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Old 23-02-2010, 11:13 AM   #1
Crazy CS
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Default 3 accidents in one day...

Just want to get some advice regarding the three incidents i had on Sunday afternoon.

Accident No. 1 – Was in docklands turning left via a slip lane (infront of Police HQ), there were 4-5 cars before me and another 3 or so after me turning left. When it was my turn to go i went across the pedestrian crossing (there was a guy on a bike waiting at the crossing/ was not a bike path) and had to stop because of on coming traffic and just as i took off i saw in my side mirror that the guy on the bicycle had punched my car..... couldn't really do anything because i started driving off but i did end up reporting this to the police.

Accident No.2 – Curved one lane each way road going into St Kilda baths and this Merc four wheel drive decides to drive ½ in the oncoming lane, i horned but he didnt see so i swirved out of the way and scraped a pole, i saw the dude look back and put his foot down on the accelerator. I got his rego make and model and reported him to the police .

Don't know whether anything can be done with either of these, but im not finished yet....

Accident No.3 – On my way home from St.Kilda, stopped at a traffic light, few seconds later this guy in a Hyundai Getz decides to hit my ***.... the screw marks of his licence plate ripped my clear coat and theres a little dint as well. I only got the guys name, mobile number, make and model. however he said the car was not his.

I called him yesterday and he goes to me 'yeah just give me the car, bring it up to my brothers workshop and ill fix it for you'..... errr yeh i don't think so!

I'm just wondering whether having the guys (the drivers) name and phone number and rego (he was driving his friends car) is enough to make a claim with AAMI for it.... because IMO he won't pay up when i tell him i want to take it to my own panel beater.

Any thoughts?

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Old 23-02-2010, 11:31 AM   #2
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No.1, Even though it was not a designated bike path you must still give way to pedestrians.
No.2, All you can do is report it to your insurer. If the damage is less to repair than your excess just cop it on the chin.
I don't hold much hope for you in making a claim as neither of you stopped to exchange names and addresses and all he has to do is deny he was there at the time of the alleged incident.
No.3, Don't waste your time with it. Leave it in the hands of your insurer, that's what you're paying them for.

And No.4, Change your user name!.
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Old 23-02-2010, 11:53 AM   #3
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Thats what you call a bad day. Should have been a monday. Sorry to hear mate, hopefully you can get it fixed up, but it does sound like you may have to cop it on the chin with insurance.
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Old 23-02-2010, 01:04 PM   #4
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Its always a good idea to get the other persons drivers license number in an accident too.
Just to confirm their id and that theyre driving legally.
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Old 23-02-2010, 01:34 PM   #5
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What a day. I bet you still can't believe all this happened. Some advice:
No 1: You must give way to any pedestrian when you are in a slip lane. I think you did the best thing though by reporting it to Police, but I don't think anything will come of it.
No 2: Were there any witnesses? I agree with Pinkbits, just report it to your insurer and see what comes of it.
No 3: Leave it in the hands of the insurance company. Just report it, and they'll chase up the money from him (and if he doesn't pay, debt collectors will go around to his house and sieze his 32" Samsung LCD TV to pay for it )

Last edited by DZFord; 23-02-2010 at 01:44 PM.
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Old 23-02-2010, 04:51 PM   #6
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his supposed failure to give way does not give the cyclist the right to vandalize his car which is what he did he vandalized your car that makes him guilty should the damage be greater than $500 it is a inditable offence which is quite serious - NOBODY has the right to damage the property of another under any circumstance. When cyclists behave like that idiot it is little wonder that motorists hate cyclists.

don't ever ever ever take your car to dodgey bros. autotheft racketeer clowns give what details you have to your insurance company on all three incidences and hope they come to the party and fix your car up.

also it doesn't matter who owns a car that hits you ALWAYS record its registration number if it is involved in an accident with you.

as for the merc that guy is a most inconsiderate mongrel and imho he is at fault you swerved to avoid an accident with him as he was on your side of the road and in doing so you hit a pole - clearly evidenced by the fact he ****ed off really fast. good work getting his rego
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Old 23-02-2010, 05:09 PM   #7
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1: should give way but bike guy had no right to hit car
2: the other car was leaving seen of accident that could get them into a bit of trouble. It a bit hard to say if noboby else stops either.
3: get insure to get money out of him. Stay away from him getting it fixed.
I know I just repeat what others have said.
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Old 25-02-2010, 11:40 AM   #8
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What a terrible day....I don't have anything more to add than what has already been said.

I hope it all works out. (these kind of things almost make me wanna leave my car in the garage)
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Old 25-02-2010, 11:52 AM   #9
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No 1. He'd better hope that he can ride quickly cause i'd chase the bastard down and be out for blood after that. I know im not the only one here that'd do this either. Whether he was in the right or wrong he said that he couldnt have helped it cause of oncoming traffic. Anyone ever punches my car, then they're gonna pay dearly.
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Old 25-02-2010, 07:51 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by tjv
No 1. He'd better hope that he can ride quickly cause i'd chase the bastard down and be out for blood after that. I know im not the only one here that'd do this either. Whether he was in the right or wrong he said that he couldnt have helped it cause of oncoming traffic. Anyone ever punches my car, then they're gonna pay dearly.
I am tempted to clench a fist and touch your car very very lightly just to see what happens :
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Old 25-02-2010, 10:48 PM   #11
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lol nah im not gerenrally an agro person. Cyclists however do touch a nerve with me though
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Old 08-03-2010, 12:10 PM   #12
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Default People on bikes

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't believe a person on a bike is a pedestrian, therefore you do not have to give way to him/her other than in normal traffic situations, ie. Give Way intersections, roundabouts etc. Bicylists also have to obey the road rules.

The word pedestrian literally means 'on foot'.

Most bicyclists don't appear to realise this and believe they suddenly become pedestrians while at a crossing, even though they are mounted on their bike. They need to get off their bike and walk it across if they want to be considered as a pedestrian.

However, that said, I always give way to cyclists on crossings as I understand how vulnerable they are should they be hit due to a misunderstanding as to their real status.

In all other circumstance I run them down.
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Old 09-03-2010, 12:12 AM   #13
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1. You have no way of identifying him so no matter if you were in the wrong or not, you will have to pay for repairs yourself.

2. Is a bit of a grey area, however I believe you don't really have a leg to stand on, as there was no actual contact between vehicles. Filing a police report straight away was a good move but the best you can do is just file a claim with your insurer and they can decide if they will chase the guy that caused it.

3. Shouldn't have a problem with this one. The other guy was in the wrong so just file a claim and let your insurer do the rest.
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Old 09-03-2010, 12:27 AM   #14
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the person hitting your car committed criminal damage, this is regardless of how right/wrong you were. I despise these egotistical self important jerkoff's who do this. This has happened to me three times in recent years, when i was in the right every time.. If someone messes up, or 'inconveniences' you, ya get over it, you don't provoke, these people make me very angry

#2 - report to insurance

and while you're on the phone, report #3, go from there.

best of luck
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Old 14-03-2010, 09:09 AM   #15
Crazy CS
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Hey guys, thanks for the replies.

I reported number two to the police a few weeks back... will let you guys know the outcome.
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