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Old 29-05-2010, 10:53 AM   #1
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Default This guy claims to have the solution to Melbourne's water crisis


A bit of a cheesy, Jeremy Clarkson wanna-be but if all the stuff he says is correct then the Vic gov has some splainin' to do.

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Old 29-05-2010, 11:21 AM   #2
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Oh they have had explaining to do for some time, who knows the reasons for ignoring common sense.
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Old 29-05-2010, 11:58 AM   #3
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I saw this a while ago, and it goes to show how inept our government is.
A fraction of the cost, long-term minimal pollution, and less salt being pumped out...

Oh sorry...that would make sense.
No, let's wee away more of your money to put something up that a lot of you oppose.

Thanks heavens there's an election this year. Mind you, I am more eager to vote Labor out than bring somebody else in. I don't see who else could do any better.

Victorian politics is not at its healthiest.
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Old 29-05-2010, 12:38 PM   #4
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Victorian politics is not at its healthiest.
Show me a state where it is?

The grass isnt greener in any other state im sorry to say...

While we all continue to move to the capitol cities and breed and build massive new suburbs and encourage more people to move into them without thinking about infrastructure then the water crisis in AUSTRALIA will continue.

Brisbane wasted billions on a de-sal plant and a water pipeline to connect all there of their major dams...

Townsvilles damn once boasted a 5yr capacity, it now boasts at most 2yrs worth of water simply because the population has doubled in 20yrs and we havent increased capacity.
You've seen it, you've heard it and your still asking questions??

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Last edited by Jim Goose; 29-05-2010 at 12:43 PM.
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Old 29-05-2010, 01:17 PM   #5
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Dang, every time I try to watch that clip I get distracted by the swimsuit videos on the right.. :(
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Old 29-05-2010, 01:17 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by MAD

A bit of a cheesy, Jeremy Clarkson wanna-be but if all the stuff he says is correct then the Vic gov has some splainin' to do.
The project has very good merit, I disagree with him about wasting water after it would be built. Water restrictions should have stayed in place after the water crisis in the 80's.
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Old 29-05-2010, 02:03 PM   #7
Trevor 57
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What really ****es me off about this whole water thing is that I live north of the Great Dividing Ranges, this inept Government has recently put a pipeline into the Goulburn River near Yea and is pumping water out of the Goulburn system to Melbourne.

1. The Gouldburn river catchment and the areas it runs through are still in the worst drought on record, so they are taking water from the driest part of the State to feed water to one of the wettests parts of the State - Melbourne.

2. The Goulburn river is the mouth of Eildon weir, Eildon is at it lowest levels in 10 - 15 years and has been at these levels continuously for the last 10 years, but the Government is taking water from it.

3. The water that heads down the Goulburn River meets the Murray River at Echuca, the Murray / Darling basin is in absolute crisis, yet the State Government with Peter Garrett approval is diverting water from what would normally end up in the Murray River to Melbourne, how in the hell did they get away with that little gem - some back room deal by Brumby and Rudd to get Victoria to sign on the National Water deal that Howard tried to broker and couldn't, but Rudd did - interesting.

4. The wettest part of Victoria would have to be Gippsland, even as far as Mallacoota in the east, the area down there has been inundated with floods a number of times in the last 10 - 15 year. Why hasn't the inept Victorian Government spent money and built dams down there to supply Melbourne, if they can pipe water over the Great Dividing Range, why can't they pump it along the flat coastline?

I am a Labor voter and I will NOT be voting for this Government this year!!!

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Old 29-05-2010, 06:12 PM   #8
galaxy xr8
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Originally Posted by Big Trev
What really ****es me off about this whole water thing is that I live north of the Great Dividing Ranges, this inept Government has recently put a pipeline into the Goulburn River near Yea and is pumping water out of the Goulburn system to Melbourne.

1. The Gouldburn river catchment and the areas it runs through are still in the worst drought on record, so they are taking water from the driest part of the State to feed water to one of the wettests parts of the State - Melbourne.

2. The Goulburn river is the mouth of Eildon weir, Eildon is at it lowest levels in 10 - 15 years and has been at these levels continuously for the last 10 years, but the Government is taking water from it.

