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Old 04-04-2013, 02:48 PM   #1
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Default My trailer comes up as stolen - just a rant

I've got an unreg 7x5 box trailer that I bought more than 6 years ago. I've gotta move from the ex's place. Rather than run hot with it I decide to do the right thing and get an unreg vehicle permit - $28 for a one day permit on a trailer that costs $90 for a years rego. Hmmm?

Anyway, I fill out all the details on the form and submit it. The serial number on the drawbar shows up in the system as being on 3 other trailers that are all listed as stolen. It's a 5 digit serial number, but hey, what's the chances of 3 other trailers with the same number being hot?

The clerk said she couldn't grant me a permit on this premise, and that as I had applied for the permit/registration on a trailer of interest that it may attract the attention of the police. I had nothing to hide and wasn't worried with police - I knew the original owner, and the subsequent owner that I bought it from, being mates at the time there was no receipts that changed hands, just cash. I've lost touch with them over the years and have no way of proving purchase.

I remained calm and asked the clerk if she had access to past registered owners details, she did have so, but that info was private and not available to me: It all changed from there! I recited the names and last known suburbs of them, my details came up as being the last registered person, the other trailers listed as stolen were not box trailers either. Permit granted - win!



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Old 04-04-2013, 02:59 PM   #2
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Default Re: My trailer comes up as stolen - just a rant

Supershifty.... Hmmmm... Lol

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Old 04-04-2013, 03:10 PM   #3
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Default Re: My trailer comes up as stolen - just a rant

Was there a possibility that you could get new numbers stamped to differentiate between your trailer and the others with the same number? Being that there are numerous trailers with the same number?
Sadly the EB is dead....

Now a AWD TX Territory Daily
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Old 04-04-2013, 03:44 PM   #4
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Default Re: My trailer comes up as stolen - just a rant

Originally Posted by GhiaEB View Post
Was there a possibility that you could get new numbers stamped to differentiate between your trailer and the others with the same number? Being that there are numerous trailers with the same number?
The numbers are written on in weld script, and you're right that there's a coincidence because of the short numbers. The clerk suggested that I add some numbers/letters to make the number more uniique - WTF? The trailer is about 10 years old but is a good solid duty one. 7x5 with 1/4 inch chequer plate floor is awesome! Heavy, but real solid.

Originally Posted by superpursuit83
Supershifty.... Hmmmm... Lol
I earned my nickname over 20 years ago - I could dive in a pile of poo and come up smelling like a rose. I could get away with murder back then. I'm too old to risk pushing it now.


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Last edited by supershifty; 04-04-2013 at 03:57 PM.
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Old 04-04-2013, 04:11 PM   #5
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Default Re: My trailer comes up as stolen - just a rant

Originally Posted by supershifty View Post
The numbers are written on in weld script, and you're right that there's a coincidence because of the short numbers. The clerk suggested that I add some numbers/letters to make the number more uniique - WTF? The trailer is about 10 years old but is a good solid duty one. 7x5 with 1/4 inch chequer plate floor is awesome! Heavy, but real solid.

I earned my nickname over 20 years ago - I could dive in a pile of poo and come up smelling like a rose. I could get away with murder back then. I'm too old to risk pushing it now.

That's kinda what I was thinking, say your trailer number is 12345, add -1234. So your new trailer number would be 12345-1234 or 12345-ABCD. I can only think of the issues that would happen if you sold the trailer unregod, the new owner goes to have it rerego'd and it comes up stolen.
Sadly the EB is dead....

Now a AWD TX Territory Daily
P6 Silver Monarch Weekender

And on 2 Wheels,
ZZR 250

Can do mixer shaft replacement on BA-BF Falcon and SX-SY, fix your heater Today. PM For more details

For sale: Heaps of Territory bits and bobs including front brembo doglegs, NOS I-design territory body kit painted offshore, also FPV 290 engine bits. FS thread here http://www.fordforums.com.au/showthread.php?t=11397826 Pm for more details.
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Old 04-04-2013, 04:49 PM   #6
aussie muscle
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Default Re: My trailer comes up as stolen - just a rant

chalk one win up to supershifty. that's pretty excellent against any govt motoring dept.
My ride: 2007 Falcon Ute BF XR8 Orange, MTO.
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Old 04-04-2013, 05:22 PM   #7
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Default Re: My trailer comes up as stolen - just a rant

Originally Posted by superpursuit83 View Post
Supershifty.... Hmmmm... Lol
yeah, I wouldn't trust anyone with a username like that........
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Old 04-04-2013, 05:34 PM   #8
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Default Re: My trailer comes up as stolen - just a rant

Originally Posted by supershifty View Post
I've got an unreg 7x5 box trailer that I bought more than 6 years ago. I've gotta move from the ex's place. Rather than run hot with it I decide to do the right thing and get an unreg vehicle permit - $28 for a one day permit on a trailer that costs $90 for a years rego. Hmmm?

Anyway, I fill out all the details on the form and submit it. The serial number on the drawbar shows up in the system as being on 3 other trailers that are all listed as stolen. It's a 5 digit serial number, but hey, what's the chances of 3 other trailers with the same number being hot?

The clerk said she couldn't grant me a permit on this premise, and that as I had applied for the permit/registration on a trailer of interest that it may attract the attention of the police. I had nothing to hide and wasn't worried with police - I knew the original owner, and the subsequent owner that I bought it from, being mates at the time there was no receipts that changed hands, just cash. I've lost touch with them over the years and have no way of proving purchase.

I remained calm and asked the clerk if she had access to past registered owners details, she did have so, but that info was private and not available to me: It all changed from there! I recited the names and last known suburbs of them, my details came up as being the last registered person, the other trailers listed as stolen were not box trailers either. Permit granted - win!


those 3 tv's for sale at your garage sale last week mate are you sure they're legit . and that boat i really had my eye on , i was wondering if you'll discount them a little further . LOL
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Old 05-04-2013, 11:28 AM   #9
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Default Re: My trailer comes up as stolen - just a rant

Trailers are easier to steel than push bikes .

There is only one way the police will not q your ownership and that with a id welded somewhere on the trailer. The easiest ID is your drivers licence number, have this weld scripted hiding somewhere on your trailer.

I had a trailer stolen from home, 2 months later saw it in private yard 3 streets away with new plates on ot. The police comment was
"prove its yours,"
"How?" "I know its mine I made the wheel arches that design"
" prove its yours, yes we have the file when you lodged it stolen but prove its yours"

I later saw in a neighbor hood watch newsletter a guy had a car trailer stlen, later saw it and follwed to a house, notified police, they visited said house took it away for examination and welded number had been ground off but showed up under heat.
Dont p i s s off older people. At our age the term Life in Prison is not a deterrent
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