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Old 25-03-2010, 09:10 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by Dr Smith
Exactly...sort of create your own death warrant. Cost cutting led to no BA Fairmont or FG wagon derivative or major Terry updates, this leads to sales drops which then decreases the overall r&d budget, which then leads to decisions on which products are kept and axed....robbing Peter to pay Paul except they are in the same family. Just goes to show how a decision made 10 years ago has massive effects long after. EG if the AU was a sales success would the slow starvation of funds have occurred and would more money have allowed for better product provision to meet the changing customer buying decisions.
Dr Dr they had been making market blunders way before the AU......
As I said in an earlier post our local manufacturers have been taking consumers for a ride for years, not offering accesories that were in imported competitors cars std.....heck was it pov pack AU's and prior you only got power front windows ?
You had to beg to get up spec options if you ordered say an SR where as other competitors naming GM would do no worries if your willing to pay.
As you mention in your in your own sentence "create your own death" heck they started that dropping the V8 its been down hill since really.....
Playing catch up with limited funds and to this day marketing stratergies hardly hitting the mark and don't forget the average standard customer service standard at dealers has all contributed to the decline !
Its a comedy of errors TBH, when they had a strangle hold on the market the opposition was GM only with some imports......they have not read the market soon enough and as I said "reaction" is not the way to salvage lost business.

In saying the gloom above I dearly hope this restructure picks up the ball so to speak and runs but heck I'm sitting on the edge of my seat with HOPE !
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