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Old 16-05-2006, 02:54 AM   #61
AWD Chaser
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I think seriously it's because Holden stuck their neck out in the advertising market. I have seen (since the VY and VZ release), soooo many ads for the:

Barina - (take it off the TV already)

Maybe more???

All of this adds up to whats called brand recognition. When you think large car... you think... Holden Commodore... when you think 3 door hatch... you think Barina... V8 ute - Thunder/Storm...

Holden have a very succesful marketing team. Compared to Fords adverts? XR 6 speed? XT with extras? + the ads are no where near as frequent as Holdens.... My I point out - when was the last ad you saw for a fairmont, fairlane or LTD?
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Old 16-05-2006, 07:13 AM   #62
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Originally Posted by RPO83
Back that up with actual facts, not your own personal reasons why you don't like Ford.

For example, if reliability was the issue, explain to me why the Commodore is not widely used in the taxi industry.
I could back some of what his problems are with my brothers BA Fairmont.
The power steering on his car has been flushed because of a shudder. It's back 2 months later, The front brakes:P They replaced the rotors 2 weeks after he bought it. The front brakes shudder slowing from the freeway at higher speeds. Some type of rattle under the car he removed the shield on the exhaust Didnt help, And missing in the engine next week it's getting a 2nd tune. The rear brakes are gone but to get it warranty he needs more then they suck. His diff is fine, CV haven't been done. Tranny does shift alot getting around but it's fine.
Cruise is good i like the ford cruise it's great that it's on the steering. Easy adjusting.
But not long after he got the car it had warning lights going it had to go back and have the airbags checked i think they replaced it. But my sisters new Proton had to go back with a similar problem. I think he has no problems with tyre wear at all, Only one thing it screeches the tyres on corners something bad.
Hew hasn't been to happy with it but he is starting to live with it now. But it's been back to many times to Ford. They reset the ECU and it lost the police program he was so filthy.
Originally Posted by CDAA
Holden under promise and over deliver, Ford is prone to achieving to opposite.

Referring to mainly a base model comparison here, most buyers know that the Commodore is nothing special. It doesn't promise to be in the first place so you can only go up from there. Options are thrown in as a decoy because there's little offered in leading technology and refinement (until VE anyway).

Falcon on the other hand boosts high tech engines, transmissions and suspension, class leading comfort, ride and safety etc. But options are expensive and can't be given always easily due to the added expense in delivering more car. Topped with the traditional Ford service and you are left an experience that promised so much, all but gone pear shaped.
Come on, The VZ is hardly old school. It's got it's high high tech engine, It's 4 speed in the VZ is as good as the 4 speed offered in the BF, BF class leading comfort in base? thats ambitious. Ask anyone that has sat in a VZ and they will tell you base or high spec models they are all very nice and comfy to be in. Handling is also very good a touch more harder then the BA-BF but overall still very good for the Australian conditions. They have great options and standard features and do have more in the safety area then ford.
Commodore executive might not be special but it's a very good car none the less.
Fords biggest advantage over the Holden's is IRS a real full independent rear suspension. But move to the font and even know holden doesn't have wishbone Front they actually steer and handle bloody good at the front.
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Old 16-05-2006, 08:08 AM   #63
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If people want to just bag either product I'll just close the thread and save everyone the hassle of reporting it.
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Old 16-05-2006, 08:20 AM   #64
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Originally Posted by 4Vman
Fleet sales has been flagged as the main reason, Brand loyalty would be a major hurdle, but Holden simply discount further to fleets, its also a reason why although they sell allot of cars they can't make a healthy profit.
You'll probably find if they could pull out the private sales the Falcon would out sell the Commodore.
You are absolutely spot on. The reason is purely an accounting one.
Holden to a fleet like Onyx sell the car for just a hair under 20K, have the vehicle 3 years, sell for 17K and only lose 3K.
Falcon to fleets 25-27K, have for same period, sell for 17K and lose 8-10K.

