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Old 23-04-2015, 12:05 PM   #91
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Default Re: NBN Fibre to the Node (FTTN) - What does it mean to us?

Originally Posted by devilcv8 View Post
It would be better to roll out fixed wireless into the area that have no broadband services now rather than drop these nodes in.

Soz I am extremely anti wireless

Wireless will compete with wires, and with the atmosphere.
I have my home wired Cat6x for a reason.
FTTN+10gb cable will kill wireless for a long time - the biggest advances in wireless have been through (IMHO) compression, not actually increasing real throughput.
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Old 23-04-2015, 02:18 PM   #92
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Default Re: NBN Fibre to the Node (FTTN) - What does it mean to us?

Noted that my area is having NBN being built so I'm guessing that it's FTTP as the house already has that installed...
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Old 23-04-2015, 08:10 PM   #93
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Default Re: NBN Fibre to the Node (FTTN) - What does it mean to us?

Originally Posted by EgoFG View Post
Soz I am extremely anti wireless

Wireless will compete with wires, and with the atmosphere.
I have my home wired Cat6x for a reason.
FTTN+10gb cable will kill wireless for a long time - the biggest advances in wireless have been through (IMHO) compression, not actually increasing real throughput.
My point is, where fixed wireless is done, there is always a chance for FTTP down the track. If you get FTTN, then there is no chance.
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Old 04-05-2015, 10:00 PM   #94
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Default Re: NBN Fibre to the Node (FTTN) - What does it mean to us?

Has anyone noticed their broadband running slow as late? Could it be related to Netflix being released? It seems that a lot of people now have it and considering how the ADSL exchanges work if your areas all on it then its bound to slow things down?
It's pretty amusing though, considering the XR8 next year will be reborn with the same spec engine as the FG GT, could you imagine being a HSV owner forking out all that money on a brand new GTS, then pulling up to the lights next to a FH XR8 and then sitting side by side all the way to 100 and beyond
Even more embarrasing would be the lower spec variants of the VF in HSV's stable getting whopped by a factory XR8.
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Old 04-05-2015, 10:12 PM   #95
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Default Re: NBN Fibre to the Node (FTTN) - What does it mean to us?

Yep had serious issues with Telstra, people are putting it down to congestion but it can be happening 3AM in the morning on a weekday.

Started off with issues, wouldn't connect to the internet, 3 days later it started working again, had Telstra tech out to the house, checked exchange and my port was connecting at 24mbps and no issues, did tests on the line into the house and showing 12mbps connection inside the house up to modem, but it would only connect at 7mbps with my modem, so he tried his, same problem.

Which has now dropped to 4mbps but I can't watch youtube or download anything from outside of Australia, if I attempt to download from US servers I can only manage 30KB/s download, youtube just stops all the time, need to watch on 240/360p quality.

But some days, usually once a week I can connect at a solid 10mbps, and can download from the USA at 1.2MB/s and watch HD youtube without it stopping.

It doesn't seem to be related to congestion though like people are pointing out, because if it is why am I copping massive speed loss (4mbps) at 3AM in the morning on a weekday? But once a week getting a rock solid 10mbps connection in peak times?

People on Telstra ADSL2+ all over the country are having the same issue as of the last month or two, mine predates Netflix release.

I have a feeling there is some fault in something important on Telstra's end which deals with internet outside of Australia.

Last edited by Franco Cozzo; 04-05-2015 at 10:19 PM.
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Old 04-05-2015, 10:35 PM   #96
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Default Re: NBN Fibre to the Node (FTTN) - What does it mean to us?

Up until Wednesday morning last week I was syncing at 13100kbps, with resultant downloads of 1.3MB/sec. Wednesday night, that dropped to 2800kbps with zero stability (uptime of an hour tops). This has been the case since. Internode have been advised of the issues but none of their "fixes" have worked.
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Old 04-05-2015, 10:45 PM   #97
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Default Re: NBN Fibre to the Node (FTTN) - What does it mean to us?

