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Old 04-11-2006, 06:42 PM   #61
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i sit in the middle lane (out of three lanes-reason: cause the far eft lane ends and you have to merge right - cbf factor)but left lane in a 2 lane fwy... etc. most the times the left lane will be faster then the right lane... and nearly all occasions i got to overtake a vehicle on their right.. they speed up... so i just spit the dummy and sit in the right lane for a few seconds then speed off in frustration!!!
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Old 04-11-2006, 07:30 PM   #62
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Originally Posted by kyro_02
i sit in the middle lane (out of three lanes-reason: cause the far eft lane ends and you have to merge right - cbf factor)but left lane in a 2 lane fwy... etc. most the times the left lane will be faster then the right lane... and nearly all occasions i got to overtake a vehicle on their right.. they speed up... so i just spit the dummy and sit in the right lane for a few seconds then speed off in frustration!!!
To clarify, your Victorian lane start treatments are DIFFERENT to those applying in NSW on the F3 et al.

In NSW- going from a two-lane section, the right lane opens off to the the right, as a seperate lane. (Applies on lengths exceeding 1,000 metres).

The right lane of the two-lane section becomes the middle lane of the three laned section.

The left lane of the two-laned section continues to be the left lane unbroken.

In NSW we 'encourage ' you to keep left by feeding you into it, if your were in the left lane of a two-laned section to start with.

Eventually, we hope to end the right lane rather than taper off the left as is current practice. In effect, to make it unbroken.

See that NSW download.

Again, SSBeast above still refers to it as 'the far left lane', by mindset inference therefore, the middle-lane is a or is 'the' left-lane. All the more reason why discipline is lousy here.

"Keep middle unless overtaking".
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Old 04-11-2006, 07:49 PM   #63
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Originally Posted by Keepleft
Again, SSBeast above still refers to it as 'the far left lane', by mindset inference therefore, the middle-lane is a or is 'the' left-lane. All the more reason why discipline is lousy here.

"Keep middle unless overtaking".
I understood this far left lane he was describing as being the Slow lane, just like on the road between here and Sydney, noramlly starting at the bottom of hills. I too find it being the quickest way along the freeway at times as cars refuse to overtake other cars at more than 1km above the speed of the car they are overtaking. After a week in Thailand, it is amazing just how different attitudes are to each other on the roads, I'm sure we could learn alot from these guys as well as the Germans.
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Old 04-11-2006, 07:56 PM   #64
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Originally Posted by nobbystang
I understood this far left lane he was describing as being the Slow lane, just like on the road between here and Sydney, noramlly starting at the bottom of hills.
Southbound Tuggerah - What do you see when we add the third lane?? Ditto northbound at the mad mile??

Remember - VICTORIA and QLD is different, typically these jurisdictions encourage all traffic to drive in the middle-lane by having left-lane traffic from two-laned sections fed automaticaly into it. They do this as a perverted way of controlling speed by creating congestion. Often in Victoria, you are left with a choice - either go into the left lane or middle lane AND you needn't use your indicator as the 'lanes' in question are not marked off, but start 'wide-open', the right-lane from the two-laned section of the road, is then fed into the right-lane of the new three-laned section in those two backward jurisdictions, RATHER than the NSW practice of starting this new right-lane as a SEPERATE marked new lane, which one MUST indicate into to use!

Again, read page page 92 of this NSW handbook, Pdf 2.92mb.

The only time RTA will add a third lane off to the left, as a seperate lane one must indicate into, will be on lengths typically less than 1,000 metres placed on uphill runs. We signpost these "SLOW VEHICLES USE LEFT LANE".

