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Old 08-02-2025, 11:00 AM   #6421
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lol just sat one of their flyers in front of me to read!
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Old 08-02-2025, 12:52 PM   #6422
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Default Re: Geez! I hate that!

Originally Posted by HIPO View Post
lol just sat one of their flyers in front of me to read!
Then I hope I've helped you dodge that bullet.

Having said that, I dont think it matters what you're having done or by whom, its virtually impossible to find a tradie of any sort who turns up as arranged, has the materials and or equipment required and can do the job to the standard expected for the price they command.

Since taking the keys for our new home on Dec 19 I've engaged a window tinter, electrician, roller shutter supplier and this solar mob.
To date, not 1 has turned up and/or completed the job as agreed.

The tinter, who we chose to go with as he could fit us in the soonest, was the dearest and then 1/2hr after the arranged time, rang to say im not coming.
I cancelled.

Electrician, turned up on time to do a simple 75" TV wall install with added power socket behind TV and concealed cables, proceeded to tell me how he uses a recessed brush plate to prevent the plug fouling the brackets pivot range and a neater finish, before cutting out the hole too close to the bracket so that the TV couldnt clip on properly as the face plate fouled the clips.
He then tried to lower the plate to clear the clips and found he couldnt as a diagonal brace in the frame was in the way.
He then went to cut sideways and down to clear the now 2 obstacles at which point I said STOP!
Moving the plate that far willprevent the cover plate from covering the cut out, leave the backing plate where it is and notch the cover plate to clear the bracket clip.
Oh yeah, he says. TV goes on.

Roller shutter company took almost 3 weeks from start to finish to complete a 2 shutter install because they forgot to order the flashing sheet for above the shutter over a recessed window.

And now the solar debacle.

And thats before I even talk about the disgraceful workmanship performed by Rivergum Homes, who I affectionately refer to as Rivetgun, as thats how they do construction, who, forgot to install the TV splitters in all 6 townhouses, incorrectly measured the glass back splash I paid for as an upgrade and 6 weeks later havent been back to finish it, didnt do a pre handover clean, left laminate floor beading unnailed down, havent completed the exterior painting, the flashing on a roof overhang falls back to the wall, minus pressure flashing and the list goes on...and on.

When I had the handover building inspection done by a Family friend he said, pick your battles, they are terrible to deal with.
To be honest I've already painted 3 feature walls to a higher standard than the builder so I'll probably fix most of their failings myself as atleast I know it'll be done right.

Then theres my Daughters Corolla, which had a $1200 waterpump replacement done by Auto Masters, who failed to tighten a hose clamp resulting in loss of coolant and her stranded on the side of the road in 35* heat and they initially refused to pay the RAA tow excess despite being RAA approved and should have provided a free tow voucher post job for incidences like that.

All in a 6 week space..

I actually feel depressed from it all. Should be a happy time in our lives but is anything but, just have no motivation to get off the couch as its completely overwhelming not knowing where to start.
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Old 08-02-2025, 01:04 PM   #6423
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Then theres my Daughters Corolla, which had a $1200 waterpump replacement done by Auto Masters, who failed to tighten a hose clamp resulting in loss of coolant and her stranded on the side of the road in 35* heat and they initially refused to pay the RAA tow excess despite being RAA approved and should have provided a free tow voucher post job for incidences like that.

I would contact RAA legal dept. see where you stand and I suspect see sparks fly and **** hit the fan
Dont p i s s off older people. At our age the term Life in Prison is not a deterrent
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Old 08-02-2025, 01:18 PM   #6424
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Default Re: Geez! I hate that!

Originally Posted by Tonz View Post
Then theres my Daughters Corolla, which had a $1200 waterpump replacement done by Auto Masters, who failed to tighten a hose clamp resulting in loss of coolant and her stranded on the side of the road in 35* heat and they initially refused to pay the RAA tow excess despite being RAA approved and should have provided a free tow voucher post job for incidences like that.

I would contact RAA legal dept. see where you stand and I suspect see sparks fly and **** hit the fan
I hear ya Tonz.