Originally Posted by Loud_Noises View Post
Up until Wednesday morning last week I was syncing at 13100kbps, with resultant downloads of 1.3MB/sec. Wednesday night, that dropped to 2800kbps with zero stability (uptime of an hour tops). This has been the case since. Internode have been advised of the issues but none of their "fixes" have worked.
Same here tried with 3 different modems, isolation test, new filters, removed one of the phone points in the house, same problem its freakin' BS.

Telstra techs keep asking if I'm trying to connect via Wifi:


Want NBN, and want it yesterday.
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Old 04-05-2015, 11:00 PM   #98
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Default Re: NBN Fibre to the Node (FTTN) - What does it mean to us?

I would be happy to just get ADSL2 instead of being stuck with 3G mobile net with no better than 2 bars of service. For that I pay $65/month and have a 8gb download limit which is swallowed up quickly if I update my Macbook and IPhone.

Alas I have to wait until all the areas with ADSL are upgraded to NBN before they will likely install any infrastructure for us to get NBN, not holding my breath for the next 5 years at least.

Frustrating as I am approx 40kms from the centre of Brisbane and still in the metro area, newer estates less than 2kms away have NBN.
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Old 04-05-2015, 11:04 PM   #99
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Default Re: NBN Fibre to the Node (FTTN) - What does it mean to us?

Originally Posted by geckoGT View Post
I would be happy to just get ADSL2 instead of being stuck with 3G mobile net with no better than 2 bars of service. For that I pay $65/month and have a 8gb download limit which is swallowed up quickly if I update my Macbook and IPhone.

Alas I have to wait until all the areas with ADSL are upgraded to NBN before they will likely install any infrastructure for us to get NBN, not holding my breath for the next 5 years at least.

Frustrating as I am approx 40kms from the centre of Brisbane and still in the metro area, newer estates less than 2kms away have NBN.
In my case I've got a 500GB limit with ADSL2+ and I can't use it because I can't download anything faster than 30kb/s or watch youtube.
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Old 04-05-2015, 11:11 PM   #100
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Default Re: NBN Fibre to the Node (FTTN) - What does it mean to us?

Originally Posted by Burnout View Post
Live 15 minutes west of Brisbane/Ipswich, no internet of any description unless we use Mobile G3. (Gotta have an Arial on the roof though). Interestiong the mob, just 3km west of us, (yes further away from the city), have ADSL2+ and are getting NBN in three months.
Contacted NBN, told we will go on wireless NBN in 2022. Said, what a bout the new satellite being launched next year, nope not us, that reserved for rural subscribers. Should be fun!

I know your pain, I get so annoyed hearing people whine about their ADSL2.
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Old 04-05-2015, 11:13 PM   #101
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Default Re: NBN Fibre to the Node (FTTN) - What does it mean to us?

Originally Posted by Big Damo View Post
In my case I've got a 500GB limit with ADSL2+ and I can't use it because I can't download anything faster than 30kb/s or watch youtube.
Sad, downloading a 1gb update for my IPhone often takes 6hrs and takes a large chunk of my download. I have to carefully ration even watching youtube clips due to my download limit and I probably pay more than you.
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Old 04-05-2015, 11:16 PM   #102
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Default Re: NBN Fibre to the Node (FTTN) - What does it mean to us?

Originally Posted by geckoGT View Post
Sad, downloading a 1gb update for my IPhone often takes 6hrs and takes a large chunk of my download. I have to carefully ration even watching youtube clips due to my download limit and I probably pay more than you.
$128/month here.
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Old 04-05-2015, 11:27 PM   #103
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Default Re: NBN Fibre to the Node (FTTN) - What does it mean to us?

We actually have two mobile net modems at $65/month as that was the cheapest way to get 16gb download. With moderate use we still bust our download nearly every month. I would gladly pay your rate for your download and get you download speeds as I often refresh a forum page and then go make a coffee while it loads with the coverage we get at home.

I am actually loving being at work at the moment as at station I get 4g coverage and it is a Lamborghini compared to the speeds at home.

I suspect you also get a fixed line phone and quite generous call limits in your plan, you do not get that with the mobile broadband.
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Old 04-05-2015, 11:39 PM   #104
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Default Re: NBN Fibre to the Node (FTTN) - What does it mean to us?