That is the only reason that they are outselling falcon, however that is set to change with the upcoming VE due to the vehicle costing alot more to produce than the outgoing VZ. Holden and fleets are nervous that the more expensive, heavier vehicle will not appeal to fleets as they will not get such a massive discount, and that would put them more on par with ford. Apparently, the figures quted by Holden for fleets have led to quite a number already jumping ship, and leaving Holden after many years.
Expect to see the mantra of highest volume selling car go to someone else. (prob toyota)
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Old 16-05-2006, 08:30 AM   #65
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Originally Posted by Stoney!
I can't believe the amount of people on here clutching at straws to try and find anything to bag holden out, yes obviousley I am on a Ford website, but I am one person who looked at the BA when it came out and thought wow that actually looks quite good, then next thing u know im in a sales position (insert BA company car here) I had the XR6 for about a month and I really didn't want it anymmore, I couldn't get to my 15,000 k's quick enough.

The car was a shocker, crap diffs, broken CV joints, power steering pumps, clunky back shifts, woful cruise control, and to top it off the worst economy I have ever experienced from a 6 CYL family car, not to mention the endless headlight and tail light bulbs I was replacing (thankfully for the company under warranty), sorry I think I also missed the fact it kept scrubbing the inside of its tyres out.

THIS and only THIS is the reason why more people buy Commodores more than Falcons, and because they are a good looking little car.

I got my VZ and SV6, astounded by the fuel economy, enjoyed the power and ultra smooth gearbox, and tight handling, ultra responsive steering, and the fact that if the gearox thought "hmmm theres not enough power maybe i should whack it back one save him having to sink his foot more and more" and it did it smoothly. Even the ol 4 speed in the S did it.

I had only two complaints about the VZ, throttle delay and the fact that it's headlight relay blew, that was it though.

I havn't driven one but maybe the BF will turn a couple more heads, but only till the VE comes out, but that period of time may not be long enough to turn enough heads, thats the only problem.

The problems you have listed are problems common to the commodore ie; scrubbed insides of the tyres and transmission woes (yes woe has an e in it). The fact you are having trouble stringing a coherent sentence together implies that you are actually a school kid who has read a couple of motoring reports and then got them confused.
In the history of Holden and Ford, nobody has ever praised the Holden transmission while rubbishing the Ford. You my friend have it completely wrong there. Also, the uneven wear of tyres has always been a Holden IRS issue, and never a ford IRS issue. You, again have it exactly wrong. And your theories on LPG only go to show that conception does have merit in todays world. Every post of yours is pro Holden, Ford bashing, with figures that you have extracted from the far reaches of the galaxy, between neptune and pluto.

I believe the following saying applies to you and your Holden buddies.
"In the land of the blind, the man with one eye is king".
If brains were gasoline, you wouldn't have enough to power an ants go-cart a half a lap around a Cheerio - Ron Shirley

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Old 16-05-2006, 08:40 AM   #66
Full Spectrum
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Originally Posted by ltd
The problems you have listed are problems common to the commodore ie; scrubbed insides of the tyres and transmission woes (yes woe has an e in it). The fact you are having trouble stringing a coherent sentence together implies that you are actually a school kid who has read a couple of motoring reports and then got them confused.
In the history of Holden and Ford, nobody has ever praised the Holden transmission while rubbishing the Ford. You my friend have it completely wrong there. Also, the uneven wear of tyres has always been a Holden IRS issue, and never a ford IRS issue. You, again have it exactly wrong. And your theories on LPG only go to show that conception does have merit in todays world. Every post of yours is pro Holden, Ford bashing, with figures that you have extracted from the far reaches of the galaxy, between neptune and pluto.

