Yep, the government fails to acknowledge 1200 to 1500 people are going to die in vehicles every year regardless.
I would say manufacturers have done their part around the modern cars with
ABS, TC, SC, better suspension, radial tyres etc. The modern car is leaps and bounds from a 1950s model but speed limits are still the same. Poor roads in design and surface still prevail much the time, and governments just want everyone to drive slower and increasingly dumber so the speed camera click away.
If governments are that concerned with loss of life perhaps they could force manufactures to govern vehicle road speeds via satellite. Not many votes in that I imagine.
I feel a little uncomfortable saying it, but I have become one of those impatient lawless stupid drivers, and I'm 52. Where I am at least 75% of the road users do 10 -15km under the limit, and it seems the more powerful, prestigious, or sporty the car the slower they drive. These are not red or green P platers, they are open licence drivers of considerable time. But when you strike it 3/4 of the time it becomes a problem.
So I have taken to overtaking on double lines where practical, or get on the horn behind them, and of course tail gate. I figure if its acceptable for me to get fined for doing 4km over the limit, then its acceptable to harass people who do 10 or more under. Kind of a mutual road user respect thing.
I am not saying I am perfect and had thought it was my age (52) making me grumpy. But nowadays driving for a living it became painfully obviouse just how many people have been beaten into submission by the over use of speed cameras. Furthermore could not care less if they hold up other road users regardless of or whatever state of fear they are in.
The trick is to learn how not too be effected by these stupid people, harassing then is like pulling into the drive way, putting on your seat belt, or any other part of driving a vehicle. With intent, attention, and concentration.
So I would say the governments efforts to save lives and reduce accidents has a counter effect. Its like they have created driverless cars but still have the human running the show.