3. The water that heads down the Goulburn River meets the Murray River at Echuca, the Murray / Darling basin is in absolute crisis, yet the State Government with Peter Garrett approval is diverting water from what would normally end up in the Murray River to Melbourne, how in the hell did they get away with that little gem - some back room deal by Brumby and Rudd to get Victoria to sign on the National Water deal that Howard tried to broker and couldn't, but Rudd did - interesting.

4. The wettest part of Victoria would have to be Gippsland, even as far as Mallacoota in the east, the area down there has been inundated with floods a number of times in the last 10 - 15 year. Why hasn't the inept Victorian Government spent money and built dams down there to supply Melbourne, if they can pipe water over the Great Dividing Range, why can't they pump it along the flat coastline?

I am a Labor voter and I will NOT be voting for this Government this year!!!

Too right mate, we have/had the harshest water restriction's around when at the worst time of this ongoing drought but yet Melbourne was still on lower restriction's and still able to water lawn's/garden's and even wash car's, all our water was heading south to keep Melbournians happy while they stole our much needed water,
And then they have the cheek to complain about the cost of living etc going up and wonder why, Water is a huge resource to our Farmer's on the land, and they must try to make a living in this hard time, but as long as the garden's and lawn's look nice and green down in Melb what does that matter............
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Old 29-05-2010, 06:59 PM   #9
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Ahh my Bendigo brother, a person who does not have luxury of living on a river or in hilly country, we are more than happy to share our water with you and our bretheren in Ballarat.

What does that idiot Holding do a week after opening the pipeline from the driest part of the country, he puts Melbourne on Level 1 restriction, using our water to wash cars - thanks Tim, you idiot.
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Old 29-05-2010, 07:19 PM   #10
galaxy xr8
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Originally Posted by Big Trev
Ahh my Bendigo brother, a person who does not have luxury of living on a river or in hilly country, we are more than happy to share our water with you and our bretheren in Ballarat.

What does that idiot Holding do a week after opening the pipeline from the driest part of the country, he puts Melbourne on Level 1 restriction, using our water to wash cars - thanks Tim, you idiot.
Yes make's you wonder that's for sure.
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Old 29-05-2010, 08:27 PM   #11
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Seems like a desent solution no wonder the goverment did not think of it
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Old 29-05-2010, 08:30 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by Big Trev
Ahh my Bendigo brother, a person who does not have luxury of living on a river or in hilly country, we are more than happy to share our water with you and our bretheren in Ballarat.

What does that idiot Holding do a week after opening the pipeline from the driest part of the country, he puts Melbourne on Level 1 restriction, using our water to wash cars - thanks Tim, you idiot.
Yep, cheers for that.

We almost bloody ran out while Melbourne was crying poor because they were down to a 1/3 of capacity.

We were down to 5% ffs.
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Old 29-05-2010, 09:16 PM   #13
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At our worst we were down to 3%.
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Old 29-05-2010, 09:45 PM   #14
YE-US! Wait. I don't know
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What you need to rememner though is that without Melbourne there's no Victoria, and therfore Melbourne is the most important part of the state. *end sarcastic rant*

But then, the other thing that needs to be explained (besides all of the above), is the fact that in a lot of councils if you apply for the rebate for having a water tank installed on your property, the water supplier in the area is then able to charge you for using the water you collect, because it's not water that can run off into their dams, so they can't charge you for it.

Honestly, common sense should come into it, those that actually NEED water should be given water from the areas that don't actually have a huge shortage in comparison.
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Old 29-05-2010, 09:48 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by galaxy xr8
At our worst we were down to 3%.
Damn, that's near on silt showers.
Originally Posted by drew`SEVNT5
nah mate, aussie cars are the besterest and funnerest, nothing beats them, specially a poofy wrong wheel drive
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Old 30-05-2010, 07:38 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by lotski
But then, the other thing that needs to be explained (besides all of the above), is the fact that in a lot of councils if you apply for the rebate for having a water tank installed on your property, the water supplier in the area is then able to charge you for using the water you collect, because it's not water that can run off into their dams, so they can't charge you for it.
I think you will find the tank thing has been overturned
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Old 30-05-2010, 08:11 AM   #17
pottery beige
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lots of water and it can even do this..........

