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Old 18-08-2006, 03:13 PM   #31
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I dont really know for sure but I bought one after seeing a bloke driving a rodeo ute steel tray, tray and sunraysias were typically chipped and grazed, yet no rust. I fitted one (different brand to the ute) to my Vitara, only had it for a year but she lived on the beach, and i could not see any evidence of rust in a then 8 year old car...bull bar, tow bar & scrub bars just didnt show rust..

and it cant have been the type of paint on the rodeo, because at the time I was a detailer at a 4x4 yard, and the same type of rodeos had to have the trays polished once a fortnight to remove the rust stain dribbling down from the steel latches.....so i was kinda convinced
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Old 18-08-2006, 04:27 PM   #32
74 XB Coupe
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There are so many reasons why one car will corrode more than another. The Rodeo I was driving was cleaned every few weeks with acid due to the clinker dust at the wharf where I am working. The paint on the wheels was flaking off etc, yet no rust, no polish, no anti corrosion devices.
XB Coupe.....What else do I have to say.
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Old 18-08-2006, 05:19 PM   #33
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
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Can only speak on what I have seen. My vehicle has an electronic rust proofing device and as yet has not shown any signs of rust..... anywhere. It gets washed fortnightly, but lives in a shed. To back that up, my dealer has commented numerous times on how free of rust it is on the underside etc.

A friend of mine works in a coal mine and he has commented that they have purchased new Hiluxs over the past two years. The new ones have rust in them where an old one (about five year old) has little if none at all (and it is constantly covered in coal mud etc). It looks in better nick then the newer vehicles. The only difference is that the old one has been fitted with an electronic rust proofing device from new. He too was amazed at the difference it has obviously made.

He rang to quiz me on them as he just purchased a new 4X4 and wanted to ask how my rust proofing device was going, hence the topic of the Hiluxs came about. Personally have no explanation for the limited rust on the most abused vehicle on site ...... apart from the device. However, according to some, it's a load of bollocks.


Make your own mind up I reckon. Research is the key on this topic, I believe. It is most likely something that you may have to witness for yourself before you make your mind up. I do know one thing about them though and that is that they need to be checked yearly (multimeter).

Listening to other peoples opinions on this topic will only confuse the issue for you. As yet, the electronic device has not given me any excuse to think that it is not worth the money.
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Old 18-08-2006, 05:43 PM   #34
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I tell you what, I am both, I can assure you its not trivial when you start to **** me off, not for you anyhow.
Originally Posted by Laminge
...its amazing how mud sticks to ones shoes, as flies do to the elderly and bottle blondes around fame and fortune...
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Old 18-08-2006, 06:57 PM   #35
74 XB Coupe
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This is obviously a topic that will always have people on both sides, and while i am on one side, I still respect those on the other. I have posted my views and responses on this forum and now it's everyones else turn to decide how they feel. I don't believe that turning this into a **** fight will achieve anything.
If people feel they have a device that works, please PM me the details and I will look at it objectively.
XB Coupe.....What else do I have to say.
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