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The Bar For non Automotive Related Chat

View Poll Results: Should gen Y be excluded from voting?
Of course not, with each generation focus changes 30 41.10%
No, but it is a problem that needs resolving. 16 21.92%
Yes, and they will not care as they are used to being manipulated 7 9.59%
O.M.G. LOL 20 27.40%
Voters: 73. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 16-09-2010, 04:20 PM   #31
aussie muscle
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Originally Posted by grandpa_spec_au
Me: "Oh really? Do you agree / disagree with their point of view?"
Person: "*silence*.... nah coz mum and dad said they're idiots"
on the radio before the election, most women responded that they were voting for Julia, because she is a woman...

yeah, like Anna bligh and Christina Keneely make a difference....
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Old 16-09-2010, 04:36 PM   #32
pottery beige
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i think it should be lowered to 6yo.... at times they make more sense.......
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Old 16-09-2010, 04:40 PM   #33
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voting should be IQ limited there are some people out there that are just too stupid to vote
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Old 16-09-2010, 04:59 PM   #34
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Rather than raise the voting age, I'd prefer to see voting become voluntary.
Those with no interest would simply not turn up, those who care about the direction of the country would (hopefully) submit an educated vote.
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Old 16-09-2010, 05:07 PM   #35
Franco Cozzo
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Originally Posted by flappist
What is it with the youth of today?
Where is the power and the passion?

When I was a teenager we did not just roll over when the Government did things "for our own good". We stood up and made a difference.

Right to march. Many were arrested until the tyrants worked out that they were in a losing battle.

Sydney Mardi Gras. Being gay was a criminal offence (punishable by being locked up with a lot of other people of the same gender so go figure).

Eco issues. Franklin, Iwasaki, Lake Pedder etc.

War issues. How many street marches and civil disobedience has there been over Iraq & Afganistan as opposed to Vietnam.

We got angry and did something about it.
We rolled federal and state governments as well as individual politicans.

Now if you are really angry you post on a forum, twitter and facebook.

Alcopop tax. Absolute scam aimed square at gen Y
Speed cameras. Scam.
Red P, Green P now 3 years, all about control and domination.
Credit card/phone bill/HECS financial domination.
And so much more.....

The morons (of all sides) keep getting back in and every time I have asked a gen Y about what they believe in and support all I seem to get is O.M.G. LOL.

So should the voting age be raised to 30 until a new generation comes through who is not totally submissive?

P.S. this is sarcasm......(or is it?)
What power? My generation is all talk, "Oh I'm sick of this, blah blah", "Yeah lets do something about it", then when it comes to it no one does anything, too chicken. The only times I bothered to stand up for something I got made out to be the evil villain.

Originally Posted by Falcon Coupe
Rather than raise the voting age, I'd prefer to see voting become voluntary.
Those with no interest would simply not turn up, those who care about the direction of the country would (hopefully) submit an educated vote.
I completely agree.
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Old 16-09-2010, 05:34 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by 4bbl
people continue to use and sell drugs, giving the bird to authority hasn't changed that!

What is the penalty for personal possession of Canabis in SA or ACT?

And what was it 20 years ago?
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Old 16-09-2010, 05:35 PM   #37
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Originally Posted by Falcon Coupe
Rather than raise the voting age, I'd prefer to see voting become voluntary.
Those with no interest would simply not turn up, those who care about the direction of the country would (hopefully) submit an educated vote.
Yes absolutely. Unfortunately several groups have far too much to lose by doing that...
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Old 16-09-2010, 05:36 PM   #38
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And what was it 120 years ago?
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Old 16-09-2010, 05:40 PM   #39
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Originally Posted by Mr Hardware
Those who have a problem with Generation Y forget who raised it

The selfish, gluttonous lifestyles the bulk of the baby boomer generation leads is a terrible example.
Hmm, a gen Y saying that it is not their fault and blaming someone else.