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Old 30-05-2010, 10:25 AM   #18
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Originally Posted by galaxy xr8
Yes make's you wonder that's for sure.
Does make you wonder as melbourne has been on stage 3 for a number of years and cars are not washed, lawns are not watered and gardens can be on selected days and specific hours. You would also find that most here would Not know what the pipe line is all about. So do not know where you have your information from?

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Old 30-05-2010, 10:41 AM   #19
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Yep, we'll do the right things by showering with buckets under us so we can flush the toilet with the caught water, as well as using the kids bath water as the first rinse in the washing machine, then use the washing machine water for the garden....while the decision makers try to make themselves look good by building a desal plant.
Rob water from Country Vic rivers so they can drop their water restrictions in Melbourne, wash their cars (and concrete as some do!) and water their gardens.

Of course, they couldn't put water prices thru the roof if a pipe like this existed. No one will be laughing then.
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Old 30-05-2010, 10:44 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by Auslandau
Does make you wonder as melbourne has been on stage 3 for a number of years and cars are not washed, lawns are not watered and gardens can be on selected days and specific hours. You would also find that most here would Not know what the pipe line is all about. So do not know where you have your information from?
While we were on stage 4 with water that was near on undrinkable due to what was being added to it to make it safe. Gardens couldn't be watered at all and the prospect of trucking water in was very real.

We are still on stage 3.
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nah mate, aussie cars are the besterest and funnerest, nothing beats them, specially a poofy wrong wheel drive
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Old 30-05-2010, 11:25 AM   #21
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Transporting water across State borders will never secure Melbourne's water supply.

The politicians on the other side of the border can always turn off the tap when if suits them politically.

It has little to do with cost or engineering, it's about State politics.

Look at the problems getting the States to agree on what should be done about the Murray-Darling Basin!

Hands up who wants to nationalise water supply
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Old 30-05-2010, 11:30 AM   #22
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and now the vic govt is updating our electricty meters at a cost of 2 billion dollars, for not much reason other than to remotely be able to see whats not working/read meters! A billion up on the budgetted figure! And we have to pay something like an extra $20 a month for a few years for that. Great....

Then theres the transport ticketing system, where it was working fine, but we are paying another 3 billion to update it for no reason?! Why not just have no tickets and have free transport. Be cheaper than that!
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Old 30-05-2010, 12:29 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by Big Trev
What really ****es me off about this whole water thing is that I live north of the Great Dividing Ranges, this inept Government has recently put a pipeline into the Goulburn River near Yea and is pumping water out of the Goulburn system to Melbourne.

1. The Gouldburn river catchment and the areas it runs through are still in the worst drought on record, so they are taking water from the driest part of the State to feed water to one of the wettests parts of the State - Melbourne.

2. The Goulburn river is the mouth of Eildon weir, Eildon is at it lowest levels in 10 - 15 years and has been at these levels continuously for the last 10 years, but the Government is taking water from it.

3. The water that heads down the Goulburn River meets the Murray River at Echuca, the Murray / Darling basin is in absolute crisis, yet the State Government with Peter Garrett approval is diverting water from what would normally end up in the Murray River to Melbourne, how in the hell did they get away with that little gem - some back room deal by Brumby and Rudd to get Victoria to sign on the National Water deal that Howard tried to broker and couldn't, but Rudd did - interesting.

4. The wettest part of Victoria would have to be Gippsland, even as far as Mallacoota in the east, the area down there has been inundated with floods a number of times in the last 10 - 15 year. Why hasn't the inept Victorian Government spent money and built dams down there to supply Melbourne, if they can pipe water over the Great Dividing Range, why can't they pump it along the flat coastline?

I am a Labor voter and I will NOT be voting for this Government this year!!!