I believe the following saying applies to you and your Holden buddies.
"In the land of the blind, the man with one eye is king".
I have praise for the auto well myn.
The rubbing of the tyres was more until they picked up the control link, And when you lower a holden if you don't get a camber kit you will loose the rear easy.
But when i was getting a nail out of my tyre there was a RWD TX territory there with one massive Bald tyre, I think it was left back, They moved the front to the rear and a new one on the front. Anyone else have this problem with the RWD Terra? It's not a wheelspin issue as it wont do a wheelie we tried:P.
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Old 16-05-2006, 09:07 AM   #67
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Originally Posted by 2kool4u
Commodores are better :P
And then you woke up.
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Old 16-05-2006, 09:18 AM   #68
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Ford are slowly catching Holden ,as people slowly start to forget the broken door handles every few months for over 10 years of model runs,that only ended with the ultra ugly AU, everyone i know Ford and Holden fans are talking about how tough looking the Ford is in last two models, mind you the Ford ad's leave a lot to be desired, and not doing anything to combat the made in Australia slogans by Holden are still killing them.flame me if you want for the door handles being a reason but all we used to joke about at work was having spent two hours and another $30 on doing a handle replacement when our mates were at the beach or pub.i personally know three older Ford fans that went Toyota and Mazda and one Commodore.because of this ,
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Old 16-05-2006, 09:28 AM   #69
Mark Edmonds
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Soe good posts here..my wife reckons that women play a bigger role in vehicle purchasing decisons than us blokes realise. Women prefer commodore cos they reckon the falcon looks to blokey.......then again she does like the look of my power bulge.
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Old 16-05-2006, 09:42 AM   #70
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Two words:


Oh, and the average punter doesn't give two hoots as to whether Holden is owned by GM or not
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Old 16-05-2006, 09:55 AM   #71
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Like I said in my earlier post :

You see every FORD made will last 3 times as long as any HOLDEN. Based on this logic, we only ever have to update every 15 years. That means that most XF - EA owners are only just thinking of purchasing a new BABY.........Holden will be outsold by 3 to 1 next year when this happens........... :the_finge
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Old 16-05-2006, 10:03 AM   #72
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Originally Posted by ED turbo (mickmalta)
Holden can produce more cars per year than ford can when they are under the pump.

Not only that, but in recent decades, ford's performance image was canned in favour of the EFI 6 in the XE while holden continued its V8.

Marketing plays a big part in it too, as holden is always shown to be a performance brand.

What performance did ford have in the 80's? The EFI 6 S Pac XF....... that was it.

By the time ford realised what a mistake they made dropping the V8 in 1991, Holden had its HSV range and it cemented its sales force.

No doubt the BA and BF have helped regain ford's youthful image like it had in the 60's and 70's, but the fact is, they are so far behind, it will take another decade to catch up.
Didnt the XE have a V8 aswell?
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Old 16-05-2006, 10:05 AM   #73
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It comes back to the motorsport issue also. Sure its bragging rights but it is a massive marketing tool. Holden have used it successfully, they are all to quick to point out their wins, especially at the Mountain. Yet it has evolved. It is no longer a case of win on Sunday sell on Monday, its more like win on Sunday sell in two years time. Ford have won the V8 championship for the last three years and with the new models the sales are coming back. I like the AU (might be one of only a few here) but the empty spots on the podiums definately hurt sales. Just have to win Bathurst again, maybe this year.... My 2 cents

Last edited by Morpheus; 16-05-2006 at 10:27 AM.
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Old 16-05-2006, 10:24 AM   #74
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holden are and have been more agressive in their marketing ,and too a degree parents choices are handed down to the kids in my book.
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Old 16-05-2006, 10:27 AM   #75
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Originally Posted by SlickHolden