What we are trying to do is encourage all drivers to make it a habit to first use the left lane IF IT IS CLEAR FOR SOME DISTANCE - *FIRST*, BEFORE USING THE MIDDLE LANE OR LANES - REGARDLESS of speed. Again, your are taught to 'scan' the road well ahead, if thre are trucks uphill, indacte fully out into the middle-lane on approach. Traffic in the middle lane on seeing the situation should also indicatate right, if need be and move into the right lane.
ORDER FORD AUSTRALIA PART NO: AM6U7J19G329AA. This is a European-UN/AS3790B Spec safety-warning triangle used to give advanced warning to approaching traffic of a vehicle breakdown, or crash scene (to prevent secondary). Stow in the boot area. See your Ford dealer for this $35.95 safety item & when you buy a new Ford, please insist on it! See Page 83, part 4.4.1 http://www.transport.wa.gov.au/media...eSafePart4.pdf

Last edited by Keepleft; 04-11-2006 at 08:11 PM.
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Old 05-11-2006, 02:23 PM   #65
ls f6
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Originally Posted by drcook
i dont tailgate, but i do use the transit lane whenever i like.
im sorry, but i dont agree with the transit lanes, especially with the pathetic number of lanes sydney has in relation to the sheer number of car on the roads.
That is the whole point of having transit lanes. To encourage motorists to car pool (or use public transport), reward those who do car pool, and REDUCE the number of cars on the road.
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Old 05-11-2006, 03:03 PM   #66
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Think outside your square drcook. Say we widened every road in Sydney to 10 lanes. Would the traffic volume remain the same or would everybody abandon public transport and leap into their cars and fill the new roads up again - taking us back to square one? With you back in the transit lane again hopefully getting regularly pinged by the cops.
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Old 05-11-2006, 04:35 PM   #67
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people who hogged the right lane in there minds are doing nothin wrong,but to the motorist who have to put up with this untill the overtaking lane is nothin but frustation and when he/she guns it its usually to vent their rage on there cars as to hammer it.
Mind you Im all in favour of safe driver but not to put up with slow coaches

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Old 05-11-2006, 05:31 PM   #68
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Originally Posted by nobbystang
Slow to me in this instance is not passing a car, driving at the same speed as the car they are trying to pass.

The worst ones out there are the guys and gals that see you coming and pull out to pass just as you get near them, I hate having to turn cruise off just cause some oxygen thief doesn't have common courtesy!!
Exactly why do people do that, in the end all they do is irritate and annoy other drivers.Or they pass the car in the left hand lane and then stay at the same speed as them, blocking both lanes, but are legally doing the speed limit.
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Old 05-11-2006, 06:37 PM   #69
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It's getting worse to. I find it's quicker 90% of the time to travel along the M1 from Brisbane to the Gold Coast in the far left lane. There's hardly anyone ever in it, and all the road users who don't have a clue or just like being a pain in the **** to all other motorists, are sitting in the right two lanes, leaving the left two lanes almost empty. Unfortunately, this is just the tip of the iceberd that the quality of drivers on our roads seems to be getting worse, not better.
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Old 05-11-2006, 08:11 PM   #70
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Originally Posted by new2ford
Think outside your square drcook. Say we widened every road in Sydney to 10 lanes. Would the traffic volume remain the same or would everybody abandon public transport and leap into their cars and fill the new roads up again - taking us back to square one? With you back in the transit lane again hopefully getting regularly pinged by the cops.

