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Old 16-02-2012, 07:55 PM   #61
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Default Re: March 2012 Wheels

Originally Posted by My poor XF
I hope to be in a position to buy a new falcon in the next 12-18 months. I was almost born in the back of XD in 86 and my attachment to the Falcon (not ford as such) was born then too.

It's the car I grew up with, learned to drive in and now own myself. It's rediculous to have such an attachment to an inanimate object but I do and it pains me to see that the falcon is likely to disappear.

I will buy a new falcon and if it turns out to be the last then it will be the last ford product I buy. I don't care for anything else in their range. I for one hope and believe the falcon will continue past 2016, but that belief is getting harder to maintain.

This thread tells me that even ford fans don't care about the car that put FOA on the map and that truly is the most disappointing thing.
Its not that the fans don't care, i'm sure it hurts a lot of people what is happening and makes people angry. I'm hurt and dissapointed that it can't go on forever but nothing is forever I guess. I'm at least hopeful if the worst case scenario proves true then at least Ford bring in a RHD Mustang to at least give something to Falcon fans to aspire too. I know its not the same but at least it would be something, although I'll be buying a 2014 FG to secure a piece of Falcon before its too late.

They have rocks in their head if they think a Falcon enthusiast would even think twice about buying a Mondeo, although it is a nice piece of kit, its just not and never will be the same thing.
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Old 16-02-2012, 09:07 PM   #62
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Default Re: March 2012 Wheels

Ford have a great range of cars right now, but the only car that gets me excited is still the legendary FALCON. So much history so many great models where do you start. LOVE the FALCON
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Old 17-02-2012, 02:59 PM   #63
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Default Re: March 2012 Wheels

This huge dip would have happened a couple of years ago if not for Kaptain Krudd's tax bonus as part of GFC offsetting tax cuts, where by you could write down 50% of the cost of a new car in the first year. That is why I bought an FG, about the sole reason really, and I reckon thousands would have been in the same boat.
(FPV FG II GT-E thus the fully loaded burger with the lot as standard +Alpine/Dynamat fitout - 2 of only 4 ever made GT-E factory 9" rear rims - Michelin Pilot Supersports - Shockworks Suspension)
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Old 17-02-2012, 03:55 PM   #64
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Default Re: March 2012 Wheels

Originally Posted by Polyal
Man it makes my bloody boil when Holden put out there "good feeling" adds. They dont have to be talking about a particular product but it does state that the company is being proactive and "working" for the people...and they mentioned their LPG cars...AH! Call it propaganda if you like, it helps convey a message that the company is here for the long term, even if the facts show a different story.
...at least they bother to really hammer the advertising for the Commodore...unlike another large Australian sedan manufacturer who shall remain nameless...
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Old 18-02-2012, 08:02 PM   #65
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Default Re: March 2012 Wheels

Originally Posted by Bossxr8
They have rocks in their head if they think a Falcon enthusiast would even think twice about buying a Mondeo, although it is a nice piece of kit, its just not and never will be the same thing.
That certainly how I feel. My dad just bought a Mondeo Titanium with ecoboost. A fantastic car, all the bells and wistles you could ever need and enough poke for overtaking. The seats are comfy, its screwed togther better than the Falcon and just feels like what it is, a car made for a global audience. BUT..... its just so devoid of character. The engine dosnt have any real note compared to my FG, that soild rear wheel drive feeling is missing (its said most dont know the diff between FWD & RWD, but I can), the steering tugs under hard throttle with noticable lag. The mondeo dosnt have the heritage or the performance factor to lure in the younger guys/girls who are interested in cars, not just A to B. If falcon (and the performance models especially), unless Ford supply a RHD Mustang, what will lure youngsters to the brand?

My next (new) car will be a Falcon of some kind in the near future, but that could be the last Ford I will purchase new. I know that makes me sound like I'm not a true blue ford fan, but Fiesta's and Focus's just dont do it for me. The Falcon, its history, its ups and downs and the fact that everyone could tell a story about a falcon in some form or another are what makes me so very upset that Falcon could be no more.

As mentioned earlier, it could be said to be a little sad to feel like that about a "object", but Im sure many people here would agree that their Falcon (or Fairlane, Ute, Territory even) is not just transport, its a way of life. A hobby. An escape from work. When the Mitsubishi magna/380 was canned, not a eye lid blinked, but when (I hope its "IF") Falcon go's it wont go un-noticed.
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Old 18-02-2012, 10:37 PM   #66
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Default Re: March 2012 Wheels

Yep, it will be a sad day indeed. My heart will bleed, its an icon and Ford have built some legendary models that will live on forever in the hearts and minds of the enthusiasts.
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Old 18-02-2012, 10:50 PM   #67
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Default Re: March 2012 Wheels

Originally Posted by Bossxr8
They have rocks in their head if they think a Falcon enthusiast would even think twice about buying a Mondeo, although it is a nice piece of kit, its just not and never will be the same thing.
Amen brother.
Windsor V8 Enthusiast!
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Old 19-02-2012, 12:23 AM   #68
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Default Re: March 2012 Wheels

Originally Posted by Bossxr8
They have rocks in their head if they think a Falcon enthusiast would even think twice about buying a Mondeo, although it is a nice piece of kit, its just not and never will be the same thing.
Well there aren't a lot of them left that are buying new cars anyway.
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Old 23-02-2012, 10:26 PM   #69
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Default Re: March 2012 Wheels

Since this thread is already a negative Falcon thread I will mention this here instead of starting another doom thread.

4bc radio did an interview with drivel's Toby Hagan in response to this Wheels magazine section. What do people think of this interview?
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Old 23-02-2012, 10:55 PM   #70
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Default Re: March 2012 Wheels

wheels and motor both tell you how good a car is over and over and then when the new or update model comes out they tell you that the maker has finaly fixed all the problems the old one had i mean wtf they should tell it like it is havn't bought either in years because of this bull dust
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Old 23-02-2012, 11:11 PM   #71
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Default Re: March 2012 Wheels

Originally Posted by TC200six
Since this thread is already a negative Falcon thread I will mention this here instead of starting another doom thread.

4bc radio did an interview with drivel's Toby Hagan in response to this Wheels magazine section. What do people think of this interview?
Toby Hagan has been pushing his Falcon is dead theories for years,
he keeps playing the odds that he will be eventually proven right.
I notice he didn't correct the 4BC Announcer's gaffe regarding Ford
and GM being bailed out by the government in the US......
He did mention GM's $7 billion profit but not Ford's result....

It's amazing how Hagan keeps getting away with these cheap shots without being challenged....

As Ford fans, you grow up with the taunts but really, the Holden guys wouldn't want Falcon to go away
because they know that Commodore would be the lesser for it and equally, Ford people feel the same.
Ford, Holden and Toyota need each other to keep the local industry strong and viable and therefore,
each manufacturer must come up with vehicles that can be made locally in sufficient volume at a profit.

Last edited by jpd80; 23-02-2012 at 11:21 PM.
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Old 23-02-2012, 11:24 PM   #72
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Default Re: March 2012 Wheels

I know we go on about this, but it really ***** me that Ford sit on there hands & do nothing... Say something Ford FFS, even if it is fluff stuff.. You're confirm until 2016, so adverate you're here to stay..
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Old 24-02-2012, 04:47 PM   #73
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Default Re: March 2012 Wheels

Originally Posted by martyk54
If Holden had a turbo 6 it would still beat the XR6T in sales... superior vehicle or not.

Holden are the masters of marketing inferior cars. Everyone must take their hats off to Holden in this regard.
Well said!
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