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Old 27-06-2005, 09:52 AM   #1
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Angry Interstate License Suspension

My Sister in law got a speeding ticket in December in Victoria, for 12km's over the speed limit. She paid the fine, no problems, but has just received a notice in the mail that her SA license has been suspended, since *January*.

Where the hell do the Camera Nazi's in Victoria get off suspending Interstate Licenses and informing the "Victim" 6 months after the fact? If she had been pulled over she would have gotten an automatic 6 months in jail im told.

This has to stop.

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Old 27-06-2005, 10:00 AM   #2
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Originally Posted by sourbastard
Where the hell do the Camera Nazi's in Victoria get off suspending Interstate Licenses and informing the "Victim" 6 months after the fact? If she had been pulled over she would have gotten an automatic 6 months in jail im told.

This has to stop.
That is a load of sh!t!! As if the government can do that sort of thing. No wonder they can afford to build a 260km/h bullet train in between Sydney and Melbourne. There'll be so many people without licences that the public will demand it!

Seriously though, thats ridiculous. 6 months in jail for a MINOR traffic offence is even more crazy. As for informing your sister in law, had she been pulled over in SA after the suspension she would've been in serious trouble, and yet it is VicRoad's responsibility, and would they take the blame? No.

I'm with you mate, this has to stop.
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Old 27-06-2005, 10:00 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by sourbastard
My Sister in law got a speeding ticket in December in Victoria, for 12km's over the speed limit. She paid the fine, no problems, but has just received a notice in the mail that her SA license has been suspended, since *January*.

Where the hell do the Camera Nazi's in Victoria get off suspending Interstate Licenses and informing the "Victim" 6 months after the fact? If she had been pulled over she would have gotten an automatic 6 months in jail im told.

This has to stop.
As far as I am aware it happened a year or so ago when points/fines/etc count in your home state if your convicted elsewhere.
This part here is just a guess though, I think red tape between the two state authorities could cause the long delay. Proves exactly what I have been saying for ages. We need to do away with state road authorities and get a fedral one with one set of rules. At least that way everyone would know exactly where they stand.
Everyone is entitled to my Opinion
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Old 27-06-2005, 10:14 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by PULLY6
No wonder they can afford to build a 260km/h bullet train in between Sydney and Melbourne. There'll be so many people without licences that the public will demand it!
That's just mor Bracks talk about cool vote friendly stuff they will never do. The silly ***** still wont allow a regular train to cross the border without swapping the crew and the railway pies.

The is more chance of an unbiased Tickford/FPV comparo than there is of Brack govt actually undertaking a useful infrastructure project.

Back to the fine suspension thing I dont get it. Vic cannot cancel an interstate license only that state can. Notification of interstate offences is sent to the corresponding state body. Were the SA points near maxxed and this interstate offence tipped it the scales albeit 6 months late.

If Bracks send you a cancellation on his state letterhead attach the appropriate piece of animal excrement and post it back address unknown.

And the ultimate solution to it all is Don't visit Victoria, spend your money in another state! With all those cameras you wont enjoy driving there anyway.

Last edited by RED_EL_XR8; 27-06-2005 at 10:30 AM.
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Old 27-06-2005, 10:19 AM   #5
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No apaprently Transport SA sent the letter, 6 months later, not Adolph Bracks and his Brown Shirts. The 6 months in jail is a possible penalty for driving with a suspended license. I cannot believe though, that a person with an unblemished record, with full points, should lose their license from a single 12kph traffic infringement. It just doesnt add up.

My Sister in law is lodging an appeal ASAP.

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Old 27-06-2005, 10:23 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by RED_EL_XR8
And the ultimate solution to it all is Don't visit Victoria, spend your money in another state! With all those cameras you wont enjoy driving there anyway.
You bet your face I'm going to try not to visit Victoria!

And yes, there does need to be a federal RTA set up, with the same laws Australia-wide. For f*ks sake, Australia's not that big!
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Old 27-06-2005, 11:25 AM   #7
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I know if NSW drivers get caught speed <15km/h over in Canberra they get 3 points instead of 1. Does this mean i would only get 1 point for the same offence seeing as though im licenced in the ACT.
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Old 27-06-2005, 01:23 PM   #8
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I was under the impression that a driver caught speeding in anotehr state was penalised under their home states laws eg. double demerits in sydney might mean a 6point loss there but just the 3 points or whatever in tasmania.