How unexpected......
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Old 16-09-2010, 05:40 PM   #40
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Originally Posted by Big Damo
What power? My generation is all talk, "Oh I'm sick of this, blah blah", "Yeah lets do something about it", then when it comes to it no one does anything, too chicken. The only times I bothered to stand up for something I got made out to be the evil villain.

I completely agree.
And thats what i term the "public service mentality" in which people dont like others who rock the boat, or make a stand in what they believe in!
But also the media has somewhat given us that impression whereby if you protest, your an anarchist, or your unpatriotic because you question the government, your a bludger.... etc etc...
You've seen it, you've heard it and your still asking questions??

Don't write off the Goose until you see the box going into the hole....
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Old 16-09-2010, 06:00 PM   #41
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Originally Posted by GreenMachine
Seems the ETU taught you a thing or two about collective action, mate!

It's true though - people of my generation are becoming increasingly politically weak and apathetic... We need a good, hard government policy to wake them up. Conscription, maybe?
Yep, they taught me that blind bullying does not work.

If I had been running the SEQEB strikes I would not have cut the power thereby not giving JBP the mandate to send in the dogs of war.

I would have refused to read meters especially the commercial ones and therefore cut off the revenue. Money is what everything is always about......
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Old 16-09-2010, 06:08 PM   #42
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would save me voting not like it makes a difference, democracy is not important when the real decision is made by 3 people
Now Ford-less
But good things are coming in 6 months
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Old 16-09-2010, 06:15 PM   #43
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Originally Posted by fat4D
would save me voting not like it makes a difference, democracy is not important when the real decision is made by 3 people
what a bizzare statement . what do you think happens when a govt gets in power . then you have only a handfull making decisions for us everyday . thats politics .
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Old 16-09-2010, 06:22 PM   #44
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Just to make it a bit clearer. This is not an old vs young thread. It is a "what was done as teenagers" thread.

Older people have difficulty protesting as they have a lot to lose and are easy targets.
You have a family, a mortgage, financial commitments and whatever else it is easy to punish you financially which is profitable for them.

When you are young you you have nothing so you have nothing for them to take and any custodial or labour punishment actually costs them money so it is not "profitable".

Also the excuse of "youthful exuberance" is a huge get out of jail free card.

My point is that my generation and those before me got out and protested and civilly disobeyed.

It is interesting to note that across the ditch freedom is still alive and well. Maybe we should take a bit more notice of the long white cloud.....
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Old 16-09-2010, 06:34 PM   #45
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The thing is, if you try and protest against something you don't agree with or similar, then the Government will hide in their offices and get police members to arrest you or move you on.

Then you could be labelled a "terrorist" - definition could be anything to GovInc and locked away without a reason.

So really, the people should serve the people. Any form of Government is not interested in caring for the public and are in it for themselves. It's funny when people think Liberal is better than Labor or vice versa, or in the USA, that the Democrats are better than the Republicans or vice versa. They're all as bad as each other!

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Old 16-09-2010, 07:05 PM   #46
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They should not change the voting age, but should change the age of the pollies. Politicians should start their career at 18 and retire at 30. Well they couldn't F it up anymore than they do currently..... could they ?

Btw, i voted OMG LOL and yes i am over 30, but sometimes i wonder.
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Old 16-09-2010, 07:30 PM   #47
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I dont vote as a matter of fact I'm not on the electoral roll a bit of disobedience when I was younger has saved me from wasting time on a saturday picking the best from a bunch of loosers. Always fun with the comeback when the electoral office guys door knock saying "we have no one listed at this address on the electoral roll" usually occurs before the election is due.....lol...
Guess they wont come around any more as my daughter is on the roll 18 now.
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Originally Posted by flappist
Rental cars, the equipment of choice to get to destinations where 4WDs fear to drive......
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Old 16-09-2010, 08:37 PM   #48
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funny how some people dont want us to vote.
considering the baby boomers are so perfect!

