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Old 31-05-2008, 07:06 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by madxh96
According to Tim there are no members attending. too short notice and not a club sanctioned event. yeah, disappointing.

Tex, if you are still keen, let me know. I am meeting some of the proutes guys at the Brighton Maccas at around 7:00am.....weather permitting of course. I will not be going if it is going to down with rain up there...although the forecast is now leaning more towards staying sunny and 15 degrees. so it should be a goer.

Yeh mate I'm in, I'll be a rev'n at your joint before sun up.

I don't understand this 'pressure' thing, hell, it's about as pressured as every individual wants to make it.

Toooo many events like this are one sided RED, more blue need to tuffen the f@#% up and get along to them. It's the same at the supersprints too.... so I'm buggered if I know what the problem is????

How can these facilities survive without patronidge from guys and gals like us? Answere is, they can't!

Get out there folks and have some fun, whether you burn the track with a new world record, or like me, manage to get the heart racing and the sweat forming in the palm of ya hands from just going as hard as your own skill / car will allow on the day.

If I do a few clean runs without breaking anything I'll be stoked, couldn't give two tosses what I run, or what anyone else thinks of the times..........

The Scud GT

11.4 @ 128, 1.88 60ft.

Last edited by tex; 31-05-2008 at 07:14 PM.
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Old 31-05-2008, 09:55 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by tex

Get out there folks and have some fun, whether you burn the track with a new world record, or like me, manage to get the heart racing and the sweat forming in the palm of ya hands from just going as hard as your own skill / car will allow on the day.

If I do a few clean runs without breaking anything I'll be stoked, couldn't give two tosses what I run, or what anyone else thinks of the times..........

I agree it is all about a bit of fun. So get out there and have a run you might be surprised at how well you do. If your not into drag racing then so be it but as for pressure.......... well the only pressure that will be dosing out is on my ute.

My 2cents. For those of you that are coming out see you and have fun.

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Old 01-06-2008, 07:38 PM   #33
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Fords were sadly out numbered 2-1 (surprise surprise).

Those that did go had a great day, and for anyone interested.........

FORDS won on combined team score.
The Scud GT

11.4 @ 128, 1.88 60ft.
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Old 01-06-2008, 09:10 PM   #34
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Great day i must say. My first time dragging (legally) and had a ball. Tex nice to meet you and um ...... forgot his name but i'm sure he will remind me lol. What was the best time you end up getting.

And Good on the Fords bugger all of us there but we still pulled together and showed the Holden boys up.

There was some very fast HHHHHHoldens though but........................
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Old 02-06-2008, 08:12 AM   #35
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Originally Posted by zx6r00
Great day i must say. My first time dragging (legally) and had a ball. Tex nice to meet you and um ...... forgot his name but i'm sure he will remind me lol. What was the best time you end up getting.

And Good on the Fords bugger all of us there but we still pulled together and showed the Holden boys up.

There was some very fast HHHHHHoldens though but........................

G daY Glenn,

mate I spent tooooooo much time axel tramping and wheel spinning to do anything half decent. Riding the clutch off the line aint my thing I'm afraid.

Bugger me,,,,,,,, I had left the climate control on ALL day :

PLUS, was changing at the shift chime -------------> 400 revs shy of max RPM. That aint good for quick times....

BUT, discovered that changing close to max RPM I picked up 6 MPH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Stuffed if i knew it could make so much difference.

best run for me was a sad as poo 14.10, but it was the first time Ive had a B series at the drags, and I knew it was never going to be easy to get the thing off the line. best trap speed was 106.6 on my second last run, and I reckon I did better than this on my last run, but neglected to get the ticket...... so who knows. That was the one I grudge matched MAD MIKE in the silver bullet.

But I won't go there.......... care to comment Mike......

Good to meet you, and I look forward to catching up at another event some time. sad thing is, one of the organisers indicated that due to the numbers yesturday in attendance, it may very well be the last time an even like this is run.

Also great to meet Jason in the XR6T, he was running very similar times to you (13.3's) and offered me a LOT of advice, pitty I didn't know about the cost of short shifting earlier!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!

I had fun, but think I'll stick to circuit.

best regards

The Scud GT

11.4 @ 128, 1.88 60ft.
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Old 02-06-2008, 09:52 AM   #36
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Howdy all,

Best time for me was a heartbreaking 14.001 (can you believe it!!).

Just stuffing up the starts every.single.time.

Couldn't help myself but to give her heaps of the lights so not getting decent traction until 3rd gear. by then, it is all over really. Trap speeds were consistently 110mph (178kmh) so plenty of grunt just not getting it to the rears properly. It's hard to comprehend, or rather, to allow yourself to take it a bit easier on the launches and then really plant it further down the track, especially, when a blown v8 commodore with no exhaust system lines up against you.

