If you want to see the SCIENTIFIC PROOF and lots of other interesting stuff, especially the over rating of the genetic code, go to www.brucelipton.com. Buy the DVD Biology of belief. Makes you wonder how far the wool has pulled over our eyes.
I looked and there was just a salesman trying to sell me his book. Where is the science that you claim? It should be everywhere.
Can I just make one other point about science. Science is NOT about proving something to be correct beyond question. It’s about trying to find the most reasonable explanation based on the evidence before them. A scientist is expected to discard a theory if someone can use reason to come up with a better theory (which is the main difference between science and religion). So a (good) scientist may appear to some to be trying to prove that a theory is correct beyond doubt, but they are really just listening for something that might disprove the theory. However, if the answer that comes back does not do that, then they will say so, so that the person can have another shot at it. Admittedly to be polite, some shots on this thread are better than others, but I'm still waiting.
Einstein's theory also deals with time travel, but nothing has come of that.
You travel through time every time you go up in a plane. It can be measured although it takes an atomic clock to do it and the travel is so minute that you can't tell that you have aged more than those on the ground.