Come on, The VZ is hardly old school. It's got it's high high tech engine, It's 4 speed in the VZ is as good as the 4 speed offered in the BF, BF class leading comfort in base? thats ambitious. Ask anyone that has sat in a VZ and they will tell you base or high spec models they are all very nice and comfy to be in. Handling is also very good a touch more harder then the BA-BF but overall still very good for the Australian conditions. They have great options and standard features and do have more in the safety area then ford.
Commodore executive might not be special but it's a very good car none the less.
Fords biggest advantage over the Holden's is IRS a real full independent rear suspension. But move to the font and even know holden doesn't have wishbone Front they actually steer and handle bloody good at the front.
I could easily, EASILY argue against the points you’ve made but would only distract from the topic of this thread. Your comments however serve as a great example of why the commodore sales are what they are. In a nut shell most your defence regarding the features of the Commodore are based on the opinion that it's not as high tech, nor refined, but it gets the job done well enough to satisfy jo average ..which is exactly my point..lol They (Holden) simply offer more options than Falcon at less cost to bridge the gap..and it's working. Well done to them if they can get away with it, and they clearly do.
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Old 16-05-2006, 10:33 AM   #76
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Originally Posted by Morpheus
It comes back to the motorsport issue also. Sure its bragging rights but it is a massive marketing tool. Holden have used successfully, they are all to quick to point out their wins, especially at the Mountain. Yet it has evolved. It is no longer a case of win on Sunday sell on Monday, its more like win on Sunday sell in two years time. Ford have won the V8 championship for the last three years and with the new models the sales are coming back. I like the AU (might be one of only a few here) but the empty pots on the podiums definately hurt sales. Just have to win Bathurst again, maybe this year. My 2 cents


I don't think the average Aussie gives a toss about whether the marque they are going to purchase has won at Bathurst or NOT. Maybe the fanatics can use it as a leveraging tool to justify their purchase of an FPV or HSV, but the average Joe or average Company( where all the sales are ) is just looking for the best value for money, economy, and resale value. Cars have become so disposable these days that I reckon NO ONE who buys either is looking at keeping t he car for more than 5+ years anyways.......

At the moment, HOLDEN are "perceived" to have all of the above by the general populus.........We just have to deal with it.........and SO DO FORD.
It is very difficult to change the sales momentum when the products are so close to eac other in general spec...........

Ask yourself very honestly..........why would you really by a FORD over the equivalent HOLDEN ??????????
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Old 16-05-2006, 11:11 AM   #77
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Well I have both makes and they share the garage. I'm a Ford man because my dad was, I'm a V8 man because my dad also was. My wife on the other hand is opposite. She loves her Holdens because her dad does and was brought up with V8 Holdens. At my age, Brock run amok at Bx and Ford dropped its bundle with the EFi 6. Dad still had his XB clevo and I still loved to own a Falcon.

My point is, there would be heaps of Holden fanboys and girls out there because they either witnessed Brock at his dominent best or they were brought up on a diet of Commodores. The Ford guys and girls would either be new converts or ones like myself who have a long memory of watching mainly Moffat and to a lesser extent Johnson giving it to Holden in their X series Falcons. Motorsport and having a hero car with a cult following will pay dividends down the track. Holden have had these dividends coming in their showrooms for years and will continue to because they 'top up' their image with their superior marketing.

My opinion, banarcus....
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Old 16-05-2006, 11:19 AM   #78
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Originally Posted by ESP
Ask yourself very honestly..........why would you really by a FORD over the equivalent HOLDEN ??????????
You read my mind mate, I swear I was typing my post when you wrote this.
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Old 16-05-2006, 11:45 AM   #79
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I love the fact people actually think one model has caused Fords downfall in sales. Its a little more complicated than that im afraid.
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Old 16-05-2006, 11:55 AM   #80
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I work right on the Bruce Highway, at Bowen and the majority of cars heading north are Fords, and mostly Falcons. Very few Holdens. :
Back in a Ford!
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Old 16-05-2006, 12:01 PM   #81
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Originally Posted by ESP
Ask yourself very honestly..........why would you really by a FORD over the equivalent HOLDEN ??????????
Having experienced ownership of a couple of Holdens I have no doubts why I would prefer a Ford. Sorry ESP, not all manufacturers are the same.

