Originally Posted by RedHotGT
All the models of GTs went soaring at the same time and scale as the PH3... The going rate for an XY GT was $200-$250k for a period there - and same goes for everything else lower in the food chain. Now $100k will buy you a very good XY GT - and much less if you want to buy a fixer...
How many XY GTs do you own or have you bought?
Again no doubt prices have come down BUT you are comparing premium car at the height of the market, which would be say a Vermilion Fire, black trim factory 4speed, factory sunroof, unrestored with history and books selling for $250K to what's for sale now maybe a Bronze Wine, auto with brown trim for $100K. Totally diffent value and cannot be compared.
Show me a "good" XY GT for $100K, by that I mean a car that would have topped at $250K at the top of the market. 5 years ago.
The last car that I recall in a hero colour of True Blue factory manual, restored and loaded with repro parts sold for $160K less than 12 months ago.