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View Poll Results: Who failed their driving test
Passed first time ( or course! ) 177 68.34%
Failed once 61 23.55%
Failed twice 17 6.56%
Finally bribed the examiner $100 4 1.54%
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Old 12-12-2008, 07:13 AM   #91
[ 5L ]
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i passed my l's test first go 100%.

p's test i failed twice,

first go i went through a stop sign that was behind a tree so it couldnt be seen, this was right at the end of the test all i had to do was go through that and drive for another 5 mins and i would of passed. i did all my parking and other things they make you do.

a week later the tree was cut down, as i complained to transport sa.

2nd test again was right at the start of the test when i pulled down a side street from a main road, i had stopped waiting for oncoming cars with the blinker turned on. as i turned the steering wheel the blinker turned off so i put it back on again and turned the corner. then i proceeded to complete the rest of the driving test will no problems at all. got to the finish and he told me at the start i failed.

after going mental at him and later on putting in a complaint to motor reg/transport sa i changed driving schools.

i had this laid back old guy that had just come back from bali. was his first driving test in 6 months i passed with him completed my parking first go and i drove really well, except for when i was pulling up to the kerb for him to set the cones up for my reverse parrellel parking. i forgot to put the indicator on i pretending that it didnt happen and he didnt say anything. i was then congradulated and told i passed and that i was a good driver the bloke who did the test even drove me to motor reg and waited for me to get my license and drove me home.

as soon as i got home i jumped in my worked 2lt escort that i had been working on for the past year and terrorised the neighbourhood.
[ 5L ] 2001 AU series 2 xr8, 220kw, 5speed, leather interior, premium sound, narooma blue, cat back exhaust, k&n filter,willall edit,MSD coil packs, MSD leads, monroe gt gas shocks, superlow kingsprings 187rwkw (mainline)

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Old 12-12-2008, 10:52 AM   #92
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Here is my story: Passed the first time and second time, failed the 3rd time and 4th time then passed the fifth and sixth. This was back in England when I were studying, I passed mine at the first time, then my friends ask me to take theirs, back in those days, the provisional license has no photo, just a piece of paper. I passed the 2nd driving test for my friend but failed two more tests for other friends before I got them the licenses. It just shows driving tests are sometimes a matter of hits and misses, need a bit of luck at the same time. I am sure some of us would fail the test if we take it again. So just say "Bad Luck Mate" to those who failed their tests, "Better Luck next time"......
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Old 12-12-2008, 04:41 PM   #93
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Seriously, if I get failed for nothing next year, I'll be so ****ed off and I'll be yelling and screaming the car down.

If I do fail for my own faults, they better tell me straight away, or they'll really cop it, put my steel capped boot underneath the brake peddle and take them for the ride of their lives .
Originally Posted by EviLkarL
How about you start your trip at the Christmas Island Refugee and detention centre. After a short 6 year stay you can turn around and go back to where you came from. lol
Originally Posted by sourbastard
ive got the weight gain bit mastered, Colonel Sanders is my personal trainer.

As to weight loss, nah, im a fat bastard and proud of it, im going to die from a massive heart attack, for theres nothing worse then lying around in hospital dying from nothing.
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Old 13-12-2008, 01:02 PM   #94
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Originally Posted by Daymoe
Seriously, if I get failed for nothing next year, I'll be so ****ed off and I'll be yelling and screaming the car down.

If I do fail for my own faults, they better tell me straight away, or they'll really cop it, put my steel capped boot underneath the brake peddle and take them for the ride of their lives .
They don't tell you if you do something that is an instant fail (even if it's at the beginning of the exam) until you get back to the office.

