they cited a need for the land," he said.

"Eight years later nothing has been built on the land and it is not being utilised at all. Seeing that we have exhausted all other land options, we will now be asking the Australian Government to again grant a lease on that land for a dragway.

"If a lease is granted, the ACT Government will commit funds for the re-establishment of a dragway for the ACT."

For more information, including the report to government, please visit

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Old 21-12-2006, 09:56 PM   #2
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So the grey brigade have done it again...just like when we tried to get a circuit in that area they said the noise would be too much...not to mention the jet traffic from the airport.


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Old 21-12-2006, 10:04 PM   #3
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The local news paper was refering to the '14 Mile track' being more expensive to build than the '18 Mile track'.

"The preferred option a 14 mile internationally licensed track with lights would cost an estimated $12.88million, while the minimal option a 18 mile nationally licensed track would probably cost $9.31million."
Canbera Times
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Old 22-12-2006, 09:01 AM   #4
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18 mile drags? Hate to see the times for those lol.

Seriously though, the proposed track was nearly 4km from the nearest suburb and there is a bloody big mountain in between as well. Even where the country is dead flat you'd be doing well to hear 2 cars racing nearly 4 km away. Oh, and then there's the fact of the airport right next door as well...
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Old 22-12-2006, 09:07 AM   #5
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I heard some yank mole on the radio yesterday talking about whta a great victory this is for "all canberrans". Made me ****in angry.
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Old 22-12-2006, 10:09 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by FASTXR
Even where the country is dead flat you'd be doing well to hear 2 cars racing nearly 4 km away...
You obviously were never in Mandurah when Ravenswood was running! The comp cars and up could be heard clearly some nights and if the wind was just right droped pipes street cars were heard also!

Who would think there would be any objection to building something that gave young "hoons" somewhere legal to have fun and race other than down thier local streets?? :
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Old 22-12-2006, 11:21 AM   #7
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Maybe Wakefield Park needs to put in a drag strip and remove some more of the ACT disposable income ))
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Old 22-12-2006, 11:26 AM   #8
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^^ That could be one suggestion but considering that most people would drive to the track, it would be great if you didn't have to try and get a broken car all the way home from Goulburn!

Lib's are saying that if they get in they will get a V8 race back to Canberra. I hope they do get in - Stanhopeless has ruined this place.
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Old 22-12-2006, 11:40 AM   #9
4.9 EF Futura
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Originally Posted by MO
So the grey brigade have done it again...just like when we tried to get a circuit in that area they said the noise would be too much...not to mention the jet traffic from the airport.

So... im assuming you read the report before throwing insults around at the public servants who are doing their best to make it happen?

Try being a little more constructive perhaps?

I see the EPA has draft policy in the public arena for consultation. Have you made a submission? You seem to know a thing or two about the topic, and that's EXACTLY why draft policy is released in this manner. Im serious. Speak up to the EPA now or forever hold your peace.

Lol, so... how many people here have contributed to the "im so sick of bending over backwards to keep the minority groups happy" discussions... and now want millions of dollars to be dropped to provide a facility for an extremely niche section of the population?
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Old 22-12-2006, 11:47 AM   #10
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i like your DP........when i read your insulting posts lol it reminds me of when he is speaking lol.
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Old 22-12-2006, 11:53 AM   #11
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Theres a handful of politicians who live out Majura way, hence why it not getting through due to noise pollution. If they were just random citizens or NSW residents then you can bet it would have been built already.

Canberra 400 would be nice again, but not in the middle of winter. Last time it was 8 degrees with a wind chill of zero or something.
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Old 22-12-2006, 12:30 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by photn
i like your DP........when i read your insulting posts lol it reminds me of when he is speaking lol.
I'm not trying to insult anyone.... just trying to promote a solution/contribution focus.

Im serious about throwing a collective hat into the ring about the EPA policy. Who has more to contribute to motorsport policy than those who participate at the grass roots level? There's a lot more 'amatuer' participants than there are professionals.
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Old 22-12-2006, 01:13 PM   #13
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4.9 - Maybe some public servants are trying to get something happening but here in Canberra "lobbyist paradise" there is always a huge uproar whenever anything regarding motorsport is suggested.

