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Old 17-05-2012, 10:07 AM   #1
Mack 6
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Default Gang victims refusing to cooperate with Police

With the advent of another shooting where the "victim" has refused to cooperate with police, who is getting annoyed with these sorts of people.
I know there si a bit of animosity with some cops whe exert their authority on the roads, but all things adside, it can be a thankless job.
I have mates in the force and I spent some time working in another area of the justice department, and having theis sort of stuff day in day out is just plain ridiculous.

Yes, if you refuse to cooperate, we all knows that means you are not really adhering to that "code of conduct" they all talk about, it's cos you don't care about doing the right thing, and you know exactly who it was and now you wanna be a "real man" and get your own back.

The same victims are the ones who will feed the cops info to eliminate (for lack of a better word) a rival/enemy, and when something happens to them and they don't know who did it, they are the first on the phone begging the cops for assistance.

I don't care about your own lives, but how about all the innocents who get caught up. How many "wrong house/wrong person" stories do you hear. I dealt with a guy who admitted to me that he was high when he went to "collect" a debt, went into the neighbouring house and killed an innocent bloke.

I know these little feuds won't stop, but how about you and all your like minded mates go out into the desert and 1 or 2 blokes can come back so no innocent people get involved.

I may cop a bit of heat as I can't speculate on everyone's view, but this is a bug bear of mine. Don't even get me started on Adelaide's "infamous" bikie!



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Old 17-05-2012, 10:17 AM   #2
Jim Goose
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Default Re: Victims who refuse to Cooperate!

I think you need to put victims into two categories, as your title seems to suggest that any victim who refuses to co-operate have something to hide.

Eg: a victom of rape who is too afraid/ ashamed to talk, is not the same as a victim of retaliation who is involved in criminal activity, such as a bikie gang.

If your a criminal and your beaten to a pulp, shot at etc, one could say that is the life that person pursued and its to be expected.

If your walking down the street and you are a victim of random crime that it totally different....

The problem as you say is when innocent people get caught in the crossfire. However you really cant expect "crooks" to do the right thing and suddenly feel guilt that they injured/ killed an innocent person.
You've seen it, you've heard it and your still asking questions??

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Old 17-05-2012, 10:28 AM   #3
Mack 6
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Default Re: Victims who refuse to Cooperate!

mmm, started with the shooting comment should narrow it down a bit.

obviously there are other "victims" who can't or won't cooperate for varied reason, there seems to be an extraordinary number of random shootings... you know, the things that can kill people.
We've had them in cafe's, houses, parks all in the last few months.
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Old 17-05-2012, 10:45 AM   #4
Peter B - CV8
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Default Re: Victims who refuse to Cooperate!

The "hardcore 1%" type gangs are just plain scum & contribute nothing useful to society. Unfortunately they get glamourised on TV & kids think it's cool to be part of a gang. To ingratiate themselves into a gang the youngsters then volunteer to do some type of crime (like the current driveby shootings).
Personally, I think if you have a shooting victim that is entrenched within a gang & who doesn't want to co-operate with police investigating the incident - then they should be denied hospital/medical attention & be told to sort it out themselves.
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Old 17-05-2012, 10:52 AM   #5
poppa smurf
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Default Re: Victims who refuse to Cooperate!

I think you are eluding to the recent "gangland" style shootings

the so called "victims" in these cases are far from innocent and have much to hide

normal everyday folk have very little to fear unless you are in public place when something like this erupts

the victims will never come forward as that is the "code"......and of course the gang tentacles reach everywhere and can get you anywhere

it's been going on for years and can never be stamped out......it's the bikies now, before it was the mafia and then there the who flung dung chinese one

where theres money, there will be gangs

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Old 17-05-2012, 10:55 AM   #6
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Default Re: Victims who refuse to Cooperate!

Did I miss an episode of Bikie Wars??

There are reasons some people refuse to co-operate with police etc...That is there right. Just as it is a right of an injured person to refuse help from Ambos..It is not what I would do...but..different strokes for different folks.
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Old 17-05-2012, 10:58 AM   #7
poppa smurf
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Default Re: Victims who refuse to Cooperate!

the ones that are "victims" in adelaide are rival gang members.......one mob trying to overthrow another mob

power struggle

G'day....I'm Dave, ...everyone calls me Poppa,..05.. B.A. Fairmont mark II...

may your day's be filled with smiles, your life be filled with love, may your children know nothing but happiness and joy, cherish the memory of those who strove before us for they cleared the way, spare a thought for those who serve we owe so much to so many, life and the freedom to enjoy it is a special gift that can be taken away far too soon!
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Old 17-05-2012, 11:10 AM   #8
Mack 6
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Default Re: Victims who refuse to Cooperate!

There are heaps of reasons for shooting. The media reports keep saying this "bikie" has survived another "assasination" attempt. I'm sorry, presidents and officials get assasinated, bikies get shot at.

I agree with Peter B, about zero assistance, but the big roadblock is that there are very few "members" a lot of people are "associates" and what constitutes an associate??
I walked into a crash shop to get a quote, spoke with a guy who i would have suspected was involved, but I wans't going to judge without proof, then went into the office which was covered in all his bikie paraphanalia. Sorry champ, won't be getting my business, but if I didn't see the stuff, got him to do the job and he did me a deal, that could be seem as association.
very fine line!

OH, and I am not generalising about people who ride bikes when I say Bikie. I just can;t be bothed using the govt catch cry "Outlaw Motorcycle Club"
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Old 17-05-2012, 11:30 AM   #9
Professor Farnsworth
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Default Re: Gang victims refusing to cooperate with Police

thread title changed as per OP request

just a warning, this thread is already borderline for this forum, i can't see it ending well.
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Old 17-05-2012, 12:03 PM   #10
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Default Re: Gang victims refusing to cooperate with Police

Originally Posted by Professor Farnsworth
just a warning, this thread is already borderline for this forum, i can't see it ending well.
I understand. I am trying to be diplomatic about the whole thing. I just hear complaints about how some police could be better utilised solving "real' crimes, but they seem to get no assistance from a minority when they are called to do so.

I'm hoping this stays clean so I can hear other people's viewpoints.
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Old 17-05-2012, 01:24 PM   #11
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Default Re: Gang victims refusing to cooperate with Police

police are always trustworthy. no reason not to tell them everything
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Old 17-05-2012, 01:43 PM   #12
pottery beige
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Default Re: Gang victims refusing to cooperate with Police

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Old 17-05-2012, 01:50 PM   #13
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Default Re: Gang victims refusing to cooperate with Police

yes i always find it amusing when the criminals run to the police like ****arelli did when his son was killed
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Old 17-05-2012, 01:56 PM   #14
pottery beige
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Default Re: Gang victims refusing to cooperate with Police

crap phone...
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Old 17-05-2012, 01:56 PM   #15
pottery beige
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Default Re: Gang victims refusing to cooperate with Police

bs topic to be discussing on a public forum.. btw thanks to cutbacks on mental health there may be far more dangerous people living nextdoor... just forgotten my green pills.. stab.. stab.. naughty voices...
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Old 17-05-2012, 02:18 PM   #16
Professor Farnsworth
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Default Re: Gang victims refusing to cooperate with Police

anyway friends, we're all done here - nothing productive will come from this.
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