There are several motor registries in NSW with stop signs inside the parking area, right before you cross the footpath to turn into the street.
Many, many people either don't realise, or have been told about them and forget, and go straight through to the edge of the driveway. So they fail before they've really even started, but still have to do the whole test anyway.
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Old 13-12-2008, 04:42 PM   #95
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yep if it wasnt for my boss i would of had to go to another town to get my licence,they did complete cross off first two tests .i had caused quite a bit of grief for the local sarge with bikes ,and parties etc .was a good bloke but i wasnt to have a licence ,boss called them up sent me to town in the cruiser ,1 lap around block no parking no nothing licence granted .
pays to be nice to your local ,though its changed these days.
something old something blue
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Old 13-12-2008, 07:56 PM   #96
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Originally Posted by aquahead2001
June 1982. Failed by driving through a non existent Stop Sign. The intersection was torn up and was getting traffic lights and at the time was controlled by stop/go paddles. I was the second car from the stop paddle and was waved through when the paddle changed. When we got back to the traffic branch, the examiner said, "Sorry mate, you just failed..."

He then told me the news. The instructor was pretty ****ed as I was pretty devastated. A very heated argument took place and we all bundled back in the car to the intersection to see the “stop sign”. Sure enough there it was, laying on the ground, upside down. And the intersection was still controlled by men with Paddles!

Miserable Pommy told us that the examination book said a stop sign and that was all there was about it.

At that stage it took about 2 months to book in for a test, but that night I got a call from the instructor to say that we’d been slotted in next week.

The next examiner was considered to be the toughest one there and he’d be right on to any mistake I made I was told. (Talk about scaring the crap out of a poor 18 year old!) On the appointed day, he hopped in the back and told me to drive into town any way I liked, which I did with all the skill and care I could muster. As we drove in, he told me to drive up Ryrie Street (In Geelong), and then as we approached a bank, he said, “Quick, take that car park!”

I was able to drive in to the angled car park with out making it look like a desperate act. He jumped out and went in to the bank, returning after a few tense minutes and told me to drive back to the branch. On arriving he told me that I’d passed and only lost 3 points for not spotting the car park before he did! He also said that I was stiff for failing the first time and the previous examiner had been reprimanded by his boss, who it turned out was him...
HAHAHAHAHA that is classic i like it pmsl HAHAHAHA stitches
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Old 13-12-2008, 08:04 PM   #97
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Originally Posted by Feathers
They don't tell you if you do something that is an instant fail (even if it's at the beginning of the exam) until you get back to the office.

There are several motor registries in NSW with stop signs inside the parking area, right before you cross the footpath to turn into the street.
Many, many people either don't realise, or have been told about them and forget, and go straight through to the edge of the driveway. So they fail before they've really even started, but still have to do the whole test anyway.
Which is pretty dodgy. If they do something so bad it's an instant fail they should be thrown out of the car immediately.
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Old 13-12-2008, 08:43 PM   #98
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I passed L's and P's first go twice and thats without lessons, due to losing my licence the first time..

The second time I went for my test I was waiting to turn right at a set of traffic lights with no arrow, and there was also another car on the other side turning so you're meant to wait until its clear to go. The guy took off points for that and said just drive how you used to drive when you had a licence haha i was shocked to say the least! Then when we got back to the licencing centre the guy goes you passed again don't ever let me see you back here again!

So that makes it 2 out of 2 for me
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Old 13-12-2008, 10:38 PM   #99
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Originally Posted by Marduk
Which is pretty dodgy. If they do something so bad it's an instant fail they should be thrown out of the car immediately.
Yeah, maybe an instant fail like speeding or not stopping at a stop sign yeah. Not little things like have been mentioned though. The stuff they pick you up on during your driving test you would never even realise.
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Old 14-12-2008, 02:17 AM   #100
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Passed my L's test easy, and same for the P's. Got 98% for my P's test from memory, the instructor said she had only ever given 100% once in her time as an instructor and she had to pick me up for something, she reckons i didn't turn the windscreen wipers on quick enough when it had just started to spit with rain as i started my test. Bike P's i didn't lose any points on either, piece of cake!
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Old 14-12-2008, 02:29 AM   #101
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In ACT you can do this called log book and mark off the competencies as you go.