Originally Posted by geckoGT View Post
We actually have two mobile net modems at $65/month as that was the cheapest way to get 16gb download. With moderate use we still bust our download nearly every month. I would gladly pay your rate for your download and get you download speeds as I often refresh a forum page and then go make a coffee while it loads with the coverage we get at home.

I am actually loving being at work at the moment as at station I get 4g coverage and it is a Lamborghini compared to the speeds at home.

I suspect you also get a fixed line phone and quite generous call limits in your plan, you do not get that with the mobile broadband.
Yeah we have a fixed line phone but its not like we really use it that much.

Have you tried an external antenna to improve the speeds? I think Telstra actually sells a 3G antenna to hook up to the modem, might improve your speeds a bit if you can get more signal.

NextG coverage out here we get about 4mbps.
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Old 05-05-2015, 01:28 AM   #105
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Default Re: NBN Fibre to the Node (FTTN) - What does it mean to us?

Originally Posted by Big Damo View Post
Yeah we have a fixed line phone but its not like we really use it that much.

Have you tried an external antenna to improve the speeds? I think Telstra actually sells a 3G antenna to hook up to the modem, might improve your speeds a bit if you can get more signal.

NextG coverage out here we get about 4mbps.
That amount of coverage is with the highest gain antenna we can find fixed on a mast on our roof. Without the antenna we get nothing. We also can not use our mobiles inside the house and have to go outside to make calls as the phone coverage is so bad, that is with Telstra and we have no other options that will get any coverage at all.

Amazing to think we live in the Brisbane metro area and we get service below that of many developing countries.
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Old 05-05-2015, 07:04 AM   #106
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Default Re: NBN Fibre to the Node (FTTN) - What does it mean to us?

Originally Posted by geckoGT View Post
That amount of coverage is with the highest gain antenna we can find fixed on a mast on our roof. Without the antenna we get nothing. We also can not use our mobiles inside the house and have to go outside to make calls as the phone coverage is so bad, that is with Telstra and we have no other options that will get any coverage at all.

Amazing to think we live in the Brisbane metro area and we get service below that of many developing countries.
what antennae do you have?
If you get coverage outside with a handset and poor coverage with an external I'd suggest you have an issue with your antennae setup. Id suggest popping over to telco antennae website and have a read. There is some good advice there.
A cel fi smart repeater connected to an external antennae will allow your phone to get coverage as well.

You are also well within km range of 4g with grid antennae, obviously subject to tower location, but well worth following the guides to see what is possible.
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Old 05-05-2015, 08:19 AM   #107
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Default Re: NBN Fibre to the Node (FTTN) - What does it mean to us?

Both my phone and modems are 4G but nil coverage at home although there is a few km's down the road. Phone service is not good at all even outside. The modem certainly gets better reception. We don't want o run our phones off the antenna as with the poor service even having two computer on the internet at a time slows it down to intolerable levels. Antenna was not bought from telstra, it came a from a communications specialist store in Brisbane but the name escapes me right now. We have the best set up we can get.
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Old 05-05-2015, 01:04 PM   #108
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Default Re: NBN Fibre to the Node (FTTN) - What does it mean to us?

Originally Posted by geckoGT View Post
Both my phone and modems are 4G but nil coverage at home although there is a few km's down the road. Phone service is not good at all even outside. The modem certainly gets better reception. We don't want o run our phones off the antenna as with the poor service even having two computer on the internet at a time slows it down to intolerable levels. Antenna was not bought from telstra, it came a from a communications specialist store in Brisbane but the name escapes me right now. We have the best set up we can get.
Have you got line of sight on a mobile tower? Might be better off with a high gain directional antenna (yagi) assuming you can "see" the tower (not obstructed by anything) rather than one of those omni-directional antennas (assuming thats what you are using).

Especially that 4G tower you are talking about.


Even things like how long the coax run is into the modem inside the house, you lose signal through that too.

Last edited by Franco Cozzo; 05-05-2015 at 01:22 PM.
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Old 05-05-2015, 07:43 PM   #109
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Default Re: NBN Fibre to the Node (FTTN) - What does it mean to us?