do you mean with the current public transport system?
or do you mean with a public transport system made substantially, incomarably better than the ***** we've got by re-directing the funds that would be needed for widening the roads to ten lanes?
as far as encouraging people to car pool. does it really? eg. m4 cumberland hwy to toll gates. whoopee, 10kms (if that). the rest of the time carpoolers have to be in the same traffic as everyone else. The amount of time it takes to fill your car with fellow carpoolers, you've lost the advantage of using the 10kms of transit lane. 95% of cars on the road are for single drivers.
Make a public transport system good enough to stand on its own, and makes the roads (and every lane in those roads) for all cars!.
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Old 05-11-2006, 08:21 PM   #71
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Originally Posted by drcook
Make a public transport system good enough to stand on its own, and makes the roads (and every lane in those roads) for all cars!.
But buses are public transport and the transit lanes are primarily for them. A good public transport system includes the ability for bus services to move to time. And for the car-poolers some of the transit lanes in the inner city do make a BIG difference. Drop the transit lane on some of those roads and you'll simply have a three-lane parking lot replacing the two-lane parking lot - with the public transport at a standstill in the middle of it.
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Old 05-11-2006, 08:51 PM   #72
ls f6
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Originally Posted by drcook
as far as encouraging people to car pool. does it really? eg. m4 cumberland hwy to toll gates. whoopee, 10kms (if that). the rest of the time carpoolers have to be in the same traffic as everyone else. The amount of time it takes to fill your car with fellow carpoolers, you've lost the advantage of using the 10kms of transit lane. 95% of cars on the road are for single drivers.
Make a public transport system good enough to stand on its own, and makes the roads (and every lane in those roads) for all cars!.
Once a 10km introductory lane becomes 20km, and so forth, yes it will. I am not sure about your level of dexterity, however I don't believe it takes a great deal of time or skill to fit an extra 1 or 2 people into a vehicle.

After another 5% get the idea (including police booking the **** heads illegally using transit lanes, aided by the ****ed off single motorists (myself included) doing the right thing queing in the non transit lanes, and the supposed 95%% becomes 90%, and more T lanes are added, yes.
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Old 05-11-2006, 11:21 PM   #73
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it doesn't matter how fast or slow you are going, if you don't move left on the freeway especially if there is someone behind you not only are you breaking the law but your a f*&^ing W@#$er that shouldn't be allowed back on the road.
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Old 06-11-2006, 06:14 AM   #74
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I dont like car-pooling. They're late, still asleep, still in the shower, still working, etc. Waste of time.

The stage govt. need to get their act together on public transport... it's getting a bit better but far from good enough. Just live in Melb for 3-4 days... the public transport there is EXCELLENT, effortless, on time, CLEAN, cheap and reliable.
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Old 06-11-2006, 06:43 AM   #75
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anyone driving slower in the right hand lae then those in their left lanes needs shooting and ppl wonder why they get tail gated etc

ppl whom hog lanes are begging for a touch up i reckon its like "hey im here i'll do what speed i like now" they are just as bad as those whom speed up past you get infront then slow the hell down nearly causinga wreck in the process.

if you not going past the car to overtake then stay out of the passing lanes period.
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Old 06-11-2006, 07:38 AM   #76
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I towed a mates disabled (shat oil pump drive) VH Valiant ute about 100km last Sat. I sat on about 90km/h average as to not stress out my AU 1-tonne. It's quite amusing (scary?!) be towing a car on a trailer and to HAVE to pass people on the LHS who blindly potter along in the RH lane ..
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Old 06-11-2006, 10:01 AM   #77
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Originally Posted by Falcon Freak
I also hate people who want to dictate to me what speed I can drive at. I will drive at the speed I choose to and only the law will have any inffluence upon that.

The law states "keep left unless overtaking". The law does not state "keep left unless overtaking but you do not have to move if you are doing the speed limit".

It never ceases to amaze me that the far left lane on the freeway is often the best lane to use because nobody wants to keep left!

Agree 100% FF - let the police do the policing and people who dont want to speed can get out of the right hand lane - unless they are overtaking someone immediatly (i.e. the car they are overtaking is not 10km down the road).
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Old 06-11-2006, 01:12 PM   #78
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Originally Posted by HyperKid
I dont like car-pooling. They're late, still asleep, still in the shower, still working, etc. Waste of time.