I feel that Commodore sales are larger because the govt is buying them for fleets to help save GM Aust from going down the gurgler. Private sales are possibly more the Falcon's way but someone with access to the stats would have to confirm that.
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Old 16-05-2006, 12:34 PM   #82
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A little quote taken from the age for the 4L60 and 4L65 Holden transmissions.

"There's more obsolete technology in Holden's Hydramatic automatic transmission.

Lacking the manual selection and full electronic control facilities of the Falcon's new Australian unit, it becomes vague and indecisive whenever the car is pushed. "

See how many rebuilds of trannies in Holden are done compared to ford before you espouse nonsense about the auto tranny Stoner.
If brains were gasoline, you wouldn't have enough to power an ants go-cart a half a lap around a Cheerio - Ron Shirley

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Old 16-05-2006, 01:22 PM   #83
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Originally Posted by ESP
Like I said in my earlier post :

You see every FORD made will last 3 times as long as any HOLDEN. Based on this logic, we only ever have to update every 15 years. That means that most XF - EA owners are only just thinking of purchasing a new BABY.........Holden will be outsold by 3 to 1 next year when this happens........... :the_finge
That is a flying guess.
We only just updated our car it was a 79 VB Commodore with original engine tranny diff. When that car was taken away it still ran the engine was fine and the tranny still worked good, About 12 years ago the KM tacho stopped working i passed many fords and holden much newer on the side of the road broken down.
Now my Friend has a VR Berlina 280,000km. My car has over the VP has over 300,000km My sisters VL has over 290,000km i spotted a taxi for sale with 660,000km tell me they don't last that long?.
Originally Posted by Morpheus
It comes back to the motorsport issue also. Sure its bragging rights but it is a massive marketing tool. Holden have used it successfully, they are all to quick to point out their wins, especially at the Mountain. Yet it has evolved. It is no longer a case of win on Sunday sell on Monday, its more like win on Sunday sell in two years time. Ford have won the V8 championship for the last three years and with the new models the sales are coming back. I like the AU (might be one of only a few here) but the empty spots on the podiums definately hurt sales. Just have to win Bathurst again, maybe this year.... My 2 cents
Holden haven't won a championship in years how can they use it?.
Like they say in footy 1 win doesn't make a year.

Originally Posted by CDAA
I could easily, EASILY argue against the points you’ve made but would only distract from the topic of this thread. Your comments however serve as a great example of why the commodore sales are what they are. In a nut shell most your defence regarding the features of the Commodore are based on the opinion that it's not as high tech, nor refined, but it gets the job done well enough to satisfy jo average ..which is exactly my point..lol They (Holden) simply offer more options than Falcon at less cost to bridge the gap..and it's working. Well done to them if they can get away with it, and they clearly do.
I said they don't have a fully independent suspension and thats the only advantage ford has i never said it wasn't high tech or not refined. The car will satisfy anyone as always does.
Average Joe buys Holden's and fords.

Originally Posted by banarcus
Well I have both makes and they share the garage. I'm a Ford man because my dad was, I'm a V8 man because my dad also was. My wife on the other hand is opposite. She loves her Holdens because her dad does and was brought up with V8 Holdens. At my age, Brock run amok at Bx and Ford dropped its bundle with the EFi 6. Dad still had his XB clevo and I still loved to own a Falcon.

My point is, there would be heaps of Holden fanboys and girls out there because they either witnessed Brock at his dominent best or they were brought up on a diet of Commodores. The Ford guys and girls would either be new converts or ones like myself who have a long memory of watching mainly Moffat and to a lesser extent Johnson giving it to Holden in their X series Falcons. Motorsport and having a hero car with a cult following will pay dividends down the track. Holden have had these dividends coming in their showrooms for years and will continue to because they 'top up' their image with their superior marketing.

