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Old 20-11-2015, 06:32 PM   #31
Falcon Coupe
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Default Re: Are you on the scrap heap after 40 ?

Originally Posted by CoupeKing View Post
Depending on peoples circumstances there are options.

Police force recruit people in their 50's, just get your BMI index under 30, once accepted just go back to eating normally.
Police BMI is 27. They check this every year now when you repeat the fitness test.

You also need:
Eye test
Hearing test
Full Medical including Cardiac risk assessment EG: ECG, cholesterol, diabetes and blood pressure.
Enough cardio fitness to pass the Physical test
Clean criminal record
Reasonable driving history
Mental stability for the Psych test

Ability to actually pass the entrance exam
And lastly the panel interview. They have to think you're a good fit for the role.

Last edited by Falcon Coupe; 20-11-2015 at 06:38 PM. Reason: typo
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Old 20-11-2015, 08:15 PM   #32
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Default Re: Are you on the scrap heap after 40 ?

Originally Posted by Falcon Coupe View Post
Police BMI is 27. They check this every year now when you repeat the fitness test.

You also need:
Eye test
Hearing test
Full Medical including Cardiac risk assessment EG: ECG, cholesterol, diabetes and blood pressure.
Enough cardio fitness to pass the Physical test
Clean criminal record
Reasonable driving history
Mental stability for the Psych test

Ability to actually pass the entrance exam
And lastly the panel interview. They have to think you're a good fit for the role.
If can you pass all those tests and sit in front of the panel, I'm sure they would take into consideration the fact that the applicant has held the same job for 20 years - He/she 'could' be worth investing $$$ in their training
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Old 20-11-2015, 08:21 PM   #33
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Default Re: Are you on the scrap heap after 40 ?

Originally Posted by CoupeKing View Post
If can you pass all those tests and sit in front of the panel, I'm sure they would take into consideration the fact that the applicant has held the same job for 20 years - He/she 'could' be worth investing $$$ in their training
One would hope they would take that as well as extensive life experience into consideration.
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Old 20-11-2015, 10:16 PM   #34
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Default Re: Are you on the scrap heap after 40 ?

Originally Posted by Falcon Coupe View Post
One would hope they would take that as well as extensive life experience into consideration.
Don't count on it!!
I'm 45 and 18 months ago I applied to join Vicpol after a 22 year career with Customs and Border Protection as an Enforcement Officer. Blitzed the entrance exam, fitness test was very easy, passed all the psychological testing but as they do with most applicants, wanted me to sit a 1:1 interview with a Police Psychologist. No worries I thought, been there, done that, done many similar things, carried similar PDE etc.
Well apparently I have been assessed after a 45 minute chat that I currently do not meet the inherent psychological requirements of the role of a Police Officer
Go figure....
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Old 20-11-2015, 11:02 PM   #35
pottery beige
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Default Re: Are you on the scrap heap after 40 ?

Originally Posted by Matty4 View Post
Don't count on it!!
I'm 45 and 18 months ago I applied to join Vicpol after a 22 year career with Customs and Border Protection as an Enforcement Officer. Blitzed the entrance exam, fitness test was very easy, passed all the psychological testing but as they do with most applicants, wanted me to sit a 1:1 interview with a Police Psychologist. No worries I thought, been there, done that, done many similar things, carried similar PDE etc.
Well apparently I have been assessed after a 45 minute chat that I currently do not meet the inherent psychological requirements of the role of a Police Officer
Go figure....
centerlink, rat tail, neck tatt, southern cross bad attitude i would bash

* next applicant

Last edited by pottery beige; 20-11-2015 at 11:09 PM.
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Old 20-11-2015, 11:24 PM   #36
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Default Re: Are you on the scrap heap after 40 ?

Originally Posted by Matty4 View Post
Don't count on it!!
I'm 45 and 18 months ago I applied to join Vicpol after a 22 year career with Customs and Border Protection as an Enforcement Officer. Blitzed the entrance exam, fitness test was very easy, passed all the psychological testing but as they do with most applicants, wanted me to sit a 1:1 interview with a Police Psychologist. No worries I thought, been there, done that, done many similar things, carried similar PDE etc.
Well apparently I have been assessed after a 45 minute chat that I currently do not meet the inherent psychological requirements of the role of a Police Officer
Go figure....
State sanctioned quackery...
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Old 21-11-2015, 08:00 AM   #37
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Default Re: Are you on the scrap heap after 40 ?

Transport or driving jobs are easier for older people to get into. As they appreciate experience in this area and common scense. Because you can cause a hell of a lot damage if you do something wrong in a truck. I entered my job as a garbo at the age of 41 and I'm a young fella at my job. This is going to be my retirement job and I love being out and about. Don't think as a younger bloke I would of being able to do this job, as I wouldn't of had the patience to put up with stupid road users. Now I shake my head a lot but just let it go and give way when I have right of way and get on with my job.
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Old 21-11-2015, 09:20 PM   #38
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Default Re: Are you on the scrap heap after 40 ?

Originally Posted by Matty4 View Post
Don't count on it!!
I'm 45 and 18 months ago I applied to join Vicpol after a 22 year career with Customs and Border Protection as an Enforcement Officer. Blitzed the entrance exam, fitness test was very easy, passed all the psychological testing but as they do with most applicants, wanted me to sit a 1:1 interview with a Police Psychologist. No worries I thought, been there, done that, done many similar things, carried similar PDE etc.
Well apparently I have been assessed after a 45 minute chat that I currently do not meet the inherent psychological requirements of the role of a Police Officer
Go figure....

In Victoria have a go at PSO mate.

You might have more luck and it's not a bad gig.

