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Old 11-08-2006, 09:13 AM   #31
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Posts: 186

Originally Posted by GCFordChic
It still exists, even in a case like this, just think about it a little more...
'innocent' until a member of the police force (the branch of government there to enforce the law) exercises their power under statute to detect the speed and make a determination according the the reading of the device (which is also regulated by statute) as to the legality of the speed at which the vehicle is travelling. If under or at posted (or expected in 50 residential zones) 'speed limit' then person has not broken law and will not get fined. If reading confirms vehicle is travelling outside the parameters of the law- 'guilty' and a fine would be issued. If you want to appeal that decision you must go to court and the onus is on you to outline why the fine should not apply in that case.

If EVERY traffic offence was determined by the court, there would either be a 10 year wait, or they would have to have ALOT more courts. For a minor breach of the law it has already been determined that the police can find you guilty and fine you. If it is more serious (ie dangerous driving etc) then you are charged (like in other cases like murder etc) and you will face a court.

Whoa, that was the long-winded way to put it wasnt it!!! lol

Not at all. Some people need it spelled out. I think this should now be cut and pasted to end every future thread on this subject! :
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