i have been blessed with things like pain, but when 9 i had my third operation on my eye and one of internal stitches that were meant to disolve came adrift and landed on the back of my eye - not sure how painful that would be to me today for a 9 year old, it was massive
probably the worst as an adult was just after waking up from a hernia operation. until they gave me some more pain killers it was pretty harsh. the pain killers worked because all i remember is the initial pain and then coming in and out of conciousness during the sydney/st kilda preliminary in 2005. i would see about 10-20 minutes and then nod off again, wake up for another 10-20 minutes and nod off again
Originally Posted by SgtBourne
reading posts from Sudszy
that is a bit harsh - he owned a classic (i am not sure that it was a classic when he owned it, but it seems it was a car) - see, he is one of us afterall. he is just looking out for us, because heaven knows, we need protecting from ourselves and would be lost without him