Originally Posted by Yaw
Will be interesting to see how long before Australia Adopts like some states in the USA have Pay before you fill. Either by pay at pump similar to Costco method or go pay the operator , then come back to the car to fill.
This is done to stop fuel theft drive offs
We have two servo's close to our house, an On The Run and a Liberty, the Liberty is at least 5cpl and sometimes up to 30cpl cheaper than the OTR, but at 10pm the Liberty goes pay first.
Personally i'd rather pay the extra at the OTR after 10pm than be treated like a possible criminal by the people running the Liberty and when I first discovered the practice I didn't mind telling them that before putting the cap back on my tank and driving up the road.
Not long ago I arrived at a servo in one of the work buses, a big white bus with a big company logo on the side and at around 9am in the morning, same story, pay first came the message across the loud speaker, so I walked in and asked why considering the time of day and obvious well labelled vehicle...company policy, well i'll take my $300 sale down the road then...that's my policy.
The irony is, that on any given day we are ripped off blatantly by these fuel sellers and we have to cop it, yet they can tar everyone with the same brush to prevent a return of serve.