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Old 03-07-2007, 04:38 PM   #151
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So has anyone here seen what they think could be a UFO? I must of missed that part.

I'm pretty sure what i've seen was something... alien.... (maybe) It was christmas eve 2000 and me along with about 10 family members were walking to see the houses decorated with fairy lights...

I looked up and saw this round 'thing' in the sky it was bright and shining, changing colours between yellows, reds and oranges. It came really close, maybe about 1k away in the sky and moved psychotically left right up and down really fast. Faster then anything ive seen before. It was silent.Everyone with me saw it and we were a bit scared! After about one minute it shot off into the distance and disapeared .....

Ive talked it over with everyone a few times and we all agree that we've never seen any kind of aircraft move at that speed. Does anyone have any ideas as to what that could have been?
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Old 03-07-2007, 05:16 PM   #152
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Originally Posted by Firefox7
They discuss it here....


Rather interesting viewing, but not an official source. Appears to run his own research and would benefit greatly from suggesting there are structures not commonly found in nature and life on Mars to boost his profile.

I don't discount his findings but I'm rather skeptical of them. In saying that, I hope he continues to explore.
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Old 03-07-2007, 06:39 PM   #153
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Old 03-07-2007, 07:58 PM   #154
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[ROBDOG], that's actually a website ;) I'm visiter #1034
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Old 03-07-2007, 08:30 PM   #155
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AREA 51 was closed to the public for a reason....now why would that be.

The public are morons prone to paranoia.

The closure of area 51 meant there were still contacts and that a moronic and unpredictable public were'nt wanted.

As for the Mars pics ...yer right.

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Old 03-07-2007, 08:30 PM   #156
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this is like that south park episode.
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Old 03-07-2007, 08:33 PM   #157
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Aaahh South Park...definately straight from MARS!!!

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Old 04-07-2007, 02:11 AM   #158
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Is there intelligent life anywhere in this solar system?

the only thing I know is that there is bugger all on this planet...
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Old 04-07-2007, 10:55 PM   #159
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The universe is so incredibly large and old it is impossible for the human mind to comprehend. Whether there is life or not elsewhere in the universe? well.. either way is fascinating, although it seems highly likely that a planet like our own with life forms could easily be a few million years older than earth and highly more advanced. Think of how far humans have humans have come in the last 10,000 years which is like a blink of an eye on the universes timeline. It is likely that aliens are intelligent enough to know not to intefere with undeveloped worlds. Yet study and some times abduct people to run tests and examine us just like we do to most animals we dont know much about.

dont know about this leer bloke but he sounds like a bit of a crackpot to me.
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Old 05-07-2007, 12:01 AM   #160
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Originally Posted by simmy
dont know about this leer bloke but he sounds like a bit of a crackpot to me.

Some of the stuff he talks about seems pretty crazy and I will admit that....and yeah a crackpot definition would seem appropriate.

But this guy, is very intelligent, and well versed in flight. Is widley accepted and respected as one of the best all time aviators, test pilot and flight theorists of all time to date. This guy has every flight award possible, and is well respected, well known.. if not quite famous in the aviation community in regards to over a hundred test flights of prototype aircraft. For a man with such history and flight credentials and putting a reputation on the line that most people could only dream about......If it was simple bantering and talk....why would someone of such high regard, take such risks to make himself look like a fool, in the eyes of his own community. To me it doesn't make sense, unless you are quite certain you know more about a subject, than the common man does.

He obviously knows a lot of people in the scientific community, whether it's pilots or astronaghts, engineers etc.....and you can bet he is very good friends with most of these people. Obviously this guy gets good crediable information from these people...so why do most here, assume he is making it up....because it's too unbelieveable to comprehened that such things exist. It does seem unbelieveable non the less....but......

.... so did, man walking on the moon, the sound barrier, flight , submarines, space travel....all were dis-regarded and laughed at as impossible and fantasy land exploitation of it's day. Anybody that predicted these events were considered a crackpot and an idiot, or a dreamer like some of the mindless twits on here that talk about drugs as the cause of the illusion, but they seem more focused on the drugs than theory that leads me to believe they are users of it because they seem more focused on the subject.

What if this guy is telling the truth, but no one wants to believe it, because it's way beyond the truth or way above the human intelect to accept it as in the past. Keep an open mind....

If it's fake then it will suk big time..but a man with those credentials.....I doubt it. He has more to lose than me & you, with just stupid idea's and ridiculous assumptions.

Obviously their onto something, but it won't be long before nasa will disclose all the information. They know the game is up.


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Old 05-07-2007, 12:38 AM   #161
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Originally Posted by MO
Aaahh South Park...definately straight from MARS!!!

I like this one from Nick...good animator.....great guy with good imagination...and visual skills too...made me laugh


Proud Owner of a Tickford TE-50 T3 No 033...13.16@107.12 mph 1.868 60"
Fastest Lap time At wakefield park on Dunlop Sp9000's : 1:14:30, Came 2nd in outright driver, in the overall V8 result, 2006 N.S.W dutton rally :1syellow1

:king: T3 :king: The Mightiest & Deadliest Tickford Ever To Hit The Road........
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Old 05-07-2007, 02:43 AM   #162
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Everyone knows Decepticons are the only life on Mars.
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Old 05-07-2007, 07:47 AM   #163
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Originally Posted by Firefox7
He obviously knows a lot of people in the scientific community, whether it's pilots or astronaghts, engineers etc.....and you can bet he is very good friends with most of these people. Obviously this guy gets good crediable information from these people...so why do most here, assume he is making it up....because it's too unbelieveable to comprehened that such things exist. It does seem unbelieveable non the less....but......
He seemed to focus a lot of time about the 'face on mars' and his theories as to why they're artifical, based on survey data that was very granulated. Unfortunately, after his presentation, survey data 100 times the resolution of that taken by Viking 1 was taken, showing the face to just be a mesa, simlar to those commonly found in North America.

Perhaps the truth lays somewhere in the middle. I'm not convinced about lush forests and water on Mars because, as I said, the greenery and water would be easily distinguishable via my own telescope.
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Old 05-07-2007, 02:17 PM   #164
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I think they are all like the guys from mars attacks.
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Old 12-07-2007, 12:51 PM   #165
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many years ago i didn't believe in flying saucers ,aliens or any of that sort of rubbish until i saw an Unidentified Flying Object [not a flying saucer or an alien space ship] but an unidentified aircraft at night that carried out changes in flight at speeds that are impossible for any KNOWN aircraft from any country in the world.i served in the regular army for 10 years and was detached to 16 air defence regiment where i was taught aircraft recognition and what i saw was no normal aircraft. believe what you like but don't bag people who dont agree with your beliefs.
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Old 21-08-2007, 07:47 PM   #166
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Originally Posted by steamin63
many years ago i didn't believe in flying saucers ,aliens or any of that sort of rubbish until i saw an Unidentified Flying Object [not a flying saucer or an alien space ship] but an unidentified aircraft at night that carried out changes in flight at speeds that are impossible for any KNOWN aircraft from any country in the world.i served in the regular army for 10 years and was detached to 16 air defence regiment where i was taught aircraft recognition and what i saw was no normal aircraft. believe what you like but don't bag people who dont agree with your beliefs.
just read this post . amasing.
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