Unfortunately she built the townhouse at the other end of the block of 6 and is too up to her neck in Rivetgun failings to even consider fighting additional battles.

She locked herself out last week, called a locksmith, paid $200 to get in, he stuffed the lock, didnt tell her.
She goes out, comes home, lock wouldnt open, calls him, he says yeah had trouble picking that and damaged it, I'll want another $200 to come out and change it.
But your website says if you break the lock its replaced free of charge, yeah bad luck he sayd.
So she calls head office, they agree its a freebie, contact him and rip him a new one..apparently.
He comes back out, asks if the lock was ok before...
She standing there, blinking like WTF, its a brand new ****ing house ********, the lock was fine before you got your hands on it.
He changes the lock and asks for $20 for it.
She now has a dirty great stain down her brand new door from whatever lubricant he used which wont come off because...wait for it...Rivetgun didnt varnish/seal the raw timber door.

She is very much like me, short fused and vindictive.
At some point one of us, if not both, will crack and murder will ensue.
Look out for us on the nightly news.
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Old 08-02-2025, 03:17 PM   #6425
John 13
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Default Re: Geez! I hate that!

Domestic electrical alterations and additions.

Recent post by BENT 8. An extract; "Electrician, turned up on time to do a simple 75" TV wall install with added power socket behind TV and concealed cables, proceeded to tell me how he uses a recessed brush plate to prevent the plug fouling the brackets pivot range and a neater finish, before cutting out the hole too close to the bracket so that the TV couldnt clip on properly as the face plate fouled the clips.
He then tried to lower the plate to clear the clips and found he couldnt as a diagonal brace in the frame was in the way.
He then went to cut sideways and down to clear the now 2 obstacles at which point I said STOP!
Moving the plate that far willprevent the cover plate from covering the cut out, leave the backing plate where it is and notch the cover plate to clear the bracket clip.
Oh yeah, he says. TV goes on."
My formal working life commenced as an electrical apprentice in a sugar mill. Fortunately while the majority of my immediate experience was on industrial equipment I was subjected to enough domestic installation work (wall bashing/wire jerking) to be eligible for a licence in both electrical fitting and as an electrical mechanic.
However I soon moved on from the trade and apart from small approved jobs for myself and for relatives I kept far away from wire jerking. Not long ago I was drafted into doing some replacement work in a relatives acquired house. Consequently I can relate to the apparent frustration of both parties in the above.
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Old 08-02-2025, 04:15 PM   #6426
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Default Re: Geez! I hate that!

Originally Posted by John 13 View Post
Domestic electrical alterations and additions.

Recent post by BENT 8. An extract; "Electrician, turned up on time to do a simple 75" TV wall install with added power socket behind TV and concealed cables, proceeded to tell me how he uses a recessed brush plate to prevent the plug fouling the brackets pivot range and a neater finish, before cutting out the hole too close to the bracket so that the TV couldnt clip on properly as the face plate fouled the clips.
He then tried to lower the plate to clear the clips and found he couldnt as a diagonal brace in the frame was in the way.
He then went to cut sideways and down to clear the now 2 obstacles at which point I said STOP!
Moving the plate that far willprevent the cover plate from covering the cut out, leave the backing plate where it is and notch the cover plate to clear the bracket clip.
Oh yeah, he says. TV goes on."
My formal working life commenced as an electrical apprentice in a sugar mill. Fortunately while the majority of my immediate experience was on industrial equipment I was subjected to enough domestic installation work (wall bashing/wire jerking) to be eligible for a licence in both electrical fitting and as an electrical mechanic.
However I soon moved on from the trade and apart from small approved jobs for myself and for relatives I kept far away from wire jerking. Not long ago I was drafted into doing some replacement work in a relatives acquired house. Consequently I can relate to the apparent frustration of both parties in the above.
I hate domestic electrical work, I refuse to do it for anyone, when I started doing my apprenticeship, I was unfortunately tasked to do the odd domestic dwelling, you get blamed for shit you have nothing to do with and some customers are fussy as.
I opted out of domestic work, learn nothing of interest and the money is crap, went industrial & refrigeration, ended up working with electric train maintenance where the big $$$ is and job satisfaction.
Retired from the trade 30 years ago from burnout to pursue more interesting career interests.
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Old 08-02-2025, 04:41 PM   #6427
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Default Re: Geez! I hate that!