My opinion, banarcus....
Why is there holden fanboys and not ford fanboys also?.
My father past when i was 4, My grandfather drove a Valiant my other a old kingswood but was going to buy a Falcon GLI, My mum when i was 5 bought a Holden Gemini brand-new it done 3 engines in 24 months. She bought a EH after that it was a dud, She bought a Mazda rx3, Another dud of a car when she took me to school i had to jump out when it was moving or the thing wouldn't run, She needed a new car bad so we went down to a dealers and went over all the models, A VC Commodore came up we went for a test it seemed all good, She bought it about a week later, Was a great car till she loaned it to my sister and she was smashed in it 3 time!, the car was toast. We then bought another Gemini cause it was off a cousins mate, It was a beauty this thing Kermit green worked 1.6LT a real 6 beater and on it's day take it right up the V8's, It lost a engine that was worth a bit:(, Again another dud car, So needing a car again we turn to look for a new one again, My Auntie had a 87 XF on gas. the dash was all cool it lit up nice but cut out all the time and you had to bash it, Seemed good but she had spent some money on it, We were a little turned off because we thought this might be another troubled car and we just can't afford to have problems, So anyway we walked for 2 years. Till one day my mum got a load from a credit union to buy a car we got sick of walking, We went around and test drove a VC 6 Turbo 5 speed, I don't know where this car came from but we took it for a spin it was a box turbo or not, Got on the bus and heading home we see this VB Commodore and think it looks like our old Commodore just blue. We stop and have a look at it it looks good we decide to go for a test drive and the car was great our test lasted 10min, The only problem we picked with it was you needed to press the auto forward to start it it was funny cause if you didn't know it wouldn't start something with the selector. We got the car about 3 days later and the rest is history, Best car we ever had, We got all the time because it was old but the old boy towed and drove many people around when they broke down, biggest thing the car had done was a head thats it. Over the years it faded in paint it started to rust but ran every day and never stopped on us ever. Commodore choose us we didn't choose them, They did us know wrong we have been very happy with them. But my VP was the same it choose me my brothers mate had a car in the backyard he owned a Vs Statesman and new VYII Commodore and the VP was just sitting there, We bought it because it was cheap. My brother was always a ford man but always had Holden's till his last 2 cars the EF Fairmont and the BA Fairmont.
Originally Posted by new2ford
Having experienced ownership of a couple of Holdens I have no doubts why I would prefer a Ford. Sorry ESP, not all manufacturers are the same.

I feel that Commodore sales are larger because the govt is buying them for fleets to help save GM Aust from going down the gurgler. Private sales are possibly more the Falcon's way but someone with access to the stats would have to confirm that.
The bottom part is the biggest throw away lines i have ever seen.
What part of that is true? Not one part of it it's in-fact total BS.
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Old 16-05-2006, 01:28 PM   #84
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Originally Posted by Stoney!
Because the buick could not handle LPG as well as the 4.0 litre falcon engine, but i don't believe I ever spoke of lasting, I was merely speaking of the annoying problems I had with mine which me, which is what most fleet buyers and your average new car buyer would be noticing. Which is what this thread is about.

On petrol and LPG the 3.8 wouldn't have an issue running for 5 - 10 years but as a taxi constantly starting and stoping the covering many kilometres every day the 3.8 doesn't cope as well, this iss what I have been told anyway Ive still seen VT's getting around not sounding half as bad as the clapped out falcons.

But on the same token I hate LPG for this exact reason, being such a dry dense fuel, there is no lubrcation in the cylinders what so ever. The so called "savings" on running LPG, won't pay off in the long run.



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Old 16-05-2006, 01:42 PM   #85
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Originally Posted by new2ford
I feel that Commodore sales are larger because the govt is buying them for fleets to help save GM Aust from going down the gurgler. Private sales are possibly more the Falcon's way but someone with access to the stats would have to confirm that.
I dont agree with the gurgler bit but yeah, you're right.