you get the nuffys in every generation and im sure the baby boomers had as many donkey votes as ours.
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Old 16-09-2010, 09:07 PM   #49
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You can't say that mate, the world was perfect 30 years ago! Everybody was more intelligent, innovative, open minded and free thinking. They had much better ethics, politics and discipline systems. Cultural and sexual diversity was at it's peak. The only flaw is we can't go back in time due to todays incompetent so called scientists...
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Old 16-09-2010, 09:46 PM   #50
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Originally Posted by ST
You can't say that mate, the world was perfect 30 years ago! Everybody was more intelligent, innovative, open minded and free thinking. They had much better ethics, politics and discipline systems. Cultural and sexual diversity was at it's peak. The only flaw is we can't go back in time due to todays incompetent so called scientists...
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Old 16-09-2010, 10:27 PM   #51
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A lot of the replies on here are unfortunately unsurprising.

Just to make it clearer.

Every single generation since, well forever, has been screwing the one after it.
Every single generation blames those before it for all the problems in the world.
Little people get into positions of power and hit the softest targets.

Alcopop tax.
P plate restrictions.
Mobile phone restrictions.
Financial domination by 1000 days interest free.
And it goes on and on.


You are old enough and mature enough to have a say in how the country is run but you can't work out how to drink?
You can lay down your life in defense of your country but can't safely operate a car with 8 cylinders?

You just sit there and take it.

O.M.G. LOL I need to tweet urgently so others can tweet back (retweet?).

If you can't stand up for yourselves why do you think you should be able to vote?

Go on, prove me wrong..........I would dearly love to be......
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Old 16-09-2010, 10:42 PM   #52
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Originally Posted by flappist

Alcopop tax.
P plate restrictions.
Mobile phone restrictions.
Financial domination by 1000 days interest free.
And it goes on and on.
all these pale in comparison to issues your generation faced.

being forced into a war vs a few dollars more for a JD & coke?

homosexuality being illegal vs having to settle for a 150kw+ car on your Ps?

hardly worth getting worked up about. conscript kids to fight in iraq & you might see some action.

maybe it's the case that these restrictions are a small price to pay for the added freedoms gen y has now thanks to the efforts of the baby boomers.
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Old 16-09-2010, 10:52 PM   #53
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half the idiots myself and my girlfriend know couldnt decide between liberal and labour, because they both "sucked" so voted the greens. : : : :
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Old 16-09-2010, 10:57 PM   #54
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Originally Posted by |||
all these pale in comparison to issues your generation faced.

being forced into a war vs a few dollars more for a JD & coke?

homosexuality being illegal vs having to settle for a 150kw+ car on your Ps?

hardly worth getting worked up about. conscript kids to fight in iraq & you might see some action.

maybe it's the case that these restrictions are a small price to pay for the added freedoms gen y has now thanks to the efforts of the baby boomers.
Cracker post!

I disagree that voting age should be raised, there really is nothing to gain from that, voting should not be compulsory, that would leave those of us intelligent enough (or who care enough?) to vote.. There are plenty of highly intellectual 18-20 year olds who do care, and who do want a say. There's also plenty of forty-somethings who don't care and will vote for someone based on reasons not remotely related to politics, i.e "because she's a woman"..

Maybe an IQ test at the polling booth is a better idea?
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Old 17-09-2010, 12:45 AM   #55
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Originally Posted by flappist
O.M.G. LOL I need to tweet urgently so others can tweet back (retweet?).

Nice one Centurion, like it, like it!
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Originally Posted by flappist
Some people drive to go places others go places to drive.......
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Old 17-09-2010, 12:56 AM   #56
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Originally Posted by ST
You can't say that mate, the world was perfect 30 years ago! ..... The only flaw is we can't go back in time due to todays incompetent so called scientists...
Yes you can... it's called L.S.D
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My GMC Sierra is banned under Victoria's high powered vehicle laws, and its a 4082kg apartment complex on wheels.
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Old 17-09-2010, 03:08 AM   #57
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Originally Posted by flappist
Hmm, a gen Y saying that it is not their fault and blaming someone else.