Originally Posted by Itsme View Post
I hate domestic electrical work, I refuse to do it for anyone, when I started doing my apprenticeship, I was unfortunately tasked to do the odd domestic dwelling, you get blamed for shit you have nothing to do with and some customers are fussy as.
I opted out of domestic work, learn nothing of interest and the money is crap, went industrial & refrigeration, ended up working with electric train maintenance where the big $$$ is and job satisfaction.
Retired from the trade 30 years ago from burnout to pursue more interesting career interests.
The guy I engaged had recently left a large company, that speialised in commercial work, to go it alone in the residential field.
Im sorry, but if you cant do something as simple as cut out a square hole behind a 75" TV's footprint without fouling the bracket you mark out to mount, or, envision diagonal braces within 1.5m of a corner in a steel framed dwelling that you were advised of construction type well in advance, Im not sure you should be going it alone.

I felt sorry for the guy and paid him his $600 but as a simple bus driver Im not sure problem solving for a licensed tradie on nearly $300hr, as thats what it equated to, is my responsibility.
Im just glad I'd forgone a days income to be there and be the problem solver or I'd have had to fill the hole left by the expert.

Not sure if that makes me fussy or being expected to do what you quoted and are being paid for is unrealistic .expectations.
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Old 08-02-2025, 05:52 PM   #6428
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Default Re: Geez! I hate that!

Getting a house built by a contractor who subcontracts is one of the most stressful things I have done. Twice.
The subcontractors don't care, not their house, they are not paying for it.
20 years ago, I had numerous blues with the supervising manager, who told me to stop stopping subcontractors who were stuffing up things like the brickwork mortar colour, the position of outlets in the bathroom and the arrangement of the kitchen.
My reply was, would you prefer to have them complete the work, and then pull it all out and do it again in accordance with the plans and specifications.
The builders' locks were supposed to be changed on the day of the handover. 3 months later, the supervisor turned up unannounced late one afternoon to do the job, complaining about how he should be on a job 100km away. My care factor towards him was nil.
I used to have a short fuse for stuff like this, but with experience comes wisdom, and it is even shorter now.
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Old 08-02-2025, 06:47 PM   #6429
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Originally Posted by BENT_8 View Post
The guy I engaged had recently left a large company, that speialised in commercial work, to go it alone in the residential field.
Im sorry, but if you cant do something as simple as cut out a square hole behind a 75" TV's footprint without fouling the bracket you mark out to mount, or, envision diagonal braces within 1.5m of a corner in a steel framed dwelling that you were advised of construction type well in advance, Im not sure you should be going it alone.

I felt sorry for the guy and paid him his $600 but as a simple bus driver Im not sure problem solving for a licensed tradie on nearly $300hr, as thats what it equated to, is my responsibility.
Im just glad I'd forgone a days income to be there and be the problem solver or I'd have had to fill the hole left by the expert.

Not sure if that makes me fussy or being expected to do what you quoted and are being paid for is unrealistic .expectations.
You just described him, inexperienced. I would not feel sorry for him since he is charging you a premium fee, if it was mate's rate might be bit different.
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Old 08-02-2025, 08:13 PM   #6430
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Originally Posted by Itsme View Post
You just described him, inexperienced. I would not feel sorry for him since he is charging you a premium fee, if it was mate's rate might be bit different.
Id like to think that someone whos resume includes a decade of commercial work could cut a hole in the correct place but as I didnt discover his history until he was onsite I couldnt have known that was beyond him.
His pictures of prior resi work looked confidence inspiring, but apparently not an accurate representation.
Having said that, Ive never done residential electrical work but I can do apprentice level problem solving.