Originally Posted by Big Damo View Post
Have you got line of sight on a mobile tower? Might be better off with a high gain directional antenna (yagi) assuming you can "see" the tower (not obstructed by anything) rather than one of those omni-directional antennas (assuming thats what you are using).

Especially that 4G tower you are talking about.


Even things like how long the coax run is into the modem inside the house, you lose signal through that too.
That's the website I was talking about.
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Old 05-05-2015, 08:38 PM   #110
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Default Re: NBN Fibre to the Node (FTTN) - What does it mean to us?

Originally Posted by Big Damo View Post
Have you got line of sight on a mobile tower? Might be better off with a high gain directional antenna (yagi) assuming you can "see" the tower (not obstructed by anything) rather than one of those omni-directional antennas (assuming thats what you are using).

Especially that 4G tower you are talking about.


Even things like how long the coax run is into the modem inside the house, you lose signal through that too.

No line of site, dirty great hill in the way. Can't raise the antenna any further as the length of coax causes a loss of signal.

So basically we are screwed, we have the best we can. No just have to wait for all the ADSL2 spoilt brats to get their NBN before we can expect to be lifted from the stoneage.
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Old 05-05-2015, 08:54 PM   #111
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Default Re: NBN Fibre to the Node (FTTN) - What does it mean to us?

Originally Posted by Big Damo View Post
Yep had serious issues with Telstra, people are putting it down to congestion but it can be happening 3AM in the morning on a weekday.

Started off with issues, wouldn't connect to the internet, 3 days later it started working again, had Telstra tech out to the house, checked exchange and my port was connecting at 24mbps and no issues, did tests on the line into the house and showing 12mbps connection inside the house up to modem, but it would only connect at 7mbps with my modem, so he tried his, same problem.

Which has now dropped to 4mbps but I can't watch youtube or download anything from outside of Australia, if I attempt to download from US servers I can only manage 30KB/s download, youtube just stops all the time, need to watch on 240/360p quality.

But some days, usually once a week I can connect at a solid 10mbps, and can download from the USA at 1.2MB/s and watch HD youtube without it stopping.

It doesn't seem to be related to congestion though like people are pointing out, because if it is why am I copping massive speed loss (4mbps) at 3AM in the morning on a weekday? But once a week getting a rock solid 10mbps connection in peak times?

People on Telstra ADSL2+ all over the country are having the same issue as of the last month or two, mine predates Netflix release.

I have a feeling there is some fault in something important on Telstra's end which deals with internet outside of Australia.
Yeh I have had similar issues. What I have found is disconnecting and then reconnecting seems to fix the problem strangely enough.
It's pretty amusing though, considering the XR8 next year will be reborn with the same spec engine as the FG GT, could you imagine being a HSV owner forking out all that money on a brand new GTS, then pulling up to the lights next to a FH XR8 and then sitting side by side all the way to 100 and beyond
Even more embarrasing would be the lower spec variants of the VF in HSV's stable getting whopped by a factory XR8.
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Old 05-05-2015, 08:58 PM   #112
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Default Re: NBN Fibre to the Node (FTTN) - What does it mean to us?

Originally Posted by ford man xf View Post
Yeh I have had similar issues. What I have found is disconnecting and then reconnecting seems to fix the problem strangely enough.
A lot of exchanges have had firmware updates changing their authentication from traditional PPPoE/PPPoA older ADSL2+ exchanges use to the new IPoE authentication the NBN uses and its causing issues with people who have aftermarket modems as they don't handle it properly, some found switching back to the latest Telstra modem/router it improved their speed issues they have had recently, but I don't have one to test with.

Others like yourself have found disconnecting and reconnecting fixes it, others change their line profile in the Telstra account configuration page works as well for some reason.

With me nothing works I've just gotta wait, got a good connection today.

Originally Posted by geckoGT View Post
No line of site, dirty great hill in the way. Can't raise the antenna any further as the length of coax causes a loss of signal.