Tex, that last run was just a shocka.

I don't think I will be too keen to drag her again. It pains me too much to drive her like that. Was very interesting to see though and had a ball of a time. a track day is the next thing to tick off the list.

Good to see the Fords winning the day especially when we were outnumbered.

And I can't complain with winning trophy for Best Ford.
2005 BA F6 Typhoon 360rwkw

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Old 02-06-2008, 10:27 AM   #37
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It was great to meet all of you guys. It is always interesting to see newbies and their expectations. It is a lot harder than most people think to get a good time. There is a lot more to it than rwkw alone. I am glad some of my tips helped.

You guys all did a great job, but most importantly you had FUN!

It is about time i got to a supersprint again. I think the GT-P needs a good workout.
XA coupe 8.8sec @ 150mph http://www.fordforums.com.au/showthr...coupe+drag+car
BA GT-P for the shed
Mustang GT for the other half
E3 chubsport - fully fat (and slow), sitting there waiting for me to get sick of it and sell it.
BA XR6T for a daily
NT Pajero for the bush
XB 4 door project- swallows a BF xr6 turbo

My dad is a generous bloke. He gave away his dead car batteries free of charge....
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Old 02-06-2008, 11:00 AM   #38
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Cheers Jason, your were definietly giving out the good adavice, it was just a shame that I still can't seem to help myself but to give it a boot full off the lights. I actually thought about giving it to you to see what someone with more experience could do - but then thought well, I may aswell just have the fun.

Great to meet you....and I checked out your XA build thread last night too. man, have you got your work cut out for you! good luck with, I will follow it alone with interest.
2005 BA F6 Typhoon 360rwkw

GTX35/82r + 82lb injectors
Nizpro 4" exhaust
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Old 02-06-2008, 05:57 PM   #39
Tazzie XR5
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IMHO the ford club should team up with the commondore club and share the event for a private day...the last 2 years the commondore club has run at a loss on the day....2.5k to hire the track 50 cars @ 50 bucks and u break even anything over and you split the profits.. no pressure no nothing run it the same as the Holden V Ford meet for some fun and bragging rights..2-3hrs of testing and tuning and 2-3hrs of points racing, gets you used to dial in without the pressure of being eliminated...run it around November (so u dont have conflicting dates with the AFL finals) good weather good times and fun racing thats what its all about
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Old 02-06-2008, 07:15 PM   #40
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Originally Posted by Tazzie XR5
IMHO the ford club should team up with the commondore club and share the event for a private day...the last 2 years the commondore club has run at a loss on the day....2.5k to hire the track 50 cars @ 50 bucks and u break even anything over and you split the profits.. no pressure no nothing run it the same as the Holden V Ford meet for some fun and bragging rights..2-3hrs of testing and tuning and 2-3hrs of points racing, gets you used to dial in without the pressure of being eliminated...run it around November (so u dont have conflicting dates with the AFL finals) good weather good times and fun racing thats what its all about
This idea has merit. But remember November is a pretty big month too. Symmons, Shannons charity cruise as well as people start having end of year/christmas doo's.

But I'm glad those that went to this event had a good day. Me, I didn't go because I've had bigger problems of late (see this thread http://www.fordforums.com.au/showthread.php?t=11219767). I wouldn't mind trying something like this. But only once the Ute is going well and proper. And I'm not spending a whole weekend underneath it trying to find and fix oil leaks!
2002 TE50 Build No 165
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Old 03-06-2008, 09:03 AM   #41
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There is also regular drag racing in November too
XA coupe 8.8sec @ 150mph http://www.fordforums.com.au/showthr...coupe+drag+car
BA GT-P for the shed
Mustang GT for the other half
E3 chubsport - fully fat (and slow), sitting there waiting for me to get sick of it and sell it.
BA XR6T for a daily
NT Pajero for the bush
XB 4 door project- swallows a BF xr6 turbo

My dad is a generous bloke. He gave away his dead car batteries free of charge....
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Old 03-06-2008, 11:01 AM   #42
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Originally Posted by GTP owner
It was great to meet all of you guys. It is always interesting to see newbies and their expectations. It is a lot harder than most people think to get a good time. There is a lot more to it than rwkw alone. I am glad some of my tips helped.

You guys all did a great job, but most importantly you had FUN!

It is about time i got to a supersprint again. I think the GT-P needs a good workout.

Hi Jason, I'll sing out next time I plan to do a sprint, I think I'll probably leave the GT off the track for a few more months now, got a few bits and pieces I want to do prior to heading out to Baskerville. Custom tune, maybe underdrives, Ferrodo DS2500's, probably a BPR air box, and maybe, just maybe diff gears....

Can't see me getting over to Melbourne in the next two months for the tune, but maybe mid to late August.........