Or authorised officer with say Metro...good overtime etc.

Friend of mine has done both and not hard to get in....(last year that is)
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Old 28-11-2015, 01:04 PM   #39
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Default Re: Are you on the scrap heap after 40 ?

I've never considered myself to old or on the scrap heap.
As a self employed contract Stonemason Carver (what was termed in medieval times as a "Free...mason" no not those clowns) going on 30 years now. Its a career where I never think of it as work. I don't think I could ever be permanently employed as I couldn't give up my freedom especially the travel.
Even with only 200 carvers in Australia the incentives to pass this craft on are not there.
So many young (and older) guys ask me for jobs but the first thing they ask is how much do I get paid and what are the holidays. !
Most of the real Stonemasons (not unqualified bl**dy landscaper) you see are usually older, 40 - 60.
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Old 28-11-2015, 09:29 PM   #40
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Default Re: Are you on the scrap heap after 40 ?

Originally Posted by 2011G6E View Post

They're trying to attract young people...primarily women, I had a trainee who was a young woman recently...but I hear a lot of them saying they "probably won't stay in the job forever". The typical young workers "need" to always be moving on, always be looking for new "challenges"...they don't stick in the one job for decades like us older workers do.
They also seem to have a problem with the job itself...to be blunt there's an awful lot of sitting on your backside in this job. Turn up, sit and wait for your train, hop on the train, sit there in the chair for eight to ten hours, get off go home. Despite the money (and it's good) they say things like "I can't see myself doing this in five years time".

These damn young whipper-snappers just have to learn to develop a capacity for sitting on their bums and doing nothing for long periods of time...a skill us older workers come to appreciate having as the years roll on...
That's what they say, but a lot of them end up sticking around. Working with someone recently who started on the job in his late teens. Said he was going to work there for a few years to save money to start his own business. He is now mid 50's and still in the job.
Since I started 7 years ago, out of 200 odd people only 1 has left for a different industry. The depot age is quite young too, when I started majority of the staff were over 40. Now more than half would be under 40.

Sitting on your *** waiting for hours is awesome on night shift, but on day work your internet data gets a work out.

Originally Posted by matador View Post
depending on the job applied for. Applying for an entry lvel job at age 40 says you are a drifter.

You should be somewhere up the food chain by 40 I would imagine.
Not if you are changing industries. I work with many people who applied for entry level jobs over the age of 40 and i don't think any were 'drifters'
The employment history part of their resume will show if they are a drifter or not.

Some industries seam to run on this

Last edited by Ben73; 28-11-2015 at 09:41 PM.
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Old 28-11-2015, 11:59 PM   #41
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Default Re: Are you on the scrap heap after 40 ?

Originally Posted by DJR MAN View Post
I'm on the scrap heap for sure.
30 years for the same company, over 35 in the industry.
Can't get any higher than supervisor.
I've had 3 pay rises in 7 years, 2 pay cuts and 2 with no movement. Had performance issues alleged against me etc... all pretty much witch hunt sort of stuff, (don't have a boss less smarter than you could be the secret). Mind you, prior to the last 7 years, an impeccable work record, almost never took a sickie ever.
I'm just over 50 years old, and all the bosses I had that actually know me have either died, retired or made redundant. I have bosses now that don't care what I've done or what I know etc.... just arrogant people, but if anyone wants to know how to do something, they come my way and I always help. If a job had to be done and you needed someone to stay until its finished or go to location to fix a machine I'd be there, always dependable, and somehow thought that this work ethic would help me climb the ladder.
How mistaken have I been.
Now the word being peddled is that "you are in control of your destiny, not anyone else", with the hidden message being "if you don't like what we let you do here you can leave".
Then they turn around and say that we treat everyone with dignity and respect, and rattle off a heap of other ideals that sound good on paper but are not being followed through, that is , unless it suits them at any random time.

If you are overweight, older than the boss / management, don't do all the corporate community volunteer stuff and not good at playing the social game, you will be overlooked.

"Oh the games people play now
Every night and every day now,
Never mean what they say now
Never say what they mean".

Excuse the rant, thanks for the vent!
Its all about playing 'the game', its not who works the hardest in medium to large size companies/corporations its who is the best at fitting in with the situation/workplace culture and corporate bull****.

We had a good saying on the shop floor - so useless, they couldn't even hold a screwdriver so they got promoted to management:


Its always the middle managers who are the culprits

I got it not so nice terms, it was:

'There are three roller doors, if you don't like it you can **** off'

So me and 30 other dudes did
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Old 29-11-2015, 05:48 AM   #42
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Default Re: Are you on the scrap heap after 40 ?

If you stay current / educated and known in your industry, your fine

If you don't you can be on the scrap heap at 30
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Old 29-11-2015, 10:25 AM   #43
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Default Re: Are you on the scrap heap after 40 ?

Originally Posted by The Yeti View Post
If you stay current / educated and known in your industry, your fine

If you don't you can be on the scrap heap at 30
My wife is in IT, which is an ever evolving industry, she spends a lot of time staying well ahead of the curve in learning new products. She sees a lot of people in their 40s and 50s not getting their contracts renewed as they are not staying up to date with the industry and basically become obsolete with the software. Even with my landscaping you have to be well versed in trends before they become mainstream or it looks dated before you've finished the project.
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Old 29-11-2015, 10:38 AM   #44
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Default Re: Are you on the scrap heap after 40 ?

Old ming moles (on car ad's) better be careful or else they are are on the scrap heap too, have you seen Holden's ad espousing Holden's upcoming new arrivals to their range? WTF, Holden really cost cutting now or just starting them off younger now ha ha!!!

cheer's, Maka
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