How unexpected......
Hmmm, a Baby Boomer saying that nothing they do or decide can ever be flawed and blame the young whipper snappers for all that is not perfectt in this world and country.

How unexpected...

I beleive that, generally, the laws aimed at young people are for our benifit. (That only refers to laws targeted at <25 yo's, speed cameras etc I do not agree with however are aimed at all road users.)
The p-plate engine restrictions, while heavily flawed albiet, do make some sense.
Would you want your childs first car to be a 260Kw V8 or high performance turbo? 6's of the last decade (AU 172Kw, BA 182Kw, BF 190Kw, FG 195KW, VE 210Kw)are more than powerful enough to be fast and fun. And while they have similar power to V8s of the mid - late 90's, these cars are a lot safer with airbags, improved crush zones ect, while being better on fuel, a win win. This law will also be more relevent in the coming years as the price of BF and FG 8's and T6's, with well over 300Kw, and the ever common hoon mobile Holden and HSV V8's drops to within reach of teenagers. Not to mention the STIs and EVOs with 5 sec 0-100 times come below $15k. And eventually they will.

The Alcopop tax was targeted to limit the drinking of underage teens, girls mainly, who drink two 4 packs of Gauva cruiser as to not stain there toungue and end up passing out, doing something dumb, getting hurt, whatever the case may be. And while a tax my not be a cure all for underage drinking, and a bit of a bummer for those of legal age having to fork out more cash for tax, what else could the government have done to try, or atleast appear to try, to stop this?
Drug, alcohol and sex education is big in years 8/9 and I cannot think of anything else they can implement in the syllabus for Health classes, so 'proper education' is not a scapegoat for this.

Originally Posted by flappist
Maybe we don't think it (govenment legislation 'x') is worth fighting. As '|||' said, "...hardly worth getting worked up about. conscript kids to fight in iraq & you might see some action."
I think this is exactly right. Life, to use a cliche', is good. While there may be things that aren't very popular, like P-plate laws, it is all we know. This is the time we have been raised in and our environment has help shaped who we as a generation are.
We are not the same people as the previous generations, nor will we be like the generations to come, we are who we are, and nothing will change that.
We have not had to face a large scale, decastating war were we watch our mates die. If we had experienced that, I 100% guarantee things would be different. Wether for better or worse, I don't know.
While that may just sound lazy, I prefer efficient. Why waste time trying to get $2 off a drink I don't buy or a car that can get to the speed limit without appearing like a 'p-plate hoon' 0.5 seconds faster when I could be making a living, getting an education, doing whatever that has an actual benifit? I wouldn't, and I don't.

Every single generation since, well forever, has been screwing the one after it
You are talking about making a stand, a positive difference from what is the norm, but you go and say everyone under 30 is dumb and doesn't care and shouldn't have the right to vote.
Why don't you organise your generation of protesters and stop this trend if you see it as a problem, rather than feed the trend.

When you are young you you have nothing so you have nothing for them to take

I like to think I have a future. Having a 'resisting arrest' or 'disturbing the peace' etc on my record will not do me any favours when applying for Uni or a decent job in the future.

Originally Posted by flappist
Little people get into positions of power and hit the softest targets.
The powers at be are from what generation predominatly?

Originally Posted by flappist
Yep and you all did not do it.

What would the old bat have done in three quarters of the students just turned up in casual clothes?

Expelled you all?
Some other form of punishment?

HER bosses would look at this and deduce she has lost control of the school and replaced HER.

That is the difference......we actually went through with our threats..
If it was anything like my principle, probably give everyone an arvo. Stuff everyone into a few rooms and write 'I will not wear incorrect clothing too school and undermine the rules of the principle' over and over. Being made to feel like a dumb dog, humiliated, without the respect or credit that people in senior school years should have. I think I would just bite the bullet and wear uniform, wouldn't you?
In my school, a year 10-12 apparently with an 'adult leaning environment', everyone is treated like they don't know how to wipe their own. The teachers (majority, not all) talk down to you, making you feel dumb and insignificant, you cannot talk to any of the admin teachers, especially the dep. principle. You ask her anything and she will stare at you until you walk away.
I'd like a school where the teacher-student relationship is relaxed. Where you can share a joke, have a conversation, not be kept in because you don't know what the most dominant reading of a text convey's.
This is the environment we have been raised in. Never have we been encouraged to stand up for what I/we beleive in. Every time I dispute a decision I am not only shot down but punished for it too. This is how I have been wired to think and behave.