Originally Posted by SlickHolden
The bottom part is the biggest throw away lines i have ever seen.
What part of that is true? Not part of it it's in-fact total BS.
And why is that Slick? I used to work in Local Government, and i can tell you right now, they have atleast 30 commodores alone and just keep updating them. They currently have an all VZ fleet. The reason? Not because they're better, or even more economical but because of a better lease deal. Ford dont do anywhere near as well in fleet because they can not discount cars as heavily as holden can. Ford do better in private Lease because they hold resale better and everyone can just go and grab Xr6's- it costs more at the top but makes sense when it comes to the bottom line. Less people do private Lease than companies do fleet (plus we're talking fleets of cars here) It all comes down to the bottom dollar- Commodores are cheaper at the Beginning and still offer a good resale at the bottom line. In addition, holden dealerships may buy back ex fleet commodores at more than market prices to ensure business continues. Thats why more fleets have commodores then falcons by a substantial ammount. It is in-fact not BS at all.
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Old 16-05-2006, 01:48 PM   #86
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Originally Posted by SlickHolden
The bottom part is the biggest throw away lines i have ever seen. What part of that is true? Not one part of it it's in-fact total BS.
Try the discussion in the Sales figures threads on this Forum e.g. http://www.fordforums.com.au/showthr...ht=march+sales

This from someone in the industry: "Falcon private sales are higher than Commodore, but Holden have picked up some good state and fed. government contracts again. Whereas Ford has gained ground in the small business sector with Falcon." And as I said, its subject to verification. What's your evidence?
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Old 16-05-2006, 01:48 PM   #87
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Originally Posted by Bucket
I dont agree with the gurgler bit but yeah, you're right.

And why is that Slick? I used to work in Local Government, and i can tell you right now, they have atleast 30 commodores alone and just keep updating them. They currently have an all VZ fleet. The reason? Not because they're better, or even more economical but because of a better lease deal. Ford dont do anywhere near as well in fleet because they can not discount cars as heavily as holden can. They do better in private Lease because they the hold resale better and everyone just go and grab Xr6's..but less people do private Lease than companies do fleet (plus we're talking fleets of cars here) It all comes down to the bottom dollar. Thats why more fleets have commodores then falcons by a substantial ammount. It its in-fact not BS at all.
Ahh yes it is BSA if the governments h buy Holden's just to save Holden's skin here that is major number 1 BS.
Do you seriously believe the governments buy a car to save holden or save in there pocket?
Ford sell more in the taxi area all evens out.
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Old 16-05-2006, 01:53 PM   #88
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Originally Posted by new2ford
Try the discussion in the Sales figures threads on this Forum e.g. http://www.fordforums.com.au/showthr...ht=march+sales

This from someone in the industry: "Falcon private sales are higher than Commodore, but Holden have picked up some good state and fed. government contracts again. Whereas Ford has gained ground in the small business sector with Falcon." And as I said, its subject to verification. What's your evidence?
You think you got evidence that the Government buys holden for fleet to save Holden in Australia???
My proof holden has been making profits for a very long time, They have a great overseas market they are self profitable and are struggling right now like everyone is with high fuel prices, But they still make profits. Tell me why anyone needs to help them out? I mentioned nothing on the registration side not once.
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Old 16-05-2006, 01:54 PM   #89
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Originally Posted by SlickHolden
Ahh yes it is BSA if the governments h buy Holden's just to save Holden's skin here that is major number 1 BS.
Do you seriously believe the governments buy a car to save holden or save in there pocket?
Ford sell more in the taxi area all evens out.
Yes, read my post again, i updated it.

No, Taxi sales do not even it out- Ford no longer offer the taxi pack and a majority of taxi drivers are still driving AU Falcons and will continue to until 500,000 or so Km's
Dont convince yourself that the BA Falcon Balances out VZ sales based on sales of Taxi's
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Old 16-05-2006, 01:54 PM   #90
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Simple, lots of people in australia take drugs!!!
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