My instructor fell asleep on my final drive so if he tried to fail me I would have reported his ar5e. You lose your job or give me my licence :
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Old 14-12-2008, 07:57 AM   #102
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I passed first time for my car licence and bought my E class (semi-trailer) for 10 quid back in the old days when you could.
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Old 15-12-2008, 07:35 PM   #103
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I passed my car license 1st time. But failed my Bike learners first time, passed 2nd time. I'm now an obnoxious P Plater.
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Old 15-12-2008, 08:30 PM   #104
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Failed twice. First time didn't use the gears enough, left it in third too long. Second time, got it into fourth very quickly but then didn't use the brake going down the hill from Miranda Motor Registry (then in President Ave), managed to hit 70kmh by the time I reached the bottom, examiner leaned across checked speedo and told me to go straight back to the registry. Got it third time. Turned out to be a well deserved blow to my ego and made me a better driver. I sometimes still hit 70kmh at the bottom of that hill though.
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Old 16-12-2008, 05:12 PM   #105
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Originally Posted by Pedro
I passed first time for my car licence and bought my E class (semi-trailer) for 10 quid back in the old days when you could.
you mean 5B test at the local police station with the sargent riding shotgun, around the block..
*remembers zappa and his cane stick*
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Old 17-12-2008, 09:21 AM   #106
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Back in teh day when the local cop did the tests in country Victoria. the police officer who was testing me held up a red card and said "what colour of Green is this?" hehehe He said he had had kids sitting there saying green even though the card was red.
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Old 17-12-2008, 09:55 AM   #107
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had to wait for the twat i could hear him saying to his mate i dont feel like doing this i want to go home. leave at 4:30 drive 5 mins tells me to turn around we can back there he said i was speeding in a school zone i argued it was pass 4:30 and he said not by his watch it wasn't. FAIL. then he eyed off my aunty who drove me there and said "oh you have her well trained dont take it out on her and beat her". at this point i felt like removing the pos teeth with my tyre iron
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Old 17-12-2008, 01:15 PM   #108
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These were only practice tests, but I failed two because:

1. Went through an amber light when I should have stopped (was safe to do so I suppose) and;

2. Was waiting to turn into a small street from a main road and an old lady was up on the curb that crosses the street I wanted to enter. Waiting, waiting, waiting. She's looking back and then forward, then back again. I couldn't read her mind and she was taking ages, so I went, and failed.

I passed the real test on the first go and I think partly because my instructor and tester spent the whole time laughing and talking about their last golf game. I think it was a tactic my instructor had up his sleave.
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Old 17-12-2008, 01:32 PM   #109
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who bribed the instructors?! lol
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Old 17-12-2008, 02:41 PM   #110
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When i did my test it was the local coppers that tested you .. the same coppers that caught me driving a car and riding a motorbike without a license. I knew they had it in for me so after failing me 3 times i went to another town and sat it and passed without loosing a point

that night i went out cruising and the copper spotted me and pulled me over to get me for unlicensed driving ... but i flashed the licence with a grin

he really had it in for em then ;-(
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Old 17-12-2008, 10:42 PM   #111
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I got mine first go, way back in 75. Around the back streets of East perth, the WACA and Glouster Park. Lots of hand break hill starts. I would have failed me as I thought I was really bad that day, must have been my lucky day. All my mates failed first up.
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Old 17-12-2008, 10:57 PM   #112
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Passed... Full marks on my L's, Full Marks on my P's, Lost one point on Heavy Rigid for crossing a white line and lost one point on Heavy Combination for missing a gearchange...

I also (am going to get my head bitten off for this) believe that if you fail your P's there should be a 3 month period where you CAN'T try again. The Victroria P Plate test is easy as and if you fail that... YOU CAN'T DRIVE
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Old 18-12-2008, 06:42 PM   #113
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Originally Posted by NudgE^SIKBRO
Passed... Full marks on my L's, Full Marks on my P's, Lost one point on Heavy Rigid for crossing a white line and lost one point on Heavy Combination for missing a gearchange...

I also (am going to get my head bitten off for this) believe that if you fail your P's there should be a 3 month period where you CAN'T try again. The Victroria P Plate test is easy as and if you fail that... YOU CAN'T DRIVE
Depends what you fail for I guess but if it is something like that idiot before (
Originally Posted by ieatsports_cars
nah a i failed i went through an uncontrolled intersection twice with out looking or slowing down oppsie
[) then you shouldn't be allowed back in a car for a lot longer then 3 months. 3 months is pretty short considering the person you kill when doing such a thing wont be coming back to life in 3 months time.