I think I have made most of the points I wanted to make, I've been at school all day then got home from 8hrs of work after that than some study and it's late and I'm tired, but I'm gen-y- lazy.

And for the record, I don't tweet or facebook or whatever else. I very seldom text and actual prefer to have a conversation that involves voices beleive it or not. I might go down to the RSL on the weekend and listen about how much better the kids were back in the day.

PS. Good work on making such a debatable thread, I haven't had this strong of an opinion to voice on this forum since joining.
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Old 17-09-2010, 04:05 AM   #58
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Honestly form personal experience it's the people in the 40-55 age bracket who seem to have no idea on what they're on about when it comes to voting.

Everyone I've met is completely ignorant on climate change and doesn't choose to believe anything that will affect their pocket, these generations grew up in a stronger christian based culture, whereas gen y grew up in a more scientific culture. They're in it for themselves, choose to be ignorant for their own financial benefit, whining about how they're not getting a sufficient amount of rent off their 10th house when gen Y can't afford a home due to the ridiculous high interest rates (that make it even easier for investers to keep investing).

The older generations have ****** the world up with their old fashioned beliefs that they refuse to move on from. They're greedy and don't give a crap about anything or anyone but themselves and their families, outside of that, everyone is just crap to them. and their gen y children are even worse than them. The kids attitude reflects their parents.
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Old 17-09-2010, 04:34 AM   #59
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Originally Posted by flappist
A lot of the replies on here are unfortunately unsurprising.

Just to make it clearer.

Every single generation since, well forever, has been screwing the one after it.
Every single generation blames those before it for all the problems in the world.
Little people get into positions of power and hit the softest targets.

Alcopop tax.
P plate restrictions.
Mobile phone restrictions.
Financial domination by 1000 days interest free.
And it goes on and on.


You are old enough and mature enough to have a say in how the country is run but you can't work out how to drink?
You can lay down your life in defense of your country but can't safely operate a car with 8 cylinders?

You just sit there and take it.

O.M.G. LOL I need to tweet urgently so others can tweet back (retweet?).

If you can't stand up for yourselves why do you think you should be able to vote?

Go on, prove me wrong..........I would dearly love to be......
I didn't see YOU, stopping petrol jumping from 69 cents to over a dollar, didn't see you stopping high interest rates, fees at universities, ridiculous house prices. YOUR generation is trying to make it as hard as possible for our generation to get a foot in life.

Why didn't you stop it? Oh that's right, the majority of your generation already had a footing in life and benefited with these inflating costs, saw an opportunity to profit as their middle class life that we could only dream of at this age wasn't good enough for them.

I'm sick of our generation copping criticism from yours when your money hoarding generation put us in the situation that you so frequently criticise for being in.

So condescending.
EB II 1992 Fairmont - koni reds, wade 977b, 2.5inch/4480's and much more to come!

Last edited by ILLaViTaR; 17-09-2010 at 04:39 AM.
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Old 17-09-2010, 06:31 AM   #60
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Ah that is better.....

Now you have worked out who is the enemy are you going to actually do something about it?

Or do you want someone else to fix it for you.......... O.M.G. LOL

P.S. The fear of a "disturbing the peace" charge hurting your future is unfounded.

Look up the histories of our Prime Ministers, Premiers, senior ministers and other leaders.

I was at right to march with Wayne Goss et al. Peter Garrett had the odd high profile "appearance" before he was famous and I am not sure how many others on here have had actual terrorism charges raised against them over the years.....

Last edited by flappist; 17-09-2010 at 06:41 AM.
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