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Old 21-01-2011, 11:32 PM   #1
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Default A really close call.

On wednesday night we were traveling down the road, on our way to refuel the ambulance. We were traveling down a major road, 2 lanes each way and there was a nice wide service lane on the left of us (we were in the left lane). It had been raining heavily so the roads were very wet and it was approximately 9 pm.

Out of the corner of my eye my attention was drawn to a flash of light, I turned just in time to see a large australian sedan (no going to say which make) bounce over the median strip at high speed and heading towards our vehicle, at least 4 feet in the air. Fortunately I was able to both accelerate and swerve left which kept out vehicle out of the way and the car went skidding past, narrowly missing the back of our vehicle. Taking into account where this happened, the closest intersection in his direction of travel was 100-200m behind him, the only reason I can see for his slide was hooning, he had to be doing 100 km/h+ to get airborne the way he did, it was a 70 zone.

Unfortunately the car following behind us was not so lucky and they clipped the sliding car. They were able to swerve right and only had the front left corner of their car clip the back of the sliding car.

The sliding car then hit the curb very hard and came to a stop on our side of the road behind the motorist that was following us. I immediately switched on our emergency lights (for safety) and turned around to go back to the crashed vehicles. As we did this, the car that had caused the whole mess reversed back onto the road and attempted to leave. Although I turned across the road to try and prevent him from doing a runner he managed to pass behind our vehicle and drove off.

Luckily our vehicle was not hit, but that was purely because of my evasive actions, had I not seen him the car would have hit us, probably on my drivers side door. The couple in the other car were unharmed but their car was seriously damaged with the front left suspension broken off from the impact. Not that the idiot in the car that had slid across a number of lanes, bounced over a median strip, nearly killed an ambulance crew and an innocent couple would know any of that, he was too gutless to stay around and do the right thing.

The bad news for him is in the process of all this his front bumper came off, so not only do we have the license number, we have the whole damn plate. Needless to say the police have those details. The other couple and all three officers on our vehicle are more than happy to make a statement to police and we are all pushing for maximum effort tracking this fool down.

If anyone here know who this person may be, tell him to man up and take responsibility for his stupidity. Causing an accident through stupidity is bad enough, but running from it without offering any assistance to the victims is appalling.

I am just glad that none of my crew were injured and we all managed to go home to our families at the end of the shift.

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Old 21-01-2011, 11:35 PM   #2
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is it regular to have 3 of you?
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Old 21-01-2011, 11:36 PM   #3
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Good job, let us know of developments, glad your all ok.
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Old 21-01-2011, 11:40 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by ThaFlash
is it regular to have 3 of you?
We have a regular crew of two (we are both qualified Paramedics) but we also have a University student on a clinical placement with us for 6 weeks.
Good job, let us know of developments, glad your all ok.
I completely attribute my evasive actions and awareness of hazards to the many advanced driving courses I have done, can't recommend them enough for all motorists. In this instance it may have saved 3 lives.
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Old 21-01-2011, 11:43 PM   #5
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Glad nobody got hurt, I hope they hang the bastard seriously.
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Old 21-01-2011, 11:44 PM   #6
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I’m glad that you’re all safe and can talk about it.

I also hope that this clown gets all that’s coming to him, however, with the legal system the way it is, I somewhat doubt it.

Do they have onboard cameras in ambulances up there?
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Old 21-01-2011, 11:45 PM   #7
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it just clicked to me, was the car stolen?

and do you ever get defence personell learning the ropes with yas too, in the same way the uni student is?
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Old 21-01-2011, 11:45 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by Full Noise
I’m glad that you’re all safe and can talk about it.

I also hope that this clown gets all that’s coming to him, however, with the legal system the way it is, I somewhat doubt it.

Do they have onboard cameras in ambulances up there?
No we don't and with the angle the car came at us it would not have shown up on a forward facing camera, he was flying at my drivers door.
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Old 21-01-2011, 11:58 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by ThaFlash
it just clicked to me, was the car stolen?

and do you ever get defence personell learning the ropes with yas too, in the same way the uni student is?
No the car was not reported stolen at the time the cops ran the plate which was approximately 30 mins later. Unfortunately we did not get to hang around after that as work goes on and we had to do a light and sirens response (not that I felt like driving after that).