The stage govt. need to get their act together on public transport... it's getting a bit better but far from good enough. Just live in Melb for 3-4 days... the public transport there is EXCELLENT, effortless, on time, CLEAN, cheap and reliable.
thats because its not as packed as sydney also they have had there public transport in check for a while...sumthing the NSW minister of transport isnt doing.....how many miisters has it been in the last year...not to mention melbourne is a different society all together to sydney.....not as poluted.
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Old 06-11-2006, 01:33 PM   #79
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Originally Posted by Deadman
It's getting worse to. I find it's quicker 90% of the time to travel along the M1 from Brisbane to the Gold Coast in the far left lane. There's hardly anyone ever in it, and all the road users who don't have a clue or just like being a pain in the **** to all other motorists, are sitting in the right two lanes, leaving the left two lanes almost empty. Unfortunately, this is just the tip of the iceberd that the quality of drivers on our roads seems to be getting worse, not better.
Actually, this is typical of QLD drivers no matter what state they are. This is a generalisation, so apologies to those QLDers who do the right thing - I can say from experience, though, that it's not a majority of QLDers who do the right thing. If I was to define a RHL Hog, it would be a car with Qld plates, and most likely to be a Subaru (the new Volvo).
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Old 06-11-2006, 01:38 PM   #80
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Originally Posted by merlin
Agree 100% FF - let the police do the policing and people who dont want to speed can get out of the right hand lane - unless they are overtaking someone immediatly (i.e. the car they are overtaking is not 10km down the road).

You can not be serious.
I do not know anyone or have ever seen this law enforced. Hence why it continually happens. I drove down the Monash (Vic) yesterday and people drive past the signs 'Keep left unless overtaking' signs while in the right lane and nothing on the left. It's a law that is not enforced and drivers do as the please. I have never seen an ad on TV telling me it's law, unlike speeding, etc.

IMO not obeying this law contributes to road rage, speeding, undertaking (passing on left) and accidents. Yet nothing is done
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Old 06-11-2006, 01:48 PM   #81
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Originally Posted by LTDHO

You can not be serious.
I do not know anyone or have ever seen this law enforced. Hence why it continually happens. I drove down the Monash (Vic) yesterday and people drive past the signs 'Keep left unless overtaking' signs while in the right lane and nothing on the left. It's a law that is not enforced and drivers do as the please. I have never seen an ad on TV telling me it's law, unlike speeding, etc.

IMO not obeying this law contributes to road rage, speeding, undertaking (passing on left) and accidents. Yet nothing is done
I garee with you - it's not enforced, but what Merlin is saying is also ture. Let the police do the policing. If you start doing it, and it will be perceived as road rage, you are no better than those that sit in the right hand lane doing the speed limit and who think they are doing the right thing because no-one should be speeding anyway (ie they are passive policing).

Might be worth emailing ACA and TT and saying that statistics show that people who don't move out of the RHL kill more people than Speeding does. I can always create a spreadsheet that will back up this claim.
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Old 06-11-2006, 02:11 PM   #82
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Originally Posted by BAWagonWheels
slow right lane hogs are downright DANGEROUS!!! please use the right lane to overtake accordingly and do make way for the faster ones to whizz pass. let them be if they want to speed, its their risk.
Actually they are a risk to everyone on the road.
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Old 07-11-2006, 08:03 AM   #83
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Originally Posted by LTDHO

You can not be serious.
I do not know anyone or have ever seen this law enforced. Hence why it continually happens. I drove down the Monash (Vic) yesterday and people drive past the signs 'Keep left unless overtaking' signs while in the right lane and nothing on the left. It's a law that is not enforced and drivers do as the please. I have never seen an ad on TV telling me it's law, unlike speeding, etc.

IMO not obeying this law contributes to road rage, speeding, undertaking (passing on left) and accidents. Yet nothing is done
I think you misunderstood what I was saying:

"Let the police do the policing" - was a reference to the f'wits that sit in the right hand lane PURPOSLEY slowing everyone down because they don't think other people should be speeding whilst they have do the speed limit.

Now you say that the police do not enforce this rule very well and there is no advertising - I agree with you 100%.