So basically we are screwed, we have the best we can. No just have to wait for all the ADSL2 spoilt brats to get their NBN before we can expect to be lifted from the stoneage.
With me I've got NBN going on both sides of my region but not where we are, and those regions already had alright ADSL2+ services too
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Old 05-05-2015, 09:02 PM   #113
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Default Re: NBN Fibre to the Node (FTTN) - What does it mean to us?

My line stats went from bad to worse:

Connection speed down/up: 2393/600 kbps
Line attenuation down/up: 26.0/20.4 dB
Noise margin down/up: 15.6/16.0 dB

There is a heap of audible noise on the phone now.

Fault has been logged with Hellstra, they did a test from their end, found a fault but couldn't pinpoint where. The bloke on the phone said he has escalated to a specialist team (whatever that means).
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Old 05-05-2015, 09:05 PM   #114
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Default Re: NBN Fibre to the Node (FTTN) - What does it mean to us?

Originally Posted by Loud_Noises View Post
My line stats went from bad to worse:

Connection speed down/up: 2393/600 kbps
Line attenuation down/up: 26.0/20.4 dB
Noise margin down/up: 15.6/16.0 dB

There is a heap of audible noise on the phone now.

Fault has been logged with Hellstra, they did a test from their end, found a fault but couldn't pinpoint where. The bloke on the phone said he has escalated to a specialist team (whatever that means).
You'll have the tech come out in the next few weeks, at least you have line noise so they'll fix a problem in the line where as if they can't find problem like mine they wont look further.
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Old 05-05-2015, 09:17 PM   #115
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Default Re: NBN Fibre to the Node (FTTN) - What does it mean to us?

Just went out into the street where the line meets joins one of their junction boxes; the copper looks like its older than me
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Old 05-05-2015, 09:42 PM   #116
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Default Re: NBN Fibre to the Node (FTTN) - What does it mean to us?

Originally Posted by Loud_Noises View Post
Just went out into the street where the line meets joins one of their junction boxes; the copper looks like its older than me
To be honest, I wouldn't be surprised if Telstra still used Telegraph lines to save costs
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Old 05-05-2015, 09:50 PM   #117
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It sure looks like it Ruination LOL!!!
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Old 06-05-2015, 12:50 PM   #118
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Telstra tech is coming out Friday to sort this crappy line out.
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Old 06-05-2015, 01:07 PM   #119
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Default Re: NBN Fibre to the Node (FTTN) - What does it mean to us?

Originally Posted by Loud_Noises View Post
My line stats went from bad to worse:

Connection speed down/up: 2393/600 kbps
Line attenuation down/up: 26.0/20.4 dB
Noise margin down/up: 15.6/16.0 dB

There is a heap of audible noise on the phone now.

Fault has been logged with Hellstra, they did a test from their end, found a fault but couldn't pinpoint where. The bloke on the phone said he has escalated to a specialist team (whatever that means).
I have had the same problem a couple of times. It's usually in the junction pit down the road a little. The tech pulls out the mess of lines, drains the water of mine and puts it to the top of the pile then shoves it all back in. Works until the next person complains and it gets shoved back down again.

I was one of the first in this area to take up adsl2+ was 17megabit consistently. Now a good day is 10megabit with as low as 3 when really congested.
NBN can't come soon enough!
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Old 06-05-2015, 01:10 PM   #120
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Default Re: NBN Fibre to the Node (FTTN) - What does it mean to us?

Originally Posted by Falcon Coupe View Post
I have had the same problem a couple of times. It's usually in the junction pit down the road a little. The tech pulls out the mess of lines, drains the water of mine and puts it to the top of the pile then shoves it all back in. Works until the next person complains and it gets shoved back down again.

I was one of the first in this area to take up adsl2+ was 17megabit consistently. Now a good day is 10megabit with as low as 3 when really congested.
NBN can't come soon enough!
Same with mine when we first got ADSL2+ we were one of the first on the exchange, and was getting a nice 18mbps, now its slowly worked its way down to 10mbps, now its 4mbps and useless outside of Australia on most days, and 10mbps on one good day.

Buts it doesnt seem to be related to congestion.
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