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Old 17-09-2007, 11:24 PM   #1
Captain Malcolm Reynolds
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Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: Adelaide
Posts: 3,830
Default Port Adelaide Maths Exam

Sorry if its a repost, probably been done for other places too.

1. If Chad Cornes head is 20cm up his a*se, and he wedges it a
further 5cm, how much of his neck can you see?

2. If Mark Williams has gained 25kg in the last year and he has
eaten 450 pies in that time, how much weight has put on per pie?
(Bonus point)
How many pies are left over for Stuart Dew?

3. If there are 30,000 Power fans at AAMI stadium and 10,000 cars
are stolen, how many are Commodores?

4. If a Power fan drinks 15 cans of Woodstock during a match and Port
lose, how many times will he hit his wife?

5. If Daniel Motlop has a set shot 15m out after the siren to win the
game, which shop in West Lakes Mall will he hit?

6. If Alberton was to burn to ground completely, killing everyone in
the surrounding area, how much would the average IQ of South
Australia rise by?

7. If Byron Pickett rolled his car at a speed of 120km/h and his blood
alcohol level was .134, how much did he win on the pokies that night?

8. If Peter Burgoyne has slept with 5 women and 2 were consensual,
how many lawsuits will he face?

9. If 10,000 Port fans walk down a muddy path, how many different ugg
boot imprints will be seen?

10. An inanimate carbon rod is lined up against Matthew Bishop. How
many goals will the rod kick?

11. If Dean Brogan punches 8 people at the airport, how many policemen
will it take to subdue his chin?

12. If Warren Tredrea loses 8000 hairs on his head per year, how many
years until he looks like Nigel Smart?

13. If a Port fan has 7 kids to 5 different fathers, work out the combined
total she will get from:
a) child support;
b) baby bonus;
c) dole cheque;
d) Centrelink fraud and
e) car theft.

14. If two season tickets cost $350, how many dodgy Workcover claims
will you have to file to get them?

15. How many stolen TV's will you have to trade in at Cash Converters
to buy enough teal paint to hot up your Gemini?

16. If 2000 Port fans travel to Elizabeth for a Centrals game and Port
lose by 1 point, how long will the ensuing race riots last for?

17. If the Power have 50,000 fans and only 1500 turn up to Port Magpies
games, how many are pathetic bandwagoners?

18. If Kane Cornes fell to the ground like a girl 0.3 seconds after Barry Hall threatened to punch him, how many times did he himself in those 0.3 seconds?

19.Sharon, a lifelong Port supporter, sits with the Power cheersquad behind the goals. If she has taken out an Apprehended Violence Order against Darryl, her second husband, how far down the wing will he have to sit so as to not breach the restraining order?

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Originally Posted by Nikked
Riksta likes VN's so much, he has the ashes of a VN in a jar on the mantle piece, a vile of VN engine oil hanging from his neck and a BT1 build plate locked up in a safe, buried under 6ft of concrete.
Originally Posted by Day-mow
pretty much what has happened here is i trolled you. and it was fun.
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