Although on a side note (to be fair to the police) there is motorcycle cops assigned to the M2 in Sydney - and they ride up and down it all day long - who DO pull people over for not keeping left, I have witnessed them pull over someone and book them and chatted to them about it.
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Old 07-11-2006, 09:07 AM   #84
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Originally Posted by new2ford
But buses are public transport and the transit lanes are primarily for them. A good public transport system includes the ability for bus services to move to time. And for the car-poolers some of the transit lanes in the inner city do make a BIG difference. Drop the transit lane on some of those roads and you'll simply have a three-lane parking lot replacing the two-lane parking lot - with the public transport at a standstill in the middle of it.
a fair point, i'll agree with that. i dont really have an issue with the innner city transit lanes (or dedicated bus lanes), more with the transit lanes on the m4. I dont see the point of having a clogged freeway (free? - bollocks) with only 3 lanes, with a vacant strip of tar right there but 95% of us cant use it!.
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Old 07-11-2006, 09:15 AM   #85
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Once a 10km introductory lane becomes 20km, and so forth, yes it will.

And when will this be happening in sydney?

I am not sure about your level of dexterity, however I don't believe it takes a great deal of time or skill to fit an extra 1 or 2 people into a vehicle.

You would (wrongly) be assuming the people who carpool to work (because they all work together) also live right next to each other. yes, in a perfect world, all the people carpooling with you would turn up at your doorstep the second your getting in your car to leave, but it doesnt happen.

After another 5% get the idea (including police booking the **** heads illegally using transit lanes, aided by the ****ed off single motorists (myself included) doing the right thing queing in the non transit lanes, and the supposed 95%% becomes 90%, and more T lanes are added, yes.

But transit lanes dont get 'added'. they replace what was general traffic lanes. as youve admitted your a single motorist, wouldnt you be for more general lanes of traffic, not less?. the more transit lanes "added", the less general lanes and the longer it takes you to go to work!
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Old 07-11-2006, 09:27 AM   #86
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Originally Posted by drcook
But transit lanes dont get 'added'. they replace what was general traffic lanes. as youve admitted your a single motorist, wouldnt you be for more general lanes of traffic, not less?. the more transit lanes "added", the less general lanes and the longer it takes you to go to work!
Not really - it actually speeds up your trip to work (I guess this is kind of hard to swallow whilst your sitting there not moving).

They get a fair number of single user cars off the road wether these people switch to car pooling or decide to use buses. Classic case is Victoria Rd in Sydney. Without the T3 lane buses would not be able to operate as they would be stuck in gridlock. On average they carry in the order of 5000-10000 people every day in the morning into the city. Take away the T3 no one could catch the bus and bang 10,000 more cars on a road that is already at capacity.

I do take your point regarding the M4 though (as no buses use the M4). The T lane seems to be an afterthought - too short to be of any use.
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Old 07-11-2006, 09:57 PM   #87
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Originally Posted by LTDHO
IMO not obeying this law contributes to road rage, speeding, undertaking (passing on left) and accidents. Yet nothing is done
In relation to a three laned section, a driver passing on the left - is generally keeping left, not middle.

In the future, we could consider a vehicle in the middle-lane, being passed routinely by other traffic in the left, as prima facie evidence of that driver not keeping left.

In NSW we teach this, see page 93:
ORDER FORD AUSTRALIA PART NO: AM6U7J19G329AA. This is a European-UN/AS3790B Spec safety-warning triangle used to give advanced warning to approaching traffic of a vehicle breakdown, or crash scene (to prevent secondary). Stow in the boot area. See your Ford dealer for this $35.95 safety item & when you buy a new Ford, please insist on it! See Page 83, part 4.4.1 http://www.transport.wa.gov.au/media...eSafePart4.pdf
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Old 20-11-2006, 07:06 PM   #88
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Shockin'!!! Ok here we go, RANT begins....

This morning I was driving nicely to work. I was on the left lane and saw that the lane is ending, so I turned my blinker on... check.... there was more than enough gap between the 4wd and the white commy ute for me to safely change to the right lane.
Suddenly I heard the white VY/VZ Commodore ute revving its heart out... tailgated me and honked me n stuff.

I gave him the finger and one more when he overtook me.

He's probably writing about it now on ls1.com.au.

RANT ends.
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