Mad Mike is also keen on a track day experience, so the three of us should head out and do some silly speeds legally. Maybe glenn in the T ute would be keen too............................................... ........ ?????

Oh, and Jason, is my 106 odd MPH more like you would have thought a 302 would / should do upshifting at max rpm???? I'm still surprised, and a little scheptical that 400rpm makes soooo much difference. Anyfeedback would be appreciated, as I recall you saying that 100 -102 MPH as I was doing for most of the day changing at 5500 - 5600 was not good, and meant something was probably wrong............................

Oops, sorry Ive gone off topic.

The Scud GT

11.4 @ 128, 1.88 60ft.
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Old 03-06-2008, 01:00 PM   #43
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Originally Posted by Tazzie XR5
IMHO the ford club should team up with the commondore club and share the event for a private day...the last 2 years the commondore club has run at a loss on the day....2.5k to hire the track 50 cars @ 50 bucks and u break even anything over and you split the profits.. no pressure no nothing run it the same as the Holden V Ford meet for some fun and bragging rights..2-3hrs of testing and tuning and 2-3hrs of points racing, gets you used to dial in without the pressure of being eliminated...run it around November (so u dont have conflicting dates with the AFL finals) good weather good times and fun racing thats what its all about

Hi mate,

I think it was you with the dirty great blue bottle in the back of the Calai???

Friggin tuff sleeper car there, and it goes like a bloody rocket. Nice times.

No one has explained this 'pressure' thing to me yet, or why any individual would not be made welcome at one of these events. Has there been some BAD experiences previously?????????? Jesus, there must be some animosity that I just DID NOT SEE........ but I am thick skinned when it comes to these things apparently...

I probably won't be aloud to come to a future 'private' event should it happen - if it's commy club, or FPV club members only............. because to be honest I'm not going to join a(nother) club just go cruisen and weekends away.

I'm not having a go at anyone here, especially in their own chat area, but if FPV club won't / can't, choose not to support proper track days, well it aint my thing. I'll stick to my current club - even though I'm the only V8 powered member, and my car weighs like double all theirs. because they get it into off street stuff and even closed road hill climbs. As enthusiasts we MUST support these facilities / events in order for them to survive.

Anyway, considering this post will more than likely be viewed as being a smart ***, or a , or whatever, I won't post in this part of FF anymore and upset the apple cart so to speak.

I'm just so disappointed that there is so many well maintained and tuff Fords out there that apparently never get belted properly, if you know what I mean.
Just don't understand why anyone would buy one and not ring it's neck.
The Scud GT

11.4 @ 128, 1.88 60ft.
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Old 03-06-2008, 05:54 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by tex

Hi Jason, I'll sing out next time I plan to do a sprint, I think I'll probably leave the GT off the track for a few more months now, got a few bits and pieces I want to do prior to heading out to Baskerville. Custom tune, maybe underdrives, Ferrodo DS2500's, probably a BPR air box, and maybe, just maybe diff gears....

Can't see me getting over to Melbourne in the next two months for the tune, but maybe mid to late August.........

Mad Mike is also keen on a track day experience, so the three of us should head out and do some silly speeds legally. Maybe glenn in the T ute would be keen too............................................... ........ ?????

Oh, and Jason, is my 106 odd MPH more like you would have thought a 302 would / should do upshifting at max rpm???? I'm still surprised, and a little scheptical that 400rpm makes soooo much difference. Anyfeedback would be appreciated, as I recall you saying that 100 -102 MPH as I was doing for most of the day changing at 5500 - 5600 was not good, and meant something was probably wrong............................

Oops, sorry Ive gone off topic.

106mph is right on the money, and proves you do have a fair bit of grunt. It shows how much the boss motors need to rev to produce the horsepower.
XA coupe 8.8sec @ 150mph http://www.fordforums.com.au/showthr...coupe+drag+car
BA GT-P for the shed
Mustang GT for the other half
E3 chubsport - fully fat (and slow), sitting there waiting for me to get sick of it and sell it.
BA XR6T for a daily
NT Pajero for the bush
XB 4 door project- swallows a BF xr6 turbo

My dad is a generous bloke. He gave away his dead car batteries free of charge....
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Old 03-06-2008, 05:56 PM   #45
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Originally Posted by tex
Hi mate,

I think it was you with the dirty great blue bottle in the back of the Calai???

Friggin tuff sleeper car there, and it goes like a bloody rocket. Nice times.

No one has explained this 'pressure' thing to me yet, or why any individual would not be made welcome at one of these events. Has there been some BAD experiences previously?????????? Jesus, there must be some animosity that I just DID NOT SEE........ but I am thick skinned when it comes to these things apparently...

I probably won't be aloud to come to a future 'private' event should it happen - if it's commy club, or FPV club members only............. because to be honest I'm not going to join a(nother) club just go cruisen and weekends away.