Anyway, having watched how he went about it and not needing to add extra power points on my other 2 TV wall mounts that need doing, I reckon I'll save the coin and do it myself.
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Old 08-02-2025, 09:14 PM   #6431
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Originally Posted by Vekgib View Post
Squealing kids in shopping centres. Or anywhere for that matter.Glad I don't have kids
That YOU know of...
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Old 08-02-2025, 11:11 PM   #6432
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Originally Posted by OneMadMan View Post
That YOU know of...
Nice try, but without going into medical history, I KNOW that I don't have any kids.
The family tree dies when I do.

Stuff this,I'm going to play a few shots & see what happens.
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Old 10-02-2025, 09:38 PM   #6433
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NSW Green Slips have steadily grown again. Latest renewal for a 1991 model sedan of fairly limited usage, just over $500. The price checker confirmed it’s not anomalous. That’s with no at-fault accidents and zero points.
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Old 11-02-2025, 08:01 AM   #6434
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Air conditioning saga my Mighty AU Forte

First it wuz intermittent - mechanic diagnosed leaking vacuum line behind dash (after new audio instal)

Verking OK

A couple of months later - air not cold - mechanic regassed it.

Verking OK

Yesterday it no verking - no click from engine bay when system normally starts.

Today I have to go to Rocky - temp in low 30s

Geez I hate that!
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Old 11-02-2025, 08:59 AM   #6435
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Default Re: Geez! I hate that!

Originally Posted by BENT_8 View Post
The guy I engaged had recently left a large company, that speialised in commercial work, to go it alone in the residential field.
Im sorry, but if you cant do something as simple as cut out a square hole behind a 75" TV's footprint without fouling the bracket you mark out to mount, or, envision diagonal braces within 1.5m of a corner in a steel framed dwelling that you were advised of construction type well in advance, Im not sure you should be going it alone.

I felt sorry for the guy and paid him his $600 but as a simple bus driver Im not sure problem solving for a licensed tradie on nearly $300hr, as thats what it equated to, is my responsibility.
Im just glad I'd forgone a days income to be there and be the problem solver or I'd have had to fill the hole left by the expert.

Not sure if that makes me fussy or being expected to do what you quoted and are being paid for is unrealistic .expectations.
Did he live up to the electrions leave a mess code, was a vacuum or broom required after he left.
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Old 11-02-2025, 09:13 AM   #6436
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The Chill is Gone
Originally Posted by Cav
…A couple of months later - air not cold - mechanic regassed it.

Verking OK

Yesterday it no verking - no click from engine bay when system normally starts.
Remember, chicks are attracted to hot guys!

If I was right and it’s all leaked out of the compressor front seal, you owe me a small bakery treat. (Which I’ll allow you to eat.)
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Old 11-02-2025, 10:28 AM   #6437
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Default Re: Geez! I hate that!

Originally Posted by five 7 View Post
Did he live up to the electrions leave a mess code, was a vacuum or broom required after he left.
Actually no, he was very clean and swept up the drywall dust as he went which was pleasing to see.

The solar installers on the other hand, left hebel dust at the front door from drilling holes, holes they left unsealed which I've since sprayed with spider/bug repellant surface spray until its sealed when they come back.

Talking about them coming back, I left 2 messages with their staff on Saturday when the install...stalled.
Thought I'd wait and see how long it'd take them to reply.
By close of business SA time Monday, nothing.
So I called the organisers mobile...message bank.
Called the Perth head office...message bank.
Called the Adelaide office...the organiser situated in Perth answers.
Hi Katie, wheres my Solar?
Oh Im so sorry, Ive spoken to my Manager who wants to call you personally.
Ok, he's had all day but I guess better late than never.
Manager calls, hi, so sorry, had booked a scissor lift through Kennards who didnt deliver, going through a different hire company now.
I didnt tell him my Son works for Kennards and can investigate his claim, I'll leave that card for later.

When next week would you like it completed...
I wouldn't like it completed next week, you postponed mine a week for a previous delay, someone else can wait, be here Thursday.
Oh, ok, Thursday it is.
Now, Saturday cost me $500 in lost income, how yo gonna compensate me?
Umm, let me discuss it with the director and get back to you.
We wait..
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Old 11-02-2025, 03:08 PM   #6438
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I bet there's fine print to cover their rses.
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Old 11-02-2025, 09:04 PM   #6439
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when you tell your stepsisters our mother died ..same day you find the door locks changed coz "we're the executors we have to look after the property" yeah dipsticks...... on your fathers side.
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Old 11-02-2025, 09:10 PM   #6440
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Showing themselves as the scum they are. Sorry for the good people in your mob.
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Old 11-02-2025, 09:48 PM   #6441
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Originally Posted by Citroënbender View Post
Showing themselves as the scum they are. Sorry for the good people in your mob.

