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Old 05-12-2007, 02:56 AM   #91
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There are too many posts from 4Vman - fmc351 -Tonko & Keepleft to duplicate , GO back & read them and take notice . Why do you think the legislators are trying every Idea they can think of.

Originally Posted by 4Vman
Another "quality" thread with quality "input" and ideas.........
Some of the attitudes here typify those of the people being targeted in the first place.
Maybe if some people showed a bit more respect for the Police and laws as they used to stand then maybe they wouldn't need to bring in these draconian "control freak" laws in the first place...
The phase "ruined it for everyone else" comes to mind..
One of the BEST posts in this thread . While ever you "push" the Law past it's limits , they're going to bring in more .

Cops - TOGS - Pigs - ACAC - P.ricks = Great Attitude (not)

If someone "rips off" or "Smashes" your Pride & Joy , these are the First guy's you will call , will you call them names like that when they have to make a report for YOU , I think NOT .

Save this thread , come back in 10 years and see if you still feel the same !

" Life is like a ROLL of Toilet Paper , The MORE you use it , the LESS there is LEFT "

Oi , Watch it . Or I'll Rip Your BLUDDY Arm's Orf
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Old 05-12-2007, 07:39 AM   #92
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Cmon People!
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Old 05-12-2007, 01:10 PM   #93
let it burn
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Originally Posted by xquizd
Is this the same copper every time?

Have you ever really looked at most modded cars? Most, not all, but most arent roadworthy. Most are a backyard manner of making some bit fit because it *cough looks good. Yeah yeah, slow down mate, read on.

You might be one of the good guys, all items as they should be, a car is treated as your pride and joy. Its the too fast too furious imbeciles that draw attention to everyone. The copper doesnt know your car is RW or you arent one of the imbeciles, until he looks the car over and sees your attitude. But he knows the odds are it wont be RW, as most arent, and if you huff and puff, he is well aware of your attitude. If youve done nothing wrong, dont have a poor attitude (understand his reasons, not simply your own situation, I mean he/she has a situation too), make sure your car is right, youll usually be fine, just a little inconvenienced. Oh, and that one copper, will be less likely to pull you over again.

When I was 18 all my mates had the same sort of complaints, I drove a HK Monaro, I only got pulled up once I can recall for an RBT. I rode crotch rockets for years, rarely pulled up. My mates, shocking attitudes, but they thought they were right just the same.

The legislation says "aggravated burnout", not chirping wheels. Someone already identified what 'aggravated' means, putting a substance on the road to help break traction. Ummmm, its a road, other people will drive over it unaware of it, traction is good, I can see why they are targeting that practice.

The jail time is not for a first offence.

A second offence demonstrates a lack of respect for the law. It says, I dont care what you say, Im going to do what I please, get stuffed. With that attitude, Im glad they will lock em up, they deserve it.

if you dont agree with a law, fair enough, but the road is not the proper forum for demonstrating that disagreement, or trying to what? You arent going to change it in your favour are you?

If most people were not out doing burnouts on public roads, if they semeed to behave themselves, I doubt youd have enough people pressuring govt to make such laws in the first place, maybe just Harold Scrubby and a couple of Nannas in walking frames. Lead by example mate.

Last edited by plext; 05-12-2007 at 06:14 PM.
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Old 05-12-2007, 05:41 PM   #94
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Ahh...just more "police state" tactics...don't worry about it, everythings going to be fine.
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"Whatya think of me car, XR Falcon, 351 Blown Cleveland running Motec injection and runnin' on methanol... goes pretty hard too, got heaps of torque for chucking burnouts, IT'S UNREAL !!" - Poida
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Old 05-12-2007, 06:07 PM   #95
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1) For crying out loud POST IN ENGLISH.

2) This forum is not a venue for name calling of public servants that do a mostly thankless task in a very sound fashion. A few bad eggs does not give you licence to attack them as a whole here.

3) I will not warn again.
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Old 05-12-2007, 06:16 PM   #96
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Sounds like it will get a lot of POS cars and their moron drivers off the road which I can say I'm happy about. I don't think it will be as bad as what's being made out to be by some.
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