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Old 25-12-2010, 09:50 PM   #151
Franco Cozzo
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Originally Posted by 04redxr8
I am sick to death of every leech employee who feels they are worth so much money, yet can never tell you what they bring to your business. They can never show you how they increase your sales, or your profit margins, but yet, they are worth more money. This country is going to be bankrupted. It will be sent under by our Government, (who cannot manage a budget, and think every problem is solved with money), and the greedy morons, who are happy to send all their wages overseas.
Except without us, you have noone to do your work for you.

If Australian retailers decided to compete with www.hardwaresales.com or www.toolking.com I'd be in your store buying my cordless power tools. Unfortunately they don't, so I vote with my wallet and spend $150 on shipping and still work out much cheaper than buying them here.
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Old 25-12-2010, 10:13 PM   #152
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Too right and what is becoming apparent in this thread and another here about customer service is that customers and employees seem to be nothing but an inconvenience to some of these business owners and operators here, its almost like we are too much trouble for them to deal with.

Another reason I would rather buy on line, that way I don't pose too much trouble to the local parts seller who huffs and puffs about having to get something from the shelf behind him, like I am an inconvenience in his day, when the one reason he is there for is to service my requirements.

Buying online ensures his day is not inconvenienced too much and he can keep SMSing his mates or girlfriend, or talk to his workmates about the week end without me disturbing his day
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Old 26-12-2010, 12:02 AM   #153
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Most these parts are imported...
So WHY are some locals being SOOO upset when we buy O.seas the same place
as they do or near to.. In any case its all imported !!!
... Sheesh taking us for fools...
Real cars are not driven by front wheels,real cars lift them!!...
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Old 26-12-2010, 09:28 AM   #154
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Originally Posted by 04redxr8
BTW its only about 5% of the population that are business owners. Think about it.
Mate, I ran a small business for 7 years. The interest rates & taxes & insurance costs, put an end to me being my "own" boss. I agree some employees are nigh on useless, but would you prefer to go the other way as in the US. $4 an hour, make up the rest of your pay in tips? For the amount of money collected in taxes from workers & small business owners, we should have no problems getting into a hospital, or jumping on a train /tram to get to work. I do have problems with the amount of money CEO's get from the big 4 banks, then the banks cry poor @ every opportunity, to find more ways to scam more charges from our accounts. Mr C Palmer, mining magnate claimed mining companies could not afford to pay a "tax" yet he quite happily gave away millions to his employees as rewards for their hard work & loyalty.Imagine their gifts, if he wasn't so broke!!!
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Old 26-12-2010, 09:36 AM   #155
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Originally Posted by XB GS 351 Coupe

Too right and what is becoming apparent in this thread and another here about customer service is that customers and employees seem to be nothing but an inconvenience to some of these business owners and operators here, its almost like we are too much trouble for them to deal with.

Another reason I would rather buy on line, that way I don't pose too much trouble to the local parts seller who huffs and puffs about having to get something from the shelf behind him, like I am an inconvenience in his day, when the one reason he is there for is to service my requirements.

Buying online ensures his day is not inconvenienced too much and he can keep SMSing his mates or girlfriend, or talk to his workmates about the week end without me disturbing his day
Hi, welcome to Perth W.A. Being an ex "cockroach" I was stunned when I saw & experienced that attitude here in Perth. Now like you, I purchase online, the average SBO in WA, does't need me & I refuse to use them.
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Old 26-12-2010, 02:22 PM   #156
302 XC
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Monetary or bonus for rewarding good or self motivated employees
Why would this be a bad idea
Instead of having leeches that cant get of there backside,or people who turn up for work cause noone else will employ them ???
Giving a good worker an incentive
Brilliant idea
I think a few issues /comments regarding workers wages buying Aussie made blah blah
Happened or were started, iniciated well before the GFC or Online buying
Why are people so narrow to see this
Why blame workers if someone offers more money to change careers ???
Would anybody seriously not do this
The days of loyal employees finished the days employers wernt loyal towards workers
This is evident in peoples workin terms within jobs
A sample of this here for a minute
Working in an engineering shop 5 years ago, there were no welders /boilies on more than $20 an hour
5 years later those workin there then are now earning in excess of 100K a year
So any person with skill would be on the 100K a year
Is it the workers fault ???