We have lost:

The Dragway,
The V8's,
The Jet Boats,
The Supercruise (for a reason but we cannot get it back)
The Speedway

Not to mention nearly losing:

Kart Track - mostly due to complaints from NSW ffs,
Motorcross- mostly due to complaints from NSW,
Canberra Rally.

The NCA has a lot to answer for as do the grey brigade who want Canberra to remain the stereotyped boring place the country believes it to be. The call to action for the dragway to be re-built has been nothing short of mammoth and has attracted National attention.

If our useless, selfgovernment idiots hadn't destroyed the Canberra economy, perhaps they wouldn't be making up the rules as they go and breaking election promises.

Project after project is scrapped in Canberra - not just motorsport but critical infrastructure needs and improvements. The idiots running the show have Canberra well and truly in the red but keep making promises that are totally undeliverable. They waste the tax payers money in promoting themselves with these pipedreams, they waste taxpayers money on cunsultants and study groups and waste tenderer's money in tendering projects that never take off.

I've had an absolute gutfull of the bastards - I voted against them last time and will do so again.
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Old 22-12-2006, 07:03 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by GTP006
4.9 - Maybe some public servants are trying to get something happening but here in Canberra "lobbyist paradise" there is always a huge uproar whenever anything regarding motorsport is suggested.

We have lost:

The Dragway,
The V8's,
The Jet Boats,
The Supercruise (for a reason but we cannot get it back)
The Speedway

Not to mention nearly losing:

Kart Track - mostly due to complaints from NSW ffs,
Motorcross- mostly due to complaints from NSW,
Canberra Rally.

The NCA has a lot to answer for as do the grey brigade who want Canberra to remain the stereotyped boring place the country believes it to be. The call to action for the dragway to be re-built has been nothing short of mammoth and has attracted National attention.

If our useless, selfgovernment idiots hadn't destroyed the Canberra economy, perhaps they wouldn't be making up the rules as they go and breaking election promises.

Project after project is scrapped in Canberra - not just motorsport but critical infrastructure needs and improvements. The idiots running the show have Canberra well and truly in the red but keep making promises that are totally undeliverable. They waste the tax payers money in promoting themselves with these pipedreams, they waste taxpayers money on cunsultants and study groups and waste tenderer's money in tendering projects that never take off.

I've had an absolute gutfull of the bastards - I voted against them last time and will do so again.
^^^^ Too right. What do the poliies care. They still speed to work, they just don't drive the car... Stanehope promised he would build a dragway... not voting for him....

Anyways, I'm being posted to Wagga for 2 years. I hear that that town is more interesting anyway...
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Old 22-12-2006, 09:33 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by 4.9 EF Futura
So... im assuming you read the report before throwing insults around at the public servants who are doing their best to make it happen?

Try being a little more constructive perhaps?

I see the EPA has draft policy in the public arena for consultation. Have you made a submission? You seem to know a thing or two about the topic, and that's EXACTLY why draft policy is released in this manner. Im serious. Speak up to the EPA now or forever hold your peace.

Lol, so... how many people here have contributed to the "im so sick of bending over backwards to keep the minority groups happy" discussions... and now want millions of dollars to be dropped to provide a facility for an extremely niche section of the population?

Where the hell did I mention public for the epa they did'nt exist when I among many others tried to get an international standard circuit built at the base of Mt Majura..airport side.

The only thing that killed it was the whinging grey brigade living in Ainslie etc..who said the noise would be unbearable...yet they did'nt complain about the jet traffic at the airport.

FYI I attended several public meetings which at times got quite heated.

We were in the majority yet we still lost...I remember the dragstrip which was on the old q'beyan rd opposite the fire station at the airport..where I worked.

Now 4.9 get your facts straight on this before you try to take me on again..because I will chew you up and spit you out in little bubbles if you don't.

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Old 22-12-2006, 10:43 PM   #16
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Default Why Why Why

I live in the ACT and am too sick of the promises made be Stanhopeless. This city has the reputation of being a dull and lifeless place because instead of trying to attract events like the V8's and anything else that dosn't resemble an art show they get rid of them so we are all board again.

