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Old 04-10-2005, 07:02 PM   #1
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Default An Extinct Species??

I refer to Punterus Retailus or (as more commonly known) the retail new car buyer.

For some years this species has been in decline as a percentage of the new car market largely due to the percentage of new car sales that went to the corporate fleets which in turn generated a steady supply of good, low mileage used stock for the family man to buy at reasonable prices.

Punterus Retailus was therefore usually seen hovering around dealerships in search of small, medium and recrerational vehicles that were less available through the fleet channels.

The sub species full-hookus (the ones who paid RRP) haven't been seen around Blue Oval dealerships for many a year but they could still be seen around Toyota and other dealerships in large numbers.

During the heyday years of the Laser Punterus Retailus could still be spotted at a Ford dealership but they have continued to flock elsewhere since the kA, Fiesta and Focus arrived on the scene. The introduction of Territory caused a few odd specimens to be seen in some dealerships but their stay was short lived after the recent fuel price hikes.

There's a photo on the desks of the Ford Marketing people which I believe is a picture of the last known specimen of Punterus Retailus full-hookus to have been seen in a Ford showroom but the photo is now faded with age being some 12 years old. Occasional rumours do surface about the odd sighting but it is generally accepted that these sightings are either the result of wishful thinking, mass hysteria or an urban myth.




Observatio Facta Rotae

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Old 05-10-2005, 02:26 AM   #2
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lol. Becoming truer as time goes on.
Windsor now harmonically balanced for EARTHQUAKE free driving!:
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Old 05-10-2005, 07:12 AM   #3
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I had always thought that their existence was a myth!
Where did I go? What was I doing there?™©
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Old 05-10-2005, 10:11 AM   #4
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Over the weekend the largest Ford dealership in this state (Tasmania) had a brain aneurism. On every TV station in the state they ran an ad where they told every man woman and child that the large family sedan is in decline and that increasing price of fuel was hurting the market. 12.5 million in stock reduced by half a million. The times have changed and so have we they said. The result was a brand new XR6 was being discounted to the tune of $8520.

Pleased as punch they were when I first entered hollow corridors. "Bet you are looking forward to that new car they said" Anyone want to finish the story?

Run out sales are one thing but to label the cars size and consumption in this way publicly is tantamount to sabotage. Why would anyone ever contemplate paying full retail? Obviously the XR6 is over priced to the tune of $8520. For some reason they didn't seem to see the problem!
BREAKING NEWS: The Pity Train has just derailed at the intersection of "Suck It Up & Move On" after it crashed into "We All Have Problems" before coming to a complete stop at "Get the Hell Over It." Reporting LIVE from Quitchur Bitchin'
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