Yes were do sometimes have defence medics with us but not very often now.
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Old 22-01-2011, 12:01 AM   #10
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its true aye, after nearly dying in on the road while driving you don't feel like it do you, even the most hardened is rattled when faced witht he prospect of never seeing their loved ones again.

you just wanna pull over and have a think about the whole life thing.
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Old 22-01-2011, 12:06 AM   #11
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Sheesh, talk about stupid!

I'd be telling the police to check in at any local suspension places. No way can you get air over a median strip and not have your wheel alignment rooted!

I feel so car(ra)cist now, everytime i imagine the scene i imagine it being a white commodore >.<
I'm back! Finally.
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Old 22-01-2011, 12:07 AM   #12
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i got to go down the coast today to help one of drivers with a heavy load, coming back we had just come through the wynnum road/gateway intersection about 1pm when a fire engine came through, lights n sirens going, and what happens? this idiot in a bmw convertible pulls out right in front of them, fire engine had to come to a complete stop to avoid them.

im sure some people drive with their eyes closed.
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Old 22-01-2011, 12:27 AM   #13
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Full moon yesterday.
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Old 22-01-2011, 12:49 AM   #14
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very glad your OK gecko . i so hope the get the person who done this . i just hate the way people dont care anymore , and if they can get away , they will . i dont understand that , i was never taught to even think of doing a runner , but then again , i and my generation never thought of smashing a glass and slicing someones face either . that's the wierd thing today , people have become wierd compared to 20 years ago .
when i apologise to people these days for minor things , i dont even get acknowledgement from them .
so let us know the outcome . i hope this guy gets brought to justice .
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Old 22-01-2011, 01:08 AM   #15
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Bloody hell. Glad you guys are o.k and that you got his numberplate. Hopefully this clown is caught.
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Old 22-01-2011, 01:20 AM   #16
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good to see no one was hurt, whats that old saying "Its a jungle out there", i had some exitement myself tonight and during the week actually, i was travelling north on a divided road on the 60 kph speed limit (cheddar rd reservoir), in the left lane, a late model commy just ahead of me in the right lane goin same direction, suddenly a bloke darted out into oncome traffic, both myself and the commy hit the brakes................. the dipstick going the wrong way managed to slip into a parking spot in the centre median strip missing the commy by bugger all, both myself and the commy blasted him with the horn.
i`m thinking too myself do people have a death wish? is it a full moon? on i`d say a minute earlier a bit further back down the very same road, i can see something unfolding ahead of me, a blue commy ute(sporty looking model) was weaving through a pack of cars ahead of me going same direction at very very close qaurters , the last car he had to over take was a lambo of some sort bright orange in color, at the last second the lambo braked when he(the ute) was sitting up his kyber, , he managed to steer around him but holy crap it have been close , i`d just come from springvale(the other side of the city)who needs the stress.

did i mention a white camry tried to move into my lane over springvale side of town..........while i was still in it!!!, i used to drive for a living some years ago (glad i don`t anymore), anyone who drives for a living full time deserves more money, and for emergency services like you GECKOGT it should be a lot more, i take my hat off to you sir, and again glad your ok.
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Old 22-01-2011, 02:44 AM   #17
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I'm normally laid back and easy going. But if I was in the op situation my first reaction would be to chase this ******* down while calling the cops. But I guess you couldn't really do that in your situation.
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Old 22-01-2011, 10:47 AM   #18
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Originally Posted by geckoGT
On wednesday night we were traveling down the road, on our way to refuel the ambulance. We were traveling down a major road, 2 lanes each way and there was a nice wide service lane on the left of us (we were in the left lane). It had been raining heavily so the roads were very wet and it was approximately 9 pm.

Out of the corner of my eye my attention was drawn to a flash of light, I turned just in time to see a large australian sedan (no going to say which make) bounce over the median strip at high speed and heading towards our vehicle, at least 4 feet in the air. Fortunately I was able to both accelerate and swerve left which kept out vehicle out of the way and the car went skidding past, narrowly missing the back of our vehicle. Taking into account where this happened, the closest intersection in his direction of travel was 100-200m behind him, the only reason I can see for his slide was hooning, he had to be doing 100 km/h+ to get airborne the way he did, it was a 70 zone.