Seems like more and more reason to book myself a licence next time i go overseas
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Old 27-06-2005, 02:06 PM   #9
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It makes more sense to have a nationwide points scheme therefore no state is better off. If not this then i reckon that the penalties should apply for the state that your licenced in not the state yor visiting. But it does work though. There is no way ill do 10ks over in NSW as thats my licence almost gone where as i could do 30ks over in ACT with the same penalty not that i do anyways.
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Old 27-06-2005, 02:45 PM   #10
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i heard in NT they don't have a points system there, they just have bigger fines! does anyone know if this is true?
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Old 27-06-2005, 03:53 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by sourbastard
No apaprently Transport SA sent the letter, 6 months later, not Adolph Bracks and his Brown Shirts. The 6 months in jail is a possible penalty for driving with a suspended license. I cannot believe though, that a person with an unblemished record, with full points, should lose their license from a single 12kph traffic infringement. It just doesnt add up.

My Sister in law is lodging an appeal ASAP.
Paying the fine in the first place was a mistake, it's an admition of guilt. Remember if they are only taking happy snaps and then sending you a fine they have violated our constitution and 'wasn't me, don't know who' is a perfectly reasonable and legal response (just get the shots and see if they include your face, that would suck).

Also you will usually not be persued by interstate authorities over traffic infringements because it's a waste of time and resources.

But then I don't suggest you take the legal advice of a 21yo helpdesk tech! :evil_laug
Speed cameras have changed the things we pay attention to and the things we regard as important. Instead of focusing on the dangers ahead, motorists feel that they have been relieved of responsibility for managing their own driving, and have ceded it instead to the mechanical intervention of the camera and other traffic signals.
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Old 27-06-2005, 05:48 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by Fairmont99
Also you will usually not be persued by interstate authorities over traffic infringements because it's a waste of time and resources.

But then I don't suggest you take the legal advice of a 21yo helpdesk tech! :evil_laug
If you get a fine from interstate and don't pay it, I'd suggest not visiting that state again, as you may get a shock if you are ever pulled over.
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Old 27-06-2005, 06:33 PM   #13
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Haha the "special bracelets" do you think devil???

sourbastard I would be interested to hear why they (Transport SA) think a single 12km/h over, 3 demerit point infringement warrants a loss of license...
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Old 27-06-2005, 06:45 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by sourbastard
My Sister in law got a speeding ticket in December in Victoria, for 12km's over the speed limit. She paid the fine, no problems, but has just received a notice in the mail that her SA license has been suspended, since *January*.
If she paid the fine, why are they after her? I'm confused. Surely it's a screw-up by some pen pusher?
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Old 27-06-2005, 08:32 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by Heeno
i heard in NT they don't have a points system there, they just have bigger fines! does anyone know if this is true?
This is point system as for fines I don't think from memory their any higher than elswhere.
Also the N.T. has a $100.00 on the spot fine for driving with a BAC between .05-.08,once you hit .08 kiss your licence goodbye,usually $600 and six months.

This is how they got around the Feds road funding blackmail,all the other states caved in and went straight to .05.

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Old 27-06-2005, 10:17 PM   #16
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Hmmmm, that's interesting. I was told by a couple of people who should by all rights know what they're talking about, that if you are caught interstate commiting an offence that the fine stands, but a loss of points is not issued.

Off topic a bit, but I also know for certain that at least one state it is policy not to issue parking infringements to interstate vehicles due to tourism. Weird eh?

Good luck with fighting it!
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Old 27-06-2005, 10:38 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by outback_ute
Haha the "special bracelets" do you think devil???

sourbastard I would be interested to hear why they (Transport SA) think a single 12km/h over, 3 demerit point infringement warrants a loss of license...
Here in SA its only :
1 demerit point for <14km roughly $130 fine
2 demerit points maybe for 15-29km roughly $230 fine
4 demerit points for 30-44km
loss of licence and reckless driving etc for 45+
unless its changed in the last 3 months
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Old 28-06-2005, 10:09 AM   #18
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NSW legislation to recognise offences committed by NSW license holders when visiting interstate is virtually new. States will begin passing to each other 'information' about the goings on of visiting drivers. The move to do this has been underway for many years. I note New Zealand sits in on Australian national reform.

The NT, though not (yet) having a points system should not be considered 'easy' by some. NT GovCo is somewhat more 'realistic' though.

NSW recognition of interstate penalty regulations below:- (Issued via a national database).

New Statutory Rule - Road Transport (Driver Licensing) Amendment (Demerit Points) Regulation 2005 (NSW)

The Road Transport (Driver Licensing) Amendment (Demerit Points) Regulation
2005 (NSW) amends the Road Transport (Driver Licensing) Regulation 1999 No. 116 (NSW).

According to the explanatory memorandum, the amending Regulation prescribes two scales for motor vehicle offence demerit points. The first scale is a national schedule of demerit points that applies to similar kinds of offences committed in New South Wales and other states. The second scale is a schedule of demerit points that apply exclusively to offences committed in New South Wales.
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