I have to agree about the Vic test being easy. The only part that is dodgy is the HPT because the answers are interpreted by a computer and not an actual person. There should be a person to do it so it can account for other factors and you can explain what you thought was the hazard ect.
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Old 21-12-2008, 08:29 PM   #114
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Thanks for all the replies fellas.

It seems just under 25% of us have failed their first driving test.

More then what i expected - but considering the hard clamp down on new drivers these days and the ridiculuos road toll of deaths on our roads I'm not too surprised.

I sent the results to my brother and it has eased his pain.

Cheers again!!
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Old 21-12-2008, 10:30 PM   #115
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Passed 1st time, 98%, was nervous as hell, because if I failed, I would have been under the new laws of Red P's, as all the spots were booked 6 weeks in advance, and the funny thing was, as my instructor gave me a free lesson before the test, I would have failed like 10 times, thats how bad I drove, then In the test, I passed with flying colours :
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Old 21-12-2008, 11:01 PM   #116
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Originally Posted by NudgE^SIKBRO
I also (am going to get my head bitten off for this) believe that if you fail your P's there should be a 3 month period where you CAN'T try again. The Victroria P Plate test is easy as and if you fail that... YOU CAN'T DRIVE
Okay... so did you get your P's BEFORE June? If so, I can understand, but that's still an irrational statement you've made there. A car licence is practically an essential thing to have nowadays (especially with regards to employment), so why should we restrict any person's ability to get one if they accidentally fail? Better yet, why don't we just extend that to a year wait between a re-test?

There's still a one month wait at the Geelong RTA, I don't know about the other RTA's anywhere else though (I'd imagine it's similar anywhere else), but to me, that's definitely a long enough wait between retrying.
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High 5s to 100 really.............high fives............... the only high five you will get in an aurion is down at the retirement home when your showing it off
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Old 23-12-2008, 10:00 AM   #117
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Originally Posted by NudgE^SIKBRO
I also (am going to get my head bitten off for this) believe that if you fail your P's there should be a 3 month period where you CAN'T try again. The Victroria P Plate test is easy as and if you fail that... YOU CAN'T DRIVE
could nerves not get in the way - in theory it is easy, but sometimes in practice little things can go wrong. the two best l plate drivers i ever saw were the only two l platers to crash that i knew as well. passing a test does not make anyone a safe driver, it just means for that 30 minutes you did enough things right

don't get me wrong, i do see your point, but i missed mine twice (through my own fault -unlike most others in this thread, who were victims of hidden agendas), but i have not had an accident in over 21 years. i am very rarely below the speed limit and have driven an xb coupe since the day i got my licence. although i like to believe i am careful, i am certainly not a granny driver. while there will be others who are better drivers, there are alot of people who got it first go and have had crashed at least one car
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Old 25-12-2008, 11:34 AM   #118
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Originally Posted by gtxb67
there are alot of people who got it first go and have had crashed at least one car
Yep - I am one of them. I got my Ls in 1991, didn't get a question wrong or lose a point in the driving test for my Ps. 3 driving lessons - thats it.

The first day I had my 'black' license, turned out of a corner into the path of another car. Too busy thinking about where I was going and what I was going to be doing.

Knowledge is one thing, responsibility is another. You cant teach responsibility - it cant be learned by reading a book. You will not pick it up in 3 weeks or 3 months.
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Old 25-12-2008, 05:33 PM   #119
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Double shuffled back to first in a 52 holden whilst hand signalling a right turn (1963).
Tester (cop) knew a smartarse when he saw one. Got it second go. Bike was easier, cop at Kogarah said " go down there, do a u turn, then another one at the other end of the street and come and see me". As I did the first turn he was walking back inside.
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Old 09-03-2009, 12:15 AM   #120
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got mine first go, 2 hrs before the test my mum had booked my instructor to go over some of the things etc, when i went for the test i got the reverse park done in first 5 mins and then the kerbside stop done 5mins after and ended up driving the course my instructor took me on couple hrs b4(this is the 45min test or wateva), talk about lucky :
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