Unfortunately the car following behind us was not so lucky and they clipped the sliding car. They were able to swerve right and only had the front left corner of their car clip the back of the sliding car.

The sliding car then hit the curb very hard and came to a stop on our side of the road behind the motorist that was following us. I immediately switched on our emergency lights (for safety) and turned around to go back to the crashed vehicles. As we did this, the car that had caused the whole mess reversed back onto the road and attempted to leave. Although I turned across the road to try and prevent him from doing a runner he managed to pass behind our vehicle and drove off.

Luckily our vehicle was not hit, but that was purely because of my evasive actions, had I not seen him the car would have hit us, probably on my drivers side door. The couple in the other car were unharmed but their car was seriously damaged with the front left suspension broken off from the impact. Not that the idiot in the car that had slid across a number of lanes, bounced over a median strip, nearly killed an ambulance crew and an innocent couple would know any of that, he was too gutless to stay around and do the right thing.

The bad news for him is in the process of all this his front bumper came off, so not only do we have the license number, we have the whole damn plate. Needless to say the police have those details. The other couple and all three officers on our vehicle are more than happy to make a statement to police and we are all pushing for maximum effort tracking this fool down.

If anyone here know who this person may be, tell him to man up and take responsibility for his stupidity. Causing an accident through stupidity is bad enough, but running from it without offering any assistance to the victims is appalling.

I am just glad that none of my crew were injured and we all managed to go home to our families at the end of the shift.
Lynton you paramedics deserve alot more then you guys get i tell ya.

I hope this clown gets whats coming to him.

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Old 22-01-2011, 11:33 AM   #19
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I won't mention what I wanted to do the moron if I caught him, apparently you have to be above that sort of thing in this uniform.
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Old 22-01-2011, 11:37 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by geckoGT
I won't mention what I wanted to do the moron if I caught him, apparently you have to be above that sort of thing in this uniform.
well if you done anything, at least there would have been paramedics nearby!
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Old 22-01-2011, 11:41 AM   #21
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Gezz whats the world comming to? Whats the bet he was ****ed??

What road mate?
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Old 22-01-2011, 11:55 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by geckoGT
The bad news for him is in the process of all this his front bumper came off, so not only do we have the license number, we have the whole damn plate.

Too funny would love to be there when the cops were waiting for him outside his house with number plate in hand.
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Old 22-01-2011, 11:58 AM   #23
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Originally Posted by DASH GT
Gezz whats the world comming to? Whats the bet he was ****ed??

What road mate?
Almost guarantee he was ****ed. Beaudesert Rd southbound 300m north of the Mortimer Rd intersection.

The worst thing is a situation like this really rocks your confidence and sense of safety. I have spent every minute that I drive since constantly hyper alert of motorists on the other side of the road and what they are doing, life should not be like that. Not sure I can express how close I was to being involved in a fatality, 2 kms/hr less on my part or not seeing him/looking to the left would have meant that a large sedan at approx 100 km/h would have gone into my door. My chances of surviving that would be virtually nil, I know because I have seen the result before.

The thought of the whole thing still gets my heart rate up and makes me feel a bit ill.
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Last edited by geckoGT; 22-01-2011 at 12:03 PM.
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Old 22-01-2011, 12:14 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by Professor Farnsworth
well if you done anything, at least there would have been paramedics nearby!
sounds like GTA4, you can beat someone up, wait while the paramedics fix them up, then beat them up again...
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Old 22-01-2011, 12:33 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by aussie muscle
sounds like GTA4, you can beat someone up, wait while the paramedics fix them up, then beat them up again...
I could take that a bit further but I am sure many here would not appreciate my black sense of humour.
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Old 22-01-2011, 01:05 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by geckoGT
I won't mention what I wanted to do the moron if I caught him, apparently you have to be above that sort of thing in this uniform.
But if he is lying on the ground with two broken legs and you are kicking the poo out of him you would be above him.........wouldn't you?

Good to see you are all ok mate.....
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Old 22-01-2011, 01:09 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by flappist
But if he is lying on the ground with two broken legs and you are kicking the poo out of him you would be above him.........wouldn't you?
Good point, no problem then.
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Old 22-01-2011, 01:18 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by geckoGT
I could take that a bit further but I am sure many here would not appreciate my black sense of humour.
LOL...I would

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