Thanks Mr.Bender - that's why the oldest girl was banned from the house - taking what's not theirs..
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Old 12-02-2025, 07:52 AM   #6442
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Originally Posted by mad2 View Post
when you tell your stepsisters our mother died ..same day you find the door locks changed coz "we're the executors we have to look after the property" yeah dipsticks...... on your fathers side.
Hmm, sounds familiar.
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Old 12-02-2025, 08:43 AM   #6443
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Originally Posted by roKWiz View Post
Hmm, sounds familiar.
Yep surprising bad stuff with my older siblings, when my Mum was on her way out......could never have imagined them acting as they did!
I got a Health Directive on Mum. This undermined their bad plans & put myself & younger Bro, in charge of Mums Health & importantly at the time, her accommodation.
Advice.......... plan & research these things ahead of time, just in case!
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Old 12-02-2025, 09:37 AM   #6444
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Went through similar when dad passed, his idiot partner was convinced that despite him being non responsive in hospital, that he'd miraculously get better enough that he'd be able to go back to his nursing home (had dementia, etc)

Funny how when the will was read and she only got his car (by which time had been sold), the rights to live in his house if she wished (sold as well) and I got everything else, she immediately wanted all of his stuff removed from her house or it'd get taken to the dump.....

Nevermind her claiming that despite his dementia being that bad that he was non verbal, she claimed he still wanted to get married....

I'd quote Alf Garnett and call her a silly old moo, but I think thats making an understatement.
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Old 12-02-2025, 10:38 AM   #6445
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They say you never know the true nature of a person until there is a 'Will' on the table.

I feel for you mad2 & others, its hard enough dealing with a loss of a parent as it is than dealing with a sibling that decides to get on their high horse in an attempt to take control.

Ive been all through it before so know first hand of the ordeal you will have to under take to finalise the estate.

For those with parents who are living and are in a capacity to make their own decisions, I highly recommend getting them to seek proper legal advice and get their affairs in order well and truly before its too late. It will save the beneficiaries the headaches of fighting in court if the Last Will and Testament is absolutely clear and legal.

Thats not to say a Will cannot be challenged no matter the levels of protection, it most definitely can, but it will make it a lot more difficult & very very expensive for someone to challenge it if the chance of winning is a lot less than the headaches and legal expenses of going through the process. Parents need to make it abundantly clear of their wishes in that document to help mitigate it being challenged in the first place.

I spent the best part of 18 months in and out of the Supreme Court with my siblings contesting my late fathers Will. I represented myself in court. My other siblings did not and even sought the advice of a Barristers at $800 an hour. By the end of the process, there was a legal expense tally of well over $120k out of a possible $350k estate. The estate never went to trial, this was after mediation and a plethora of legal emails. Had it have gotten to trial, there would be nothing left. One of the siblings wanted to push it there so that no one got a thing. I tried to remain neutral in the entire matter.

This would have to be one of the more trying times in my life. It both broke me and it changed me in a good way.
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Old 12-02-2025, 11:03 AM   #6446
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Default Re: Geez! I hate that!

Originally Posted by blueoval View Post
They say you never know the true nature of a person until there is a 'Will' on the table.

I feel for you mad2 & others, its hard enough dealing with a loss of a parent as it is than dealing with a sibling that decides to get on their high horse in an attempt to take control.

Ive been all through it before so know first hand of the ordeal you will have to under take to finalise the estate.

For those with parents who are living and are in a capacity to make their own decisions, I highly recommend getting them to seek proper legal advice and get their affairs in order well and truly before its too late. It will save the beneficiaries the headaches of fighting in court if the Last Will and Testament is absolutely clear and legal.