I heard some news the other week regarding the pipeline from a guy who services pumps. "Apparently", the pipeline is no longer operational, or if so very limited, as the pumps and pipes are severely damaged. The story goes the contractors working on it's contruction left their welding rods, tables and chairs, rubbish etc inside the pipes and was never cleaned out before it was all switched on. The result was a stuffed pump up near Kinglake or Toolangi somewhere, the bits also ate into the 12m lengths of pipe that from memory were 10 grand each or more?

Not sure how true it is, but the govt will cop it severely if it comes out as being accurate
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Old 30-05-2010, 02:22 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by RG

We are still on stage 3.
Yes and so is Melbourne ..... not level 1 or able to wash cars etc. Always so bad for those in the country while those in the city live the high life. Just nice to be accurate.

But on the subject of piping water from Tassie. Not a bad idea and in the end probably cheaper and less impact that the desalination plant and especially the pipe line. Robbing Peter to pay Paul.

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Old 30-05-2010, 02:46 PM   #25
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I cant remember, was there a mention of the electricity usage of the desal plant? That's just another environmental impact that would not be part of the Tassie pipeline.
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Old 30-05-2010, 04:46 PM   #26
YE-US! Wait. I don't know
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Originally Posted by Big Trev
I think you will find the tank thing has been overturned

Really? I'll get mum to look into it, she was getting uppity about it last week because she wants tanks on her land.
Cheers mate.
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Old 30-05-2010, 05:43 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by Work Horse
Transporting water across State borders will never secure Melbourne's water supply.

The politicians on the other side of the border can always turn off the tap when if suits them politically.

It has little to do with cost or engineering, it's about State politics.

Look at the problems getting the States to agree on what should be done about the Murray-Darling Basin!

Hands up who wants to nationalise water supply

Vic gets electricity from other states, so as long as the money is there they will be happy to provide. Problem is how long before they begin to jack the price up. That's why if this were to happen, I wouldn't want to wasting water.
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Old 30-05-2010, 06:13 PM   #28
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When you think about it, what do water restrictions do? They make what water he have left in the dam last longer, but it doesn't do anything about the lack of water?
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Old 30-05-2010, 10:05 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by vztrt
Vic gets electricity from other states, so as long as the money is there they will be happy to provide. Problem is how long before they begin to jack the price up. That's why if this were to happen, I wouldn't want to wasting water.
Kennett privatised electricity supply in the 90's, it is not the same as water supply which is government owned.

I agree that the price could be jacked up at any time. Imagine election campaigns in Tasmania, every party making big spending promises on the back of how much they will hit up Victorians for the water they sell us.

No thanks.....
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Old 01-06-2010, 09:23 AM   #30
Trevor 57
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Originally Posted by Auslandau
Yes and so is Melbourne ..... not level 1 or able to wash cars etc. Always so bad for those in the country while those in the city live the high life. Just nice to be accurate.
This whole water restrictions issues is laughable.

Firstly, the world has only X amount of water, new water is not manufactured, it falls, it evaporates, it rises, it falls, it evaporates, it rises, etc, etc, etc.

It just so happens that when it falls, it falls in other places than where it is needed, this is called a drought.

After saying what I was saying above, about us being in the driest part of the State, get this! Here is Shepparton we are on Stage 1 water restrictions, that is right Stage 1 - go figure.

But alas, there is a political reason why (of course)

The city of Shepparton, like every farm, gets allocated water from the Goulburn Murray system, this allocation was established many many years ago.

Shepparton is allocated more water than it uses, figures I am hearing is that the City of Shepparton uses the equivilent water to what 6-8 diary farms use when they get ful allocation, now, there are hundreds of dairy farms and orchards around Shepparton, so you can imagine the water allocation (when full water is available to farms)

Farmers are getting about 30% water allocation (when they pay for 100%), City of Shepparton is getting 100% allocation!

A couple of years ago water was selling on the open market for about $1000 per megalitre (million litres)

We were on Stage 3 or 4, I can't remember which, but our local water board sold what water we weren't using on the open market and made a shyte load of money.

There was a huge outcry, this is NOT a water saving measure, this was profiteering at our (and the local farmers) expense, this water could be sold to anyone on the Murray Goulburn system.
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