I was not living here when the original strip was closed, can someone give a quick reason as to why (just to fill me in).

I do remember when Stanhopeless promised this dragway and I remeber thinking that this would be an excellent project for the ACT. Now so many years on we are back to square one and now we have to beg little johnny for his personal drag track back. I think I will have gone to the big place in the sky before this is over.

One ****ed off ACT Resident
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Old 22-12-2006, 10:51 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by WIngman
I was not living here when the original strip was closed, can someone give a quick reason as to why (just to fill me in).
the airport/commonwealth would only give a lease of a few years because they wanted to 'develop' the site. the dragway wanted a lease period of double to enable sufficient return on their investment in developing the site to the full 1/4. Due to no agreement, the dragway was closed. Unfortunately, no development occured, and the Govt has promised the ACT a drag strip. What they had cost the govt. nothing, and was self sufficent.

I suppose they still have northbourne ave, with red light cameras, speed printouts, and three lanes of racing, which generates revenue for the govt...
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Old 22-12-2006, 11:15 PM   #18
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Here's an idea, just a thought, perhaps you might be able to use the airport to your advantage.

Think about the times you would most likely be using the facility, the EPA will have already done sound pollution tests (or certainly should have done) to see the levels of noise pollution at these times of air traffic in the area. As I say these studies should have been done by the EPA at some point in the past, it will be a matter of gaining access to the findings.

If you could then show that the noise from the activities to be held at the premises would in fact add no more or very little if any additional noise pollution, then you may be able to at least start to sway the people objecting to the proposal. I can only assume that the objections are coming mainly from people that think noise levels will increase dramatically, of course this fear is most likely fed by a few who may just not want it their in the first place.

If you can show both the councils and the residents, but more importantly the residents as they are the key to the approvals process at this stage, that the noise levels from the aircraft arrivals and departures would actually either drown out or even be greater than any noise that may be produced by racing, then you would have a much better chance of swaying those opposed on grounds of additional/increased noise pollution.

As I said use the airport to your advantage and try to push for the venue with the assurances that it would be run mostly during these times so would pose no increase in real noise pollution. But remember to add that it may also be used for race events on the national or international calender, try to keep this number to a minimum or if you can give some assurance as to the actual number of these events to be held throughout the year. This way they have it in writing that you have no intention to abuse there good will gesture in allowing you to have or to hold race events at the venue, within certain limits that could actually be set by them this way making them feel as though they still have some control of the process.

Most of the objections will be from people who do not really understand but have possibly been fed a lie to help them decide, if you can win them over you would be a lot closer to your goal.

Good luck folks, also a safe and happy holiday period to you all.
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Old 23-12-2006, 07:43 AM   #19
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Sounds like Canberra wants to abstain from the use of motor vehicles completely throughout its subjects and move them all to public transport....A signal for all of us.

This is occuring everywhere, Melbourne has suffered due to the public expansion around Calder Raceway.....and the Raceway was their first......surfers was lost many years ago due to real estate just to name a couple.....oh for a time machine.
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Old 23-12-2006, 11:01 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by Sledgehammer
Sounds like Canberra wants to abstain from the use of motor vehicles completely throughout its subjects and move them all to public transport....A signal for all of us.
Maybe they want us to go back to one horse powered buggies, or even a saddle powered single.

This is occuring everywhere, Melbourne has suffered due to the public expansion around Calder Raceway.....and the Raceway was their first......surfers was lost many years ago due to real estate just to name a couple.....oh for a time machine.
Don't forget the track that was also being built at the end on Mt Derrimut rd to replace Calder Park, this was canned because of the new housing development right next to it.

Even though there were huge signs everywhere you looked telling you of the Motorsports Complex, the new residents complained about not being notified of any such facility being built in such close vicinity to there homes and actually threatened legal action in order to get there deposits back if this was not changed.

Needless to say it was quickly changed to an industrial site, this is the stupidity of some, rather than put up with a little noise once a week and on the occasions of major event weekends, they would much rather have a constant streem of trucks and other pollution hitting them on a daily basis.

It makes you wonder just how much thought and consideration goes into some of these objections before they are tabled.
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