Thats not to say a Will cannot be challenged no matter the levels of protection, it most definitely can, but it will make it a lot more difficult & very very expensive for someone to challenge it if the chance of winning is a lot less than the headaches and legal expenses of going through the process. Parents need to make it abundantly clear of their wishes in that document to help mitigate it being challenged in the first place.

I spent the best part of 18 months in and out of the Supreme Court with my siblings contesting my late fathers Will. I represented myself in court. My other siblings did not and even sought the advice of a Barristers at $800 an hour. By the end of the process, there was a legal expense tally of well over $120k out of a possible $350k estate. The estate never went to trial, this was after mediation and a plethora of legal emails. Had it have gotten to trial, there would be nothing left. One of the siblings wanted to push it there so that no one got a thing. I tried to remain neutral in the entire matter.

This would have to be one of the more trying times in my life. It both broke me and it changed me in a good way.
Just remember people, if you decide to go down the route of challenging a will especially using a "no win no fee" type lawyers part of their fine print states...

"if the opposing side offers you a deal they and your lawyer consider fair, you are obliged to take it" even if you don't agree.

If continuing beyond this and you loose the challenge all bets are off and you are responsible for the opposing teams expenses as well as your "free" lawyers team newly negotiated ones.

In my case there was no way forward so I took a lesser deal.
In order that the labour of centuries past may not be in vain during the centuries to come...... D. Diderot 1752

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Old 12-02-2025, 11:19 AM   #6447
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Default Re: Geez! I hate that!

Feeling for those above that had to deal with that crap.
I've seen some ugliness too.

I expect to be dealing with similar when my parents fall off the perch.
There is a family member waiting with open pockets.
I will do my absolute best to make sure only what was intended ends up there.
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Old 12-02-2025, 11:20 AM   #6448
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Default Re: Geez! I hate that!

Originally Posted by ford71V8 View Post
Feeling for those above that had to deal with that crap.
I've seen some ugliness too.

I expect to be dealing with similar when my parents fall off the perch.
There is a family member waiting with open pockets.
I will do my absolute best to make sure only what was intended ends up there.
Be careful particularly of the fine print.
In order that the labour of centuries past may not be in vain during the centuries to come...... D. Diderot 1752

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Old 12-02-2025, 11:29 AM   #6449
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Default Re: Geez! I hate that!

Speaking of which, if you receive a copy of your parents Will that you had no input in but received it from a sibling, please get it looked over by a solicitor straight away. One of my siblings made my father sign a different Will about a month before his passing with very different terms that were egregious and onerous to 1 family member over the rest. The Estate law in SA stated otherwise, hence why another sibling chose to challenge the Will after he had passed. The sibling that had the Will changed never allowed us to sight the new Will till after his passing. When this happened, I knew I was up for a fight but at the time, I was grieving wasn't in the right frame of mind to push it while my dad was alive.
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Old 12-02-2025, 11:50 AM   #6450
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Default Re: Geez! I hate that!

Originally Posted by blueoval View Post
Speaking of which, if you receive a copy of your parents Will that you had no input in but received it from a sibling, please get it looked over by a solicitor straight away. One of my siblings made my father sign a different Will about a month before his passing with very different terms that were egregious and onerous to 1 family member over the rest. The Estate law in SA stated otherwise, hence why another sibling chose to challenge the Will after he had passed. The sibling that had the Will changed never allowed us to sight the new Will till after his passing. When this happened, I knew I was up for a fight but at the time, I was grieving wasn't in the right frame of mind to push it while my dad was alive.
Why are people so greedy, what's wrong with dividing it evenly amongst everyone.

My brother had my mother do a similar thing way back in 2001 without us (myself and other brother) knowing he had done this.
After she passed we were not notified by anyone about this so called "legit" will. He sat on it for the 2 year probate time to pass as he knew myself and other brother were not pushing him on it.
Due to him never leaving home, he assumed therefore to owning the house entirely and had the will signed over to him solely.
My mother, cooked, cleaned, and even opened the gates for him to back out the drive for near on 45 years and refused to except he was using her.

Sad b*rstard.
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