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Old 18-02-2010, 01:25 AM   #61
Captain Stubing
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Originally Posted by snappy
Is all this stuff actually happening more , or is it getting more exposure with the internet,blogs,newspapers,radio, news . God knows how many stabbing used to happen most times the news would be kept private or swepped under the rug to protect the family's or schools reputation.

My point is its a bad thing to happen , but i would bet good money its not the first time its happened .
The media makes sure we know it's happened. We can't escape that in our environment. Unfortunately, this bloke is the youngest person to be charged with murder in Queensland.

He's a kid who made a bad decision.
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Old 18-02-2010, 08:11 AM   #62
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Originally Posted by geckoGT
As for Flappist claiming the "social experiment" has failed, how can you tell? How do we know that more kids would not be stabbed or shot at school if we were still allowed to beat them? The was no control group operating under old methods in which to compare results and therefore his statement is anecdotal at best and can not be proved or disproved. Perhaps it is not the fact that kids are no longer hit that has failed, perhaps it is the fact that at the loss of that, parents will not give other methods a good try and instead just throw their hands in the air and claim its not their fault their kid is bad, they are not "allowed" to do anything about it.
Actually, there is now a control group. A friend of mine is a teacher and has heard of a school (may have been in the news aswell) that has asked the parents permission to reinstate the cane. 98% voted yes and it was bought back in. Behaviour at this school has dramatically improved and it did happen overnight.
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Old 18-02-2010, 08:27 AM   #63
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Originally Posted by 04redxr8
Actually, there is now a control group. A friend of mine is a teacher and has heard of a school (may have been in the news aswell) that has asked the parents permission to reinstate the cane. 98% voted yes and it was bought back in. Behaviour at this school has dramatically improved and it did happen overnight.

Actually, there is not. One school is not a "control group" as it confined to one area. Added to that it is likely to be a private school as I highly doubt any public school would allow this to happen so it is limited to a narrow socio-economic group. Actually I doubt any school would be able to to reintroduce the cane even with "parent permission" as government opposition to this would prevent it, they control the grants, they control what happens. In many states (if not all) it is plain against the law so this situation could not happen.

Sounds like "a friend of a friend told me", but its actually urban myth.
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Old 18-02-2010, 08:40 AM   #64
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What state is this supposed to have occured?
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Old 18-02-2010, 08:44 AM   #65
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Originally Posted by geckoGT
Actually, there is not. One school is not a "control group" as it confined to one area. Added to that it is likely to be a private school as I highly doubt any public school would allow this to happen so it is limited to a narrow socio-economic group. Actually I doubt any school would be able to to reintroduce the cane even with "parent permission" as government opposition to this would prevent it, they control the grants, they control what happens. In many states (if not all) it is plain against the law so this situation could not happen.

Sounds like "a friend of a friend told me", but its actually urban myth.
I do believe it was also reported in the media. It has happened, and the behaviour did improve dramatically. Not a control group? One school implements the cane and behaviuor improves, no other school has the cane.... well see for yourself the results of that.
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Old 18-02-2010, 08:45 AM   #66
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So, which state?
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Old 18-02-2010, 08:46 AM   #67
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Originally Posted by geckoGT
What state is this supposed to have occured?
From memory, I read it in the courier mail. Believe it may be in Queensland.
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Old 18-02-2010, 08:51 AM   #68
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Here is one article I have dug up about it.


It was a private Christian school in Qld.
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Old 18-02-2010, 08:58 AM   #69
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i wish all adults were able to cane kids not just teachers. let the kids see how funny egging cars is when the whole street beats them with a cane.
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Old 18-02-2010, 09:06 AM   #70
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Originally Posted by |||
i wish all adults were able to cane kids not just teachers. let the kids see how funny egging cars is when the whole street beats them with a cane.
Just a little extreme I think.
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Old 18-02-2010, 09:09 AM   #71
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Originally Posted by 04redxr8
Here is one article I have dug up about it.


It was a private Christian school in Qld.

I have read the article and it proves my statement, this is not a "control group" in any form of social experiment. It lists two christian private schools and therefore this group is not indicative of the whole population as the demographics of the students involved is too limited.

If a "social experiment" is to take place, a number of groups are required, one of which requires the old methods to be used, one with the new methods and all other factors must remain constant and equal, clearly this is not the case. If it were to, public schools and private schools across all demographical areas would have to be used. This can not happen in QLD as corporal punishment is not permitted in QLD state schools.

In the article there is no quantifiable evidence that the use of corporal punishment has had any effect, except stupid comments like "I have had students thank me for the paddle". If that is considered as evidence of its efficacy, I present refuting evidence in the form of students that used to brag about how many times they got the cane while I was at school. How can it be effective if they wear it like a badge of honour? Like I said, no evidence, just anecdotal observations which amount to 3/5's of bugger all.
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Old 18-02-2010, 09:10 AM   #72
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Originally Posted by |||
i wish all adults were able to cane kids not just teachers. let the kids see how funny egging cars is when the whole street beats them with a cane.

Why stop there, why don't we have each street fitted with a stoning post? Perhaps a rack where they can be flogged?
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Last edited by geckoGT; 18-02-2010 at 09:17 AM.
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Old 18-02-2010, 09:32 AM   #73
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Originally Posted by 04redxr8
Here is one article I have dug up about it.


It was a private Christian school in Qld.

Haven't we all heard enough horror tales of "christians " in a teaching environment administering punisment in a "loving and caring" way for the students best interest and eternal salvation???
Edit, That in no way implies I cast an aspersion on all christians in teaching positions, or for that matter, any other position requiring contact with the young
: 30 years later
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Old 18-02-2010, 09:33 AM   #74
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My heart and thoughts go out to both families in this terrible situation. They have both lost sons and their lives will never really be the same again.

This isn't the first time a weapon has been taken into a school yard and no doubt it won't be the last but this time in particular it was fatal.

I honestly hope that ALL parents have sat their children down (talking about school age mostly) and talked to them about bad decision making, what they can do if they feel a need to 'hurt' someone etc.
Our children have so many things to contend with, bullying at school is real but so is bullying by outsiders not at school...

I am not saying this happened due to a bullying situation as I do not know the reasoning.
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Old 18-02-2010, 09:52 AM   #75
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I'm all for the cane as anyone who has read enough of my posts on the subject will be fully aware.
But I have tosay that when I read the link below I nearly fell of my chair when I read the following line.
"It is always administered in a loving way. In fact, we pray with them afterwards."
See it's done with love people. lmao
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Old 18-02-2010, 10:50 AM   #76
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One point that the pro corporal punishment team seem to have missed is an interesting fact from the two instances of knives at school this week that have been publicised.

NSW law prohibits the use of corporal punishment in the home or school, but the incident of the 11 year old that threatened another child did not result in a stabbing. Parents do not have an option of hitting a child in NSW yet the was the better result of a bad situation.

QLD law does allow the use of reasonable force to discipline a child in the home and at private schools (the incident was at a private school), so this was an option for these parents and teachers. Yet, the incident resulted in the fatal stabbing of a child.

My point is, I do not believe the results of this week are any indication for the application and efficacy of corporal punishment. For a start, we do not know any details about the discipline methods used on the child that stabbed the other, he may have been given the strap at home for all we know. We also do not know any results from Psych assessments of that child, there may be other reasons for this other than discipline issues.
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Old 19-02-2010, 08:58 PM   #77
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Haha, my highschool and that doesn't surprise me at all, lots and lots of kids with questionable upbringing or lack of one go to that school.
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Old 26-02-2010, 09:46 PM   #78
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Boy! there is always some one who will swing hard to one side of the pendulum.
Because maybe of there own circumstance. which is understandable.
There is the lowest common denominator thing that is used. and this is exploited by the foolish gov way to much.
And we end up with this nonsense where every one is put in the same bag. like 'just another low life fool.'
Every one has to tow the big bro line. :
Have a look at what the cops have to put up with now days. and you may see how thing are getting out of control.
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