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Old 19-04-2016, 03:10 PM   #91
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Default Re: Karma bites back. I am most satisfied now!

In Bundaberg we used to have one...stereotypically driving a VN Commodore of all things...who lived down the road from us. Always doing burnouts, at our intersection (we lived on a corner) he would spin the car several times and smoke off into the distance. Cops were called but it was before the days of hoon laws so all they could do was go have a chat to him really and make a few threats that they would be "keeping an eye on him".

Then one night someone snuck down the road at 2am and wedged a pair of big thick steel nails in front of and behind all four of his tyres. No idea who did it...
That quieted him down for a while, but he was soon back at it. Until he lost it and went over a gutter and through someones concrete block fence. Drove the front wheels and suspension back to the bottom of the front doors and comprehensively wrote the car off.

Best laugh the people in my street had for years...

Originally Posted by The Beast View Post
I think that everyone is missing the point...we are not advocating doing burnouts on public roads etc, it's more about us older (not old) folk having a laugh at the current generation showing off, but then losing it!

Bring on the CCTV footage

PS - ok, I admit it, I did some burnouts when I was 20+ years younger....but it was all in the name of safety so I knew how the car would handle when it was out of control
HOWEVER, we used to all know three little words..."Time And Place". People used to do burnouts and drag race...in Bundaberg the "strip" was out in the cane paddocks about eight or nine k's out of town in the middle of nowhere without a house for kilometers. Burnouts used to be done on deserted back streets in industrial areas. Morons who did them in the main street or other nearby areas were told off by the rest of us because it would bring Mr Plod down on the heads of the rest of us.
Time And Place, kiddies....time and place...and suburban streets aren't the "place".

Last edited by 2011G6E; 19-04-2016 at 03:17 PM.
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Old 19-04-2016, 06:05 PM   #92
The Yeti
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Default Re: Karma bites back. I am most satisfied now!

Originally Posted by 2011G6E View Post
In Bundaberg we used to have one...stereotypically driving a VN Commodore of all things...who lived down the road from us. Always doing burnouts, at our intersection (we lived on a corner) he would spin the car several times and smoke off into the distance. Cops were called but it was before the days of hoon laws so all they could do was go have a chat to him really and make a few threats that they would be "keeping an eye on him".

Then one night someone snuck down the road at 2am and wedged a pair of big thick steel nails in front of and behind all four of his tyres. No idea who did it...
That quieted him down for a while, but he was soon back at it. Until he lost it and went over a gutter and through someones concrete block fence. Drove the front wheels and suspension back to the bottom of the front doors and comprehensively wrote the car off.

Best laugh the people in my street had for years...

HOWEVER, we used to all know three little words..."Time And Place". People used to do burnouts and drag race...in Bundaberg the "strip" was out in the cane paddocks about eight or nine k's out of town in the middle of nowhere without a house for kilometers. Burnouts used to be done on deserted back streets in industrial areas. Morons who did them in the main street or other nearby areas were told off by the rest of us because it would bring Mr Plod down on the heads of the rest of us.
Time And Place, kiddies....time and place...and suburban streets aren't the "place".
The other thing is a burnout back in the day was a simple skid, if you had a half arsed car it might have been a variant of a line lock

now days they try for tip ins & hellies on the street and with the more modern cars its possible to sort of get them, but the sort of is the scary dangerous part

Some might say thats becasue thats the summernats / brashernatts encouraging people to do it on the street, personally I think if your the type of person who does it on the street becasue you saw some one on the track do it, your a complete ****tard who doesn't deserve to drive anyway
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Old 19-04-2016, 08:21 PM   #93
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Default Re: Karma bites back. I am most satisfied now!

Originally Posted by JC View Post
True, but the forum doesn't promote illegal activity, of which burnouts would be near top of the list.

We have young P platers in our street that do burnouts at every intersection - we know who they are, and the police know who they are, but unless they are doing it when the police arrive, not much can be done (I'm not standing out the front at 3am with a camera to film them). Karma has got a few of them ( mounting gutters and bending wheels etc). Only luck has meant there's been no houses or other cars hit yet.
they wouldnt have a white AU xr6 ?
as one removed there plates last week and did a few burnouts down my street at 3:50pm

wish they didnt take the plates off my cameras would of them
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Old 19-04-2016, 08:39 PM   #94
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Default Re: Karma bites back. I am most satisfied now!

When I was 14 I got my 1st car and trashed it around the paddock racing other mates or just fanging it about with the lads in the car, that was all great fun and you learn how to drive real well.

But I never got into doing burnouts that's boring as dog s--- to me not to mention just only being totally destructive to a car and such people are just drongos not to mention how some do it on streets in town need a boot up the tail directly.
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Old 20-04-2016, 06:12 PM   #95
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Default Re: Karma bites back. I am most satisfied now!

Originally Posted by Razorwire View Post
As I keep telling my family... As long as I don't take anyone with me, ill be going with a smile on my face
All well and noble........but I bet your family won't have any smiles on their faces at your funeral.
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Old 20-04-2016, 09:34 PM   #96
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Default Re: Karma bites back. I am most satisfied now!

I have never been interested in burnouts or doughnuts.
They are fantastic fun on Forza or GTA, but in real life I couldn't bring myself to do it because all I would be thinking about is how much stress it's putting the car through and how much it's costing me.

But if I was going to do one, I would be doing it somewhere very, very quite and not in a built up area like a common bogan.
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Old 20-04-2016, 09:45 PM   #97
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Default Re: Karma bites back. I am most satisfied now!

Being fined for dangerous driving costs more than a racing simulator.
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