I'm not having a go at anyone here, especially in their own chat area, but if FPV club won't / can't, choose not to support proper track days, well it aint my thing. I'll stick to my current club - even though I'm the only V8 powered member, and my car weighs like double all theirs. because they get it into off street stuff and even closed road hill climbs. As enthusiasts we MUST support these facilities / events in order for them to survive.

Anyway, considering this post will more than likely be viewed as being a smart ***, or a , or whatever, I won't post in this part of FF anymore and upset the apple cart so to speak.

I'm just so disappointed that there is so many well maintained and tuff Fords out there that apparently never get belted properly, if you know what I mean.
Just don't understand why anyone would buy one and not ring it's neck.
XA coupe 8.8sec @ 150mph http://www.fordforums.com.au/showthr...coupe+drag+car
BA GT-P for the shed
Mustang GT for the other half
E3 chubsport - fully fat (and slow), sitting there waiting for me to get sick of it and sell it.
BA XR6T for a daily
NT Pajero for the bush
XB 4 door project- swallows a BF xr6 turbo

My dad is a generous bloke. He gave away his dead car batteries free of charge....
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Old 03-06-2008, 07:27 PM   #46
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Originally Posted by tex

Mad Mike is also keen on a track day experience, so the three of us should head out and do some silly speeds legally. Maybe glenn in the T ute would be keen too............................................... ........ ?????

Stop putting ideas into my head :
More work to be done before i go giving it to much more of a hard time. I think i pushed the boundaries a bit with the clutch the other day so willtake it easy for a while until further mods are done, but thanx anyway.

Glen(with one N _2: )
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Old 03-06-2008, 08:34 PM   #47
Tazzie XR5
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yeah thats my big girl.......

heres a vid of the two ls1's running in the 11s (mine is bolt ons only)

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Old 04-06-2008, 04:47 PM   #48
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Here is my second best run. Think i may have held second a bit to long.

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Old 13-06-2008, 10:47 PM   #49
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OK all, sorry for the delay, but photos are now up!

For the full gallery click here: http://circlework.com.au/lightbox/index.php?category=gallery/0806/080601-FordVHolden&start=0

All photos are available for purchase. Visit my Contact page and drop me a line if you're interested.

Some samples:

Tasmanian Motorsport Photography - http://www.agsphotos.com
Tasmanian Motorsport Forum - Drift - Drag - Circuit - http://www.davidclifford.com.au/msforum

You only need 1 ball for football or cricket, motorsport on the other hand...
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Old 14-06-2008, 11:26 AM   #50
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Here is a gallery link that works. I can't edit my last post so here it is:

For the full gallery click here: Holden VS Ford Drag Day on CircleWork.com.au

Tasmanian Motorsport Photography - http://www.agsphotos.com
Tasmanian Motorsport Forum - Drift - Drag - Circuit - http://www.davidclifford.com.au/msforum

You only need 1 ball for football or cricket, motorsport on the other hand...
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Old 14-06-2008, 12:32 PM   #51
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Awsome pics - thanks very much.


The Scud GT

11.4 @ 128, 1.88 60ft.
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Old 14-06-2008, 10:47 PM   #52
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Look at that mighty phoon go!!!
2005 BA F6 Typhoon 360rwkw

GTX35/82r + 82lb injectors
Nizpro 4" exhaust
Plazmaman 1000hp IC/piping/BOV/plenum
Process West surge tank
Crow springs
TEIN super streets
6/4 brembos

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Old 15-06-2008, 07:22 PM   #53
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Just as a side note, only the last commo club private day ran at a loss - and for 20 - 40 club members and friends to come along to a day and have some fun, taking a couple of hundred out of the club kitty in our opinion is worth it.

We will be having another club drag day this year, and anyone who's commodore club friendly is more than welcome to join us
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Old 18-06-2008, 06:43 PM   #54
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Originally Posted by KITTEN VL
Just as a side note, only the last commo club private day ran at a loss - and for 20 - 40 club members and friends to come along to a day and have some fun, taking a couple of hundred out of the club kitty in our opinion is worth it.

We will be having another club drag day this year, and anyone who's commodore club friendly is more than welcome to join us
I would be happy to come along, and i know dad would be too. Hopefully i could drag a few more late model mates out of bed next time.
XA coupe 8.8sec @ 150mph http://www.fordforums.com.au/showthr...coupe+drag+car
BA GT-P for the shed
Mustang GT for the other half
E3 chubsport - fully fat (and slow), sitting there waiting for me to get sick of it and sell it.
BA XR6T for a daily
NT Pajero for the bush
XB 4 door project- swallows a BF xr6 turbo

My dad is a generous bloke. He gave away his dead car batteries free of charge....
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