As mentioned ,Is this the same as the big banks
Lay people of, go automated then post record profits
So blame the workers ???

Whats REALLY made here in this country nowadays ???
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Old 26-12-2010, 10:41 PM   #157
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Not quite but I buy all my ladders of equal or better quality that are made here in Australia even though the last one was $15 over a Chinese made import. My choice to keep US employed.
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Old 26-12-2010, 11:01 PM   #158
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Originally Posted by 302 XC
Monetary or bonus for rewarding good or self motivated employees
Why would this be a bad idea
Instead of having leeches that cant get of there backside,or people who turn up for work cause noone else will employ them ???
Giving a good worker an incentive
Brilliant idea
I think a few issues /comments regarding workers wages buying Aussie made blah blah
Happened or were started, iniciated well before the GFC or Online buying
Why are people so narrow to see this
Why blame workers if someone offers more money to change careers ???
Would anybody seriously not do this
The days of loyal employees finished the days employers wernt loyal towards workers
This is evident in peoples workin terms within jobs
A sample of this here for a minute
Working in an engineering shop 5 years ago, there were no welders /boilies on more than $20 an hour
5 years later those workin there then are now earning in excess of 100K a year
So any person with skill would be on the 100K a year
Is it the workers fault ???

As mentioned ,Is this the same as the big banks
Lay people of, go automated then post record profits
So blame the workers ???

Whats REALLY made here in this country nowadays ???
I have no problems with bosses rewarding their workers, but I find it strange this man poo pooed the mining tax, citing he"cannot afford it ", but still give rather expensive gifts & holidays to his loyal workers? Imagine me telling the ATO "I cannot afford to pay tax" then buying the missus an imported Mercedes Benz? May be he wrote it off as a "charitable " donation
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Old 27-12-2010, 07:49 AM   #159
302 XC
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Mining Tax,
That would be different to say the ATO walkin in to ya boss and saying,
"Your trade or style of bussiness is yielding alot of money and now we want to tax you lots more"
His and im sure my reaction would be "please go away"
(in a very very subtle forum way)
Mining tax we not talkin an extra $50 a year are we ???
Its like millions a year,so yeh id jump up and down
Arent employee wages a tax deduction ???

Anyway these and im sure many other high fliers no the inns and outs of their business
Ya dont phyisically get that rich by swingin of a shovel at $25 an hour
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Old 27-12-2010, 08:45 AM   #160
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Originally Posted by 302 XC
Mining Tax,
That would be different to say the ATO walkin in to ya boss and saying,
"Your trade or style of bussiness is yielding alot of money and now we want to tax you lots more"
His and im sure my reaction would be "please go away"
(in a very very subtle forum way)
Mining tax we not talkin an extra $50 a year are we ???
Its like millions a year,so yeh id jump up and down
Arent employee wages a tax deduction ???

Anyway these and im sure many other high fliers no the inns and outs of their business
Ya dont phyisically get that rich by swingin of a shovel at $25 an hour
Good point, I still fail to see why the" richer" mining companies cry poor mouth when it comes to paying tax, yet Joe Mugg in the street still struggles day in day out to make ends meet. Perhaps if the tax burden was spread more openly& evenly, our lethargic "leeches" (small business employees) might come to work with a better attitude. It has to be worth a go.
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Old 27-12-2010, 09:01 AM   #161
302 XC
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Yeah its definately the rich get richer for sure
Oh the power to employ great accountants
But then the other flip of the coin is the lack of incentive doin O/T
Floggin myself to the bone one year
Payed 12K in tax then got a tax bill cause i didnt pay enuf
Needless to say the following year the O/T got pulled right back and i ended up with more at the end of the year
Speakin to a few people lately regarding the attitude of late
Its funny how those that have to work to make ends meet tend to have a better work ethic than those that own everthing
Father in law told me about a sales job he went for and a question was asked
"Do you have any debts"When he replied "no"
Bloke said nah mate you wont have the drive
Didnt care about sales history or past employers
I wonder if this would be the case nowadays
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Old 27-12-2010, 01:33 PM   #162
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Originally Posted by 302 XC
Father in law told me about a sales job he went for and a question was asked
"Do you have any debts"When he replied "no"
Bloke said nah mate you wont have the drive
Didnt care about sales history or past employers
I wonder if this would be the case nowadays
My old boss would encourage his workers to get huge mortgages and car loans, as he believed it made them better workers.....he loved it as he had these guys over a barrel, and he could easily get them to work week ends instead of spending it with family, kids or friends like we are supposed to.

He used to hate me as I was financially secure and could not give a rats about working a public holiday, or week ends.
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Old 05-01-2011, 07:44 AM   #163
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Old 05-01-2011, 07:49 AM   #164
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Old 05-01-2011, 09:10 AM   #165
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What would make 2011 a good year hmm.
Watching `hardly normal` fall of his ivory perch and
This tool had a cry a while ago and nobody cared ( no big surprises there ).
Now he,s bought a bigger stick to stir the pot with..
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Old 05-01-2011, 09:15 AM   #166
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I'm an economics mug, but I recon if you have a look at CEO salaries of the big companies having a winge you could find some savings
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Old 05-01-2011, 08:31 PM   #167
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Can anyone explain how a new Mustang GT500 can be had in the states for roughly $50k or less but over here we are looking at $150k+ ???

Surely importation, taxes, rhd conversion etc doesnt equate to a $100k+ price difference.

Just using this as an example as its almost the same scenario with all US vehicles. Eg. 2011 Porsche 911 Turbo S here $450k+ US $170K
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Old 05-01-2011, 08:38 PM   #168
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While it is cheaper to import by buying over the internet,
the downside is you are providing jobs in the USA (or whereever)
this leads to less sales here, thus less people needed as sales assistants
then we wont need shopping centres, therefore no builder etc will be needed to build these places
My argument is that the downside to all of this is far greater than the upside
Will our kids / grandkids ever be able to get a job???
The old saying "Short term Gain, Long term Pain"
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Old 06-01-2011, 04:53 AM   #169
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Gerry Harvey has lost the plot.

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Old 06-01-2011, 09:42 AM   #170
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Originally Posted by fitzwa
Your link appears to be borked.

But I did find a nice comment over there in one article, twitter apparently has been buzzing with the subject,

‘’Dear Gerry Harvey, here is the world’s smallest violin playing just for you. I bought it online and saved a bundle.’’

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Old 06-01-2011, 10:19 AM   #171
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Originally Posted by TS50
While it is cheaper to import by buying over the internet,
the downside is you are providing jobs in the USA (or whereever)
this leads to less sales here, thus less people needed as sales assistants
then we wont need shopping centres, therefore no builder etc will be needed to build these places
My argument is that the downside to all of this is far greater than the upside
Will our kids / grandkids ever be able to get a job???
The old saying "Short term Gain, Long term Pain"
What jobs are you eliminating here? Really just logistics and retail staff. The stuff is manufactured OS anyway in most cases. The logistics will change as purchases are delivered straight to the customer rather than the retailer.

I think this is a trend away from bricks and mortar shop fronts and smarter Australian retailers will embrace it and build new businesses based on this model.

In short, I think we are just removing a layer of fat from the supply chain.
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Old 06-01-2011, 10:25 AM   #172
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Originally Posted by cs123
What jobs are you eliminating here? Really just logistics and retail staff. The stuff is manufactured OS anyway in most cases. The logistics will change as purchases are delivered straight to the customer rather than the retailer.

I think this is a trend away from bricks and mortar shop fronts and smarter Australian retailers will embrace it and build new businesses based on this model.

In short, I think we are just removing a layer of fat from the supply chain.
Dont forget that this is exactly what the big corporations have done too. They have bypassed the manufacturing layer.
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Old 06-01-2011, 10:35 AM   #173
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Last story I heard was good old Gerry said we were Unaustralian for buying online and overseas. I am sorry where the **** do Hardly Normals imports come from, they pay less than us then whack a huge markup on it. I bought some stuff from there recently but after all the crap he is saying in the media I will not be going there. Maybe I will just buy online lol.

Funny story. I work in a small business that sells computer and printer consumables. Our markup is 30% basically covering wages and costs, so we are cheaper than all the large retailers including Harvey Norman. Now the funny part here is twice we have supplied harvey norman a toner for one of their printers because they have none in store and we can get them overnight, where as they had to wait up to 2 weeks. We promptly put a little bit extra on each cartridge lol.
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Old 06-01-2011, 10:38 AM   #174
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You just need to look at the profits and salaries of the big retailers to realise that there is plenty of fat in there if they really wanted to be competative. They have had a very good run for a very long time, but it is still only a very small percentage of people who buy online and fewer still from OS suppliers.
Gerry had better get used to it cause I cant see things getting better for them if they dont offer something in order to compete. Maybe they could try customer service rather than the disinterested youth who seem to work in these places and have no desire to assist you.
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Old 06-01-2011, 10:40 AM   #175
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Originally Posted by fmc351
‘’Dear Gerry Harvey, here is the world’s smallest violin playing just for you. I bought it online and saved a bundle.’’
Best comment ever.

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Old 06-01-2011, 10:56 AM   #176
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yes Gerry, treat us like idiots and play the tried and true Nationalism excuse, trott out the line that your workers and the country will be the ones disadvantaged and forget to ommit that you personal wealth might take a hit, afterall that is what really hurts.
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Old 06-01-2011, 11:18 AM   #177
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Originally Posted by cs123
What jobs are you eliminating here? Really just logistics and retail staff. The stuff is manufactured OS anyway in most cases. The logistics will change as purchases are delivered straight to the customer rather than the retailer.

I think this is a trend away from bricks and mortar shop fronts and smarter Australian retailers will embrace it and build new businesses based on this model.

In short, I think we are just removing a layer of fat from the supply chain.
Retail staff
Cleaning Staff
Maintenaince Staff
Sub Controntractors (Electricians etc)
Heating / Cooling Contractors
Parking inspectors (No one coming to centres, no one parking, loss of revenue, loss of jobs)
Coffee Shops / Resteraunts (people shop from home, so wont have their coffee / lunch out)
Delivery drivers
The list is endless, I don not believe that people realise the flow on affect of all this.
Then as here are less people employed, the only services that will increase is positions at the dole office
Less people in investment buisness, insurance, buisness, less petrol being used, therefore less people required in those services
overall a drop in every single sector
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Old 06-01-2011, 11:23 AM   #178
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You also forget how many people have shares in these large retailers
if they dont make a profit, no dividends for those investors, and their shares loose value
Overall, buying overseas is very bad for our economy
But there are many on here that wont agree with me

Just look over the last 15 years or so, how many of our jobs have gone overseas, this will lead to many many more
Then watch people cry that they cant get a job, and need handouts from the govt
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Old 06-01-2011, 11:27 AM   #179
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Originally Posted by TS50
Retail staff
Cleaning Staff
Maintenaince Staff
Sub Controntractors (Electricians etc)
Heating / Cooling Contractors
Parking inspectors (No one coming to centres, no one parking, loss of revenue, loss of jobs)
Coffee Shops / Resteraunts (people shop from home, so wont have their coffee / lunch out)
Delivery drivers
The list is endless, I don not believe that people realise the flow on affect of all this.
Then as here are less people employed, the only services that will increase is positions at the dole office
Less people in investment buisness, insurance, buisness, less petrol being used, therefore less people required in those services
overall a drop in every single sector
Isnt exactly the same true for what has happened to manufacturing in Australia? Businesses stopped buying from Australian sources because they could not compete with those purchasing from overseas.
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Old 06-01-2011, 11:38 AM   #180
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Originally Posted by MAD
Isnt exactly the same true for what has happened to manufacturing in Australia? Businesses stopped buying from Australian sources because they could not compete with those purchasing from overseas.
It is
so we have lost most our manufacturing, lost a lot of our farming, if we lose our retail, another big ouch
Lets be honest here, the resources boom wont last for ever, once the rest of the world (read china) have taken all of our resources, what will we have left here?
Oh I know the worlds largest population that wont have a job to go to, because we dont manufacture anything, dont grow anything, dont retail anything, all we do is import things
However that wont last, no one will have any money to buy anything, because no one is working and earning money
We are moving so swiftly away from the lucky country, to the lazy country
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