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Old 15-05-2006, 08:57 PM   #1
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I believe its not only discounts, but the fact that the base model falc looks boring.
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Old 15-05-2006, 09:00 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by coyote
The other point is that if Ford are making a reasonable profit with reasonable sales, and Holden is making a lower than expected profit (as detailed in press recently) with increased sales and infact making a loss on some markets, let them sell many more and more at a loss and see how long they will survive
Well I dont know about Holdens profit but in the first quarter of Ford Australia/Asia and South Africa only made a profit of 2million (compared to 48 mill this time last year). The main loss in profit coming from the drop in sales from the Falcon.
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Old 15-05-2006, 06:08 PM   #3
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Ive owned more commodores (company cars) than Falcons and believe me Holden's service is no better than Fords... in fact id say its worse, unless something miraculous has happened in the past 5 years.

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Old 15-05-2006, 06:15 PM   #4
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Old 15-05-2006, 06:20 PM   #5
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i know of half a dozen people who have bought a commodore (whether GMH or HSV) in the last 12 months. not one even test drove a falcon. i asked why and the response was pretty much the same from all of them "it's a Ford".
then i know of a few that did cross the line and test drive the BA and now own them, in particular from HSV to FPV.
i wouldn't worry about outselling commodore, i would look more at the ground BA made up from AU.
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Old 22-05-2006, 10:36 PM   #6
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Because the Falcon is a piece of .......... : Only joking!
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Old 23-05-2006, 10:35 PM   #7
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The Falcon sells less because it’s more exclusive.
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Old 15-05-2006, 06:54 PM   #8
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We have a VY Series 2 exec wagon and it is a good car, its done 114,000k's and drives realy good, no brake shudder or diff whine, doesnt use oil, it gets 8.5 litres per 100k's on the highway.
They appeal more to the private buyer and the woman of the family as they appear smaller and easier to park etc.....
My 2 cents worth, they are both good cars, i preferred a falcon and the Mrs wanted a Commodore, she won !!!
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Old 15-05-2006, 06:58 PM   #9
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Why is Commodore still outselling Falcon??

Because bogans continue to breed and their bad habits are passed to the next generation.

Lol only joking as others have said brand loyalty Holden has a huge dedicated one eyed fan base that love their holdens as much as we love our fords.

Being a ford fan I wouldn’t buy a Holden because they brought out a superior model (not likely), why should they.
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Old 15-05-2006, 07:09 PM   #10
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I must be one of the lucky ones. My dealer and his service team are second to none. They bend over backwards, always go the extra mile, are very reasonably priced, and make me feel like a valued customer everytime. I'm even thinking of getting my wife's non-ford serviced there as well.

They have me as a customer for life, for new cars and service.
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Old 15-05-2006, 07:12 PM   #11
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Because the sheep tend to follow the flock. The VT bought them in and they will stick with them even though Falcon is way superior.
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Old 15-05-2006, 07:31 PM   #12
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"Holden means a great deal to Australia"

I reckon when they came up with this slogan is when the BA was the better car in all aspects, and needed to regroup all the Holden fans looking at Ford lol.

I cant stand people that say Holden are more aussie and all that, when the VE will now get more parts from overseas. And that 90% have no idea it is run by General Motors.
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Old 15-05-2006, 11:39 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by ef_classic
"Holden means a great deal to Australia"

I reckon when they came up with this slogan is when the BA was the better car in all aspects, and needed to regroup all the Holden fans looking at Ford lol.

I cant stand people that say Holden are more aussie and all that, when the VE will now get more parts from overseas. And that 90% have no idea it is run by General Motors.
Would you be surprised (not likely) that that campaign was taken from GM's Chevrolet division.

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Old 15-05-2006, 10:23 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by AUIII
Why is Commodore still outselling Falcon??

Because bogans continue to breed and their bad habits are passed to the next generation.

Lol only joking as others have said brand loyalty Holden has a huge dedicated one eyed fan base that love their holdens as much as we love our fords.

Being a ford fan I wouldn’t buy a Holden because they brought out a superior model (not likely), why should they.

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SHIELA: awwww yeah and i reckon skaifey is a hotty....and it has has to be red darl......

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Old 15-05-2006, 07:08 PM   #15
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Holden can produce more cars per year than ford can when they are under the pump.

Not only that, but in recent decades, ford's performance image was canned in favour of the EFI 6 in the XE while holden continued its V8.

Marketing plays a big part in it too, as holden is always shown to be a performance brand.

What performance did ford have in the 80's? The EFI 6 S Pac XF....... that was it.

By the time ford realised what a mistake they made dropping the V8 in 1991, Holden had its HSV range and it cemented its sales force.

No doubt the BA and BF have helped regain ford's youthful image like it had in the 60's and 70's, but the fact is, they are so far behind, it will take another decade to catch up.
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Old 16-05-2006, 10:03 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by ED turbo (mickmalta)
Holden can produce more cars per year than ford can when they are under the pump.

Not only that, but in recent decades, ford's performance image was canned in favour of the EFI 6 in the XE while holden continued its V8.

Marketing plays a big part in it too, as holden is always shown to be a performance brand.

What performance did ford have in the 80's? The EFI 6 S Pac XF....... that was it.

By the time ford realised what a mistake they made dropping the V8 in 1991, Holden had its HSV range and it cemented its sales force.

No doubt the BA and BF have helped regain ford's youthful image like it had in the 60's and 70's, but the fact is, they are so far behind, it will take another decade to catch up.
Didnt the XE have a V8 aswell?
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Old 16-05-2006, 09:33 PM   #17
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Because the braindead monkeys running the blue oval company are pathetic and incompetent. (no offence to any Ford employees here).

Seriously they are useless.......have no understanding of the phrase "customer satisfaction" and couldn't market a hooker in a brothel.

"Should we give them a lift?'
"No...they're dogs!"

Doesn't that make you wanna buy a falcon!

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Old 15-05-2006, 07:24 PM   #18
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I'd say it's the old reputation that Holden have got goin on. Alot of people that give me stick about owning a Ford have the whole, "whats a radiator" thing going on.
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Old 15-05-2006, 07:37 PM   #19
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Line up 2 60 year old ladies and ask them to step into a BA XT and then a VZ Executive and to them they wont pick a thing different, They would be happy with both cars.
What many need to see is when the mags test the cars they drive them like Brocky and Moffat did at Bathurst, Everyday driving isn't this;).
And when you need a car that drives from a to b and does it perfect you dont pick at petty little things, Because as many would like to think of it as , The VZ is a very very good car and does nothing wrong.
And thats why it sell so well. It's trusted respected. And many that buy a commodore generally buy another at some time.
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Old 15-05-2006, 07:46 PM   #20
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Sounds like you been sooking over holden for years lol I think everyone knows GM owns holden so who are you trying to fool with that one:p.

Holden sell the commodore because some might call it but thats biased talking. It is a very good car still and it sell because when you want a daily driver and dont drive them like the mags do they all run pretty much the same.
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Old 15-05-2006, 07:55 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by Falcon Coupe
I would put it down to brand loyalty, Holden has a heap of fans that will stick with them regardless of Ford having the better package.
I agree. I would still buy a ford even if it wasnt anywhere near as good as a holden. (although were lucky this is not the case).
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Old 15-05-2006, 10:51 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by Falcon Freak
Why is Holden outselling Falcon? Because vermin breed so quickly that they can spawn a lot more one-eyed boguns. These people will continue to buy Holdens even when GM starts importing Commodores from China - because Holden is 'Australian'.

You remind of the guy that called all Holden people brainless idiots or was it brain dead? And i ask you was your mother happy with her Commodore, That wouldn't be you would it?.
Originally Posted by MethodX
They are both Yank owned multinationals anyway.
so whats the difference?
It's easy to only point one of them out.

But on buying cars there would only be about 20% of the people out there that know something about cars, And that might influence there decision?. I think the rest have no idea.
What makes a Asian family that owns just about every Toyota model buy a Holden VYII Commodore S?. What makes a Asian family that owns Toyota's buy a Ford Territory? It happens. Might be word of mouth might be they want to try and fit more in?. There are other that have no clue at all.
But when i think of the car dealers around my area for about 30min drive there all Holden Hyundai Mitsubishi. The closest Ford dealer is 40min away. Fords biggest problem is stopping people like me that can walk to my car and buy a new holden in 7min. There is nothing on my way to a holden dealers that can change my mind if i need a new car. Even second hand, If i;'m after a second hand ford i need to go to the same holden dealers for a ford.
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Old 15-05-2006, 11:25 PM   #23
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Holden under promise and over deliver, Ford is prone to achieving to opposite.

Referring to mainly a base model comparison here, most buyers know that the Commodore is nothing special. It doesn't promise to be in the first place so you can only go up from there. Options are thrown in as a decoy because there's little offered in leading technology and refinement (until VE anyway).

Falcon on the other hand boosts high tech engines, transmissions and suspension, class leading comfort, ride and safety etc. But options are expensive and can't be given always easily due to the added expense in delivering more car. Topped with the traditional Ford service and you are left an experience that promised so much, all but gone pear shaped.
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Old 15-05-2006, 11:39 PM   #24
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This issue is being over complicated with all the servicing, sales and talk about porduction numbers and the rest.

Its a simple image issue. Holden marketing craps all over Fords. Look at fords recent add campaign, they start with a ford ute driveing through town where models walk after a car. They then follow it up with an add where instead of good looking women, dogs chase the car, the passenger turns to the driver and proclaims, theyre dogs.

Now this add shows Fords complete lack of abilitry to promote a car and its merits properly. This particular add is demeaning to women (alot of women call the shots with the purse strings) and does nothing for Fords image. Holden on the other hand throw plenty of performance orientated adds where cars turn up a storm doing burnouts etc. Gee, I wonder which car will get the better image and thus sell more. People dont buy cars based on seeing dogs run after a ute, nor for that matter do they buy them because hot women walk after them. They buy them because they are perceived better.

This has been happening for years people., Those who blame the AU are just looking for a scape goat. Holden is seen as the australian car. Holden has masses of supporters and to accomodate them masses of merchandise. Fords merchandise stand in any K-mart or likewise is pitiful compared to holdens range.

Im sorry, but ford just dosnt put in the effort required to change public perception and thus sway the battle in their favour at all. How bout some adds as has been said that highlights just how australian the car is. Imagine an add with the song, hey true blue, where the first half of the add shows shipping containers arriving from overseas packed with the new barina or whatever the POS is, after that show some stats with exactly how much of the holdn commodore is made in aus. After this show the Ford Flacon arrive on the scene in a very sporty image, after this show just how much of the ford is made in aus and end with the australian flag with the words, buy australian.

Atleast that sort of add campaign would start to chip away at the Holden meat pie kangaroo crap.

And after that, keep it coming. Relentless until the public gets an idea. Mix that style add with different adds aimed at family, muscle and utility markets.

Ford marketing is a disgrace. And will never at this rate break the strangle hold Holden has on australias men and youths.
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Old 16-05-2006, 08:10 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by Black XR6

Now this add shows Fords complete lack of abilitry to promote a car and its merits properly. This particular add is demeaning to women (alot of women call the shots with the purse strings) and does nothing for Fords image. Holden on the other hand throw plenty of performance orientated adds where cars turn up a storm doing burnouts etc. Gee, I wonder which car will get the better image and thus sell more. People dont buy cars based on seeing dogs run after a ute, nor for that matter do they buy them because hot women walk after them. They buy them because they are perceived better.
yeah but did you notice the piece of crap commodores only done the burnouts in the gravel not on the bitumen, e.g the one with thunderstruck as the theme song!!!
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Old 16-05-2006, 10:30 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by Black XR6
This issue is being over complicated with all the servicing, sales and talk about porduction numbers and the rest.

Its a simple image issue. Holden marketing craps all over Fords. Look at fords recent add campaign, they start with a ford ute driveing through town where models walk after a car. They then follow it up with an add where instead of good looking women, dogs chase the car, the passenger turns to the driver and proclaims, theyre dogs.

Now this add shows Fords complete lack of abilitry to promote a car and its merits properly. This particular add is demeaning to women (alot of women call the shots with the purse strings) and does nothing for Fords image. Holden on the other hand throw plenty of performance orientated adds where cars turn up a storm doing burnouts etc. Gee, I wonder which car will get the better image and thus sell more. People dont buy cars based on seeing dogs run after a ute, nor for that matter do they buy them because hot women walk after them. They buy them because they are perceived better.

l could not agree more, those ads make me cringe and always get a negative reaction from my wife who is a Ford fan. Just dumb. misguided advertising. l would hate to think how many millions are paid to the agency that cooks that crap up each year.

Ford dropping the V8 in the 80's is still hurting them now as is the HCT/HSV brand image that Holden have had to themselves for far too many years. Everyone likes a winner
and thats Holdens edge, they market themselves as such and it works.
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Old 15-05-2006, 11:44 PM   #27
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IMO ford started losing sales and reputation right about the time holden released it best looking car yet (VT) and ford released its worst looking car ever (AU). They are only just starting to get some sales and respect back now with the BA and BF

Sorry if that offends any AU owners.
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Old 16-05-2006, 12:12 AM   #28
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I can't believe the amount of people on here clutching at straws to try and find anything to bag holden out, yes obviousley I am on a Ford website, but I am one person who looked at the BA when it came out and thought wow that actually looks quite good, then next thing u know im in a sales position (insert BA company car here) I had the XR6 for about a month and I really didn't want it anymmore, I couldn't get to my 15,000 k's quick enough.

The car was a shocker, crap diffs, broken CV joints, power steering pumps, clunky back shifts, woful cruise control, and to top it off the worst economy I have ever experienced from a 6 CYL family car, not to mention the endless headlight and tail light bulbs I was replacing (thankfully for the company under warranty), sorry I think I also missed the fact it kept scrubbing the inside of its tyres out.

THIS and only THIS is the reason why more people buy Commodores more than Falcons, and because they are a good looking little car.

I got my VZ and SV6, astounded by the fuel economy, enjoyed the power and ultra smooth gearbox, and tight handling, ultra responsive steering, and the fact that if the gearox thought "hmmm theres not enough power maybe i should whack it back one save him having to sink his foot more and more" and it did it smoothly. Even the ol 4 speed in the S did it.

I had only two complaints about the VZ, throttle delay and the fact that it's headlight relay blew, that was it though.

I havn't driven one but maybe the BF will turn a couple more heads, but only till the VE comes out, but that period of time may not be long enough to turn enough heads, thats the only problem.

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Old 16-05-2006, 12:24 AM   #29
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Originally Posted by Stoney!
I can't believe the amount of people on here clutching at straws to try and find anything to bag holden out, yes obviousley I am on a Ford website, but I am one person who looked at the BA when it came out and thought wow that actually looks quite good, then next thing u know im in a sales position (insert BA company car here) I had the XR6 for about a month and I really didn't want it anymmore, I couldn't get to my 15,000 k's quick enough.

The car was a shocker, crap diffs, broken CV joints, power steering pumps, clunky back shifts, woful cruise control, and to top it off the worst economy I have ever experienced from a 6 CYL family car, not to mention the endless headlight and tail light bulbs I was replacing (thankfully for the company under warranty), sorry I think I also missed the fact it kept scrubbing the inside of its tyres out.

THIS and only THIS is the reason why more people buy Commodores more than Falcons, and because they are a good looking little car.

I got my VZ and SV6, astounded by the fuel economy, enjoyed the power and ultra smooth gearbox, and tight handling, ultra responsive steering, and the fact that if the gearox thought "hmmm theres not enough power maybe i should whack it back one save him having to sink his foot more and more" and it did it smoothly. Even the ol 4 speed in the S did it.

I had only two complaints about the VZ, throttle delay and the fact that it's headlight relay blew, that was it though.

I havn't driven one but maybe the BF will turn a couple more heads, but only till the VE comes out, but that period of time may not be long enough to turn enough heads, thats the only problem.

here is the third of the three "antichrists" first gmhdriver, then ammojammo, now you stoney! your in the running to win the ever popular aff holiday
**after reading his other posts too**
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Tickford EL Falcon XR6 RIP
-- Factory Manual
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Old 16-05-2006, 12:39 AM   #30
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Originally Posted by Stoney!
THIS and only THIS is the reason why more people buy Commodores more than Falcons, and because they are a good looking little car.
Back that up with actual facts, not your own personal reasons why you don't like Ford.

For example, if reliability was the issue, explain to me why the Commodore is not widely used in the taxi industry.
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