Originally Posted by geckoxr8
Agreed yo can't prevent stupidity, I know that more than the average person. I drive a vehicle with a siren and red and blue lights and we still have people not see us, because they don't look. Extra lighting will do nothing for these situations but may help when the person looks but does not see.
The reference to rice lights, proof that people object to change. Again on the road I was observing fog lights on a variety of cars, not one dazzled me in any way (new commodores included), in fact the only ones that did dazzle in any way were a couple of low beams, two were on 4wd's. The study continues.
Been there and done that with the lights and sirens..
I am not resistant to change, if I thought the rice lights provided any benefit that my low beams couldn't give me .. I would use them. IMO and experience, they are their to make the cars look 'sporty'
I get dazzled regularly by commodores and early